Disclaimer: I do not own baka and test
Chapter 1 An Idiot's Pain
it was the day of the battle between Class A and Class F, the battle was fierce but in the end Class F had won, even with Akihisa's Iron Bracelet going haywire and Class-F had almost lost because of the accident. But why didn't it feel like victory? Class-F was the winner but Akihisa had been sent to the hospital for what he had done to insure victory for his class. His friends were at the hospital in the waiting room along with Hazuki and the teacher of class-F: Iron Man.
"How could that idiot do that? It was just a Summoner Test War and he goes and gets himself hurt like this. Sure we may have wanted to win but not like this". Yuuji said to everyone.
Everybody was shocked over what happen. They didn't think that this would happen. Himeji and Minami were in both in tears because of what happened. The elevator door opened to reveal Akihisa's older sister walking in to see the others in the waiting area she walked over to them and asked what happen.
"How did this happen to my brother, please tell me." Yuuji was the one who spoke.
"This is all my fault, he's here because of me."
"Please tell me the truth?" asked Akira
Flash Back at the top of school after the Bracelet went haywire
"Akihisa I was so scared I thought I was going to die". Himeji said to Akihisa while hugging him. Since both of them just lived through something horrible.
Akihisa heard two yells and he looked up to see his friends mad at him for some reason.
"Come on Aki its not like she was the only one scared here." Minami said with anger in her voice.
"I still can't get my pants on." Kubo from Class A said while looking angry.
Akihisa helped himself and Himeji up and summoned his avatar and it stood in a fighting stance.
"Well guys let's win this one! We are still in this thing so let's go!"
Himeji and Minami just nodded and ran to where Yuuji was who was talking to Shouko, Yuuji was looking away blushing from a smiling Shouko. Akihisa noticed that Hideyoshii's sister was climbing back up from the rubble, and was behind Yuuji's avatar.
'This is bad, he doesn't see her I really wish I had a better idea then this but as they say I'm nothing but an idiot to them, Well here goes nothing., Akihisa thought.
"This will teach you idiot's to mess with Class-A! Take this!" Yuko said as she ordered her avatar to attack Yuuji's avatar with her lance.
As Yuko said this Yuuji turned around to see her about to strike his avatar but before the hit was made Yuuji's avatar was pushed out of the way by Akihisa's avatar. Who took the attack in his chest he saved his class rep but he took major damage and his score went to zero. But because his avatar was different than others because he was a probationary student, so any damage or pain that his avatar received he would receive as well. Akihisa's avatar had been sliced through the chest bringing his score to zero. But what everyone saw the shocked them a slash appeared on Akihisa's chest as he only yelled in pain grabbing his chest and falling on his knees. He coughed up blood only to feel more pain surge through his body. His friends could only stare at what had happen to him Himeji and Minami ran to his side worried about their crush.
'Dammit I knew this would hurt but not this much.' He thought to himself. "Why are you just standing there you guys? Finish this Yuuji, don't let what I did go to waste dammit!" They only looked at him and nodded Minami only stayed by his side to look after him and do anything to stop the bleeding.
Iron Man ran to his side as well only to pick him up and carry him downstairs.
"Call an ambulance quick we have an injured student!" He yelled.
The ambulance pulled up 5 minutes later, the ambulance arrived to take him to the hospital but before they took him Akihisa told Iron Man to tell his friends a message. Iron Man leaned in to hear the message. Akihisa whispered the message to his teacher before falling unconscious from the lack of blood. After Iron Man heard the message and he let the ambulance take Akihisa to the hospital.
After the match had ended class F had won with what Akihisa had done, No one expected their school idiot to do something like this. After the battle had settled down they were called into the principal's office.
"Well I have called you here because of what happened on the roof. I know some of you might be in shock seeing one of our class mates almost die in front you but I like to say one thing though. Congratulations on beating Class A, Class F and you will be happy to know that you will all be getting new equipment for your victory and will be moved to Class A's old room well they are moved to your old classroom." The Principal said
All of Akihisa's friends were just stunned of what she was saying. did she not care what had happen to one of her student at all?
"I can tell by the look in your face you all think I don't care about him but I do. Do you think I'm heartless for not showing much emotion? Well I'm not. If anyone here is cold its all of you".
"What do you mean us? We are his friends." Yuuji said to the principal
"His friends? What kind friends always call him an idiot for no other reason and always hurt him for some little things he says sometimes. You say you understand him and know him but take a look at this his last test score if you would." The principal said handing them Akihisa's old test score.
"What differences would looking at his last test score make." Yuuji said as he took his friends last test score from the principal. As Yuuji looked at the test that was handed to him and his eyes widen as he looked at his friends last test.
"No way this cant be right... You're kidding right?" asked Yuuji as he continued to stare at the test that was handed to him.
"What's wrong Yuuji?" They all asked
They all looked at the test that Yuuji was holding not believing what they just saw Akihisa's test score. They had to be reading it wrong.
"This is a joke right? You've got to be kidding?" Hideyoshi asked.
"I'm afraid not Akihisa, the so called idiot is a lot smarter then he lets on. He is not really an idiot its just an act of sorts. He has the potential to be in Class A but he chose not to be in it. He could even be the Rep if he applies himself. We even tried to talk him to into going where he belongs but he refused us saying he wont leave the friends." We told him what kind of friends call him an idiot and insult you and don't even like you for acting dumb. He only laughed he told us that if things don't change between his friends he might just go to Class A. so he can be treated right for once in his life." the principal said.
"But why are you telling this now what differences will it make now?" Asked Yuuji
"To be honest I'm hoping you all will let him go, so he go where he belongs in this school like yourself Himeji. You ran into some bad luck in the beginning with you being sick. But if you still don't believe that he is smart then ask the one who taught him Nishimura-san you can come in." The principal said.
Akihisa's friends looked at the door that opened behind them and saw Testsujin walk in.
"You wanted to see me Principal." He said
"Yes I want you to tell Akihisa's friends the truth about your student. She said as she took her seat and waited for his answer.
"I was afraid this would happen but I will." Nishimura said with sadness in his voice.
"Testsujin what's going on here what does she mean you taught Aki?" Minami asked
"Well to tell you everything I have been teaching him since elementary school. I saw him crying one day after he was being picked on by some kids. They had called him an idiot for failing to pass an exam. So when I went to talk to him and he only cried into my shoulder saying he doesn't want to be treated like an idiot anymore he wants to be smarter and have a better life then he does. So he asked me to teach him to get better grades but he still acted the same to get friends that like him for him. So once a week he comes to my house so I can test and tutor him. He has improved very much over the years but when he came here to this school he was applying for Class A, he had finished his test early but he didn't turn it in, he was waiting for everyone to finish first. Before he turned it in but then you got sick Himeji. You all know the rest and what's happen so far." Said Nishimura
"Wait if all this is true then why didn't he tell any of us? I mean, we are his friends after all." Yuuji said
"I think the reason he didn't tell you because he is afraid of being judged again like he was in elementary school. He doesn't want to lose his friends. Before you ask, only a few people know about his secret they are myself the principal and two others one them is your little sister Hazuki, Minami." Said iron man
"Wait my sister knows about Aki? But how?" Minami asked.
"She found out one day after she followed him to my house after they had first met and he also bought her that stuffed fox for her and told her not to tell anyone as a sign of friendship and she agreed."
All of Akihisa's friends looked at Iron Man but he only turned to the principal "I will be leaving I have to go visit my student at the hospital and hope for the best for him." Iron Man said turning to the door and about to leave.
Before he left Yuuji spoke to him.
"Wait you said there is another person who knows his secret who is the last person who knows Akihisa is not an idiot?" Yuuji
"I can't tell you who that person is, its up to him to tell you. By the way Akihisa told me to tell you something before the ambulance took him away he told me to tell you: 'Not bad for an idiot huh?' before passing out from blood loss." Nishimura said.
Iron man then left the room leaving Akihisa's friends to process their friend's words before asking to go visit him. The principal nodded an excused them for the day. They left to the hospital but when they arrived they saw iron man and Hazuki. Sitting in waiting room.
Flash back end
"So that's what happen and how we ended up here and how your brother ended up here as well." Yuuji said.
Akihisa's sister only nodded she was about to say something but the doctor came out of the operating room and walked to the group and spoke.
"I would like you all to know that he is OK and will pull through but barely. Its a good thing he keeps his body in shape if he didn't he would probably would of died. But I like to know how was he slashed with a sword?" the Doctor asked.
Nishimura was the one who spoke. "It happen to him at school during a Summoner Test War. He is a probationary student."
"I see, not another probationary student. Their injuries seem to be getting worse every time they come here. I mean last week he was here for a broken hand and now this? I feel sorry for them."
"What do you mean his been here before." Himeji asked him.
"Well to answer you, I deal with all physically injury's at this hospital but I also take care of other probationary students like him. They are always the ones brought in for being able to feel their avatars pain. The worst I have seen was a kid with a broken arm that he got from the war that was until I saw Akihisa's injuries."
"What kind of injury has my brother gotten from this battles?" Akira asked
"Just this semester not counting this injury and the broken hand he has had a few cuts and the worst I saw was a bent spine and dislocated arm and leg. He came in the hospital in pain but he was also starving that day."
Minami started to feel a little bad she knew that she had done some of the injuries on to Aki. She sometimes got carried away when he ever made fun of her breast size.
"Like I said he will be OK but he can go home to day but he is still weak try to not to get him excited. Understand? Nurse bring him out." the doctor called to a nurse from the operating room.
A nurse brought Akihisa's out on a wheel chair he had bandages around the center of his chest he looked a little pale but he was smiling.
When he spoke what he said shocked them.
"So did we win the battle or did we lose?" Akihisa said with a smile.
But he saw their looks on their face and the way they were looking at him.
"What why are you looking at me like that?" Akihisa asked
He then noticed that Iron Man was with them and he was looking away from him. He took a deep breath and said.
"Well looks like the cats out of the bag and you know how I really am. I guess I have some explaining to do huh guys?"
Here's chapter one of my new story. Tell me what you think where I need improvement and ideas are welcome. I might make this a harem or just leave him Minami and Himeji. I need a beta if want to be my beta pm me if want to be my beta and have ideas. OK I got a few reviews saying I need to check my spelling so I rechecked the first chapter hope you like it. to those who read this i have a new poll please vote.