I don't own Hetalia
1) Dahlia
America held out the flower to his brother, watching as a tanned hand snatched it from his own. He grinned and chose to ignore the unintelligible mumbles coming from the Mexican, wrapping his arms tightly around him. He was on his back four seconds later, laughing as said Mexican stomped away.
Still holding his gift.
2) Father
England, as well as all his brothers, loved their mother dearly. They were, in all definitions, mummy's boys. They been raised solely by her, with the occasional input from other countries (namely Ancient Rome and France. The former hadn't around for long though; a pity the same could not be said of the frog), and England was of the firm belief that he could not have had a better childhood - when one ignored all the occupations of vikings and the bullying he received from his elder brothers.
However, as he watched a little girl run down the streets of Cornwall into a man's arms yelling 'daddy!', he wondered what it would have been like to have had a father.
3) Ship
Spain adored his ships; it was one of the many things he loved about being him. The access to the water, the freedom he was granted that so many other (landlocked) nations weren't. The smell of the sea air, the taste of salt on your lips, the brutal storms that left your life in the hands of mother nature. The ability to visit someone (Romano) without needing to designate and beg a route over land.
His heart raced, and the butterflies in his stomach when he thought of the ocean grew iron wings. This was his life, and it would last forever.
4) Shrine
Japan was not ashamed to admit he still prayed regularly to his nation's gods, specifically Fukurokuju, despite the fact less and less people did nowadays. He was determined never to lose his faith, and so he would not.
He swept away some of the leaves in his path, ensuring the place of worship in the middle of his garden was clear of debris, before carefully kneeling in front of it, clasping his hands together. Sometimes even immortal beings needed guidance.
5) Whisky
Scotland often believed that God had put alcohol on this earth simply so he could escape from his brothers' shenanigans, specifically England's. Right now, the daft sod was trying to regain his old colony, unable to see the boy was no longer a boy. At least he was getting a break from the smaller blond's pestering.
6) Blouse
Prussia hated them.
They made it so difficult to see the really important stuff, and he had often valiantly decided to take it into his own hands and remove the obstacle blinding his vision. It was his calling really, to do such a duty to mankind; he would do it with pride and honour - damn the consequences!
Hungary smashed her frying pan into Prussia's face with a heavy blush as he tried to pull open her shirt at the buttons. Stupid pervert.
7) Friction
Romano blushed as the heat on his back where the other man was touching him increased. A moan had to be suppressed when hips pushed against his own, and he wondered absent-mindedly as he ground back why he wasn't protesting this.
Then he remembered. That ass.
Hell yes.
8) Jellyfish
Portugal often wondered why the Portuguese man-of-war was named after him. After all, they weren't just found in his waters; he had heard from Northern Ireland that some of his people had been stung by one.
Some humans thought it was because the shape of the animal's floats looked like his soldiers' old helmets, but he didn't see the resemblance. Some others thought it was to do with the name of an English ship. Again, he really didn't get it.
Maybe it was something he should just leave alone. He was starting to get a sore head.
9) Lead
As he watched the most beautiful woman he had ever seen walk down the aisle towards him, his chest were heavy like metal, and he had to swallow the lump in his throat. She was so gorgeous he felt delirious that he was allowed to marry her, that he was about to marry her. To cherish her.
None of this showed on his face however, and as Hungary took his hand, she wondered with a lump in her throat if Austria was even capable of love.
10) Mayonnaise
Prussia hated them.
Eggs. Well, not the eggs themselves, but the fact that they were sold to be eaten was too much for him. His love for his beloved pet triumphed over any miniscule craving, so eggs were out of bounds. He could never even contemplate eating something that could be Gilbird's relative. It just wasn't even...
Therefore, he was totally justified in throwing that white gunk that West tried to pass off as edible back in his baby brother's face. Ignoring the outraged screech of an Italian in his ear.
11) Rule
England sighed. He ruled, didn't he? He set rules. Then why were his colonies so bloody useless at following them?
He winced as America and Australia ran screaming wild warrior cries at each other, and rubbed his temples wearily.
12) Salmon
Mmmmm. Japan licked his lips once he was certain he was alone, his pupils going wide as he inhaled that lovely smell and anticipated the fresh, salty taste.
Health was overrated.
13) Blanket
Finland used to hide under laundry. Long, long ago, he used to smother himself in the material, hoping to conceal himself from the taller blond who terrified him. A futile gesture, if Sweden had in fact wished to harm him, but it had made him feel better.
That had changed when one freezing night centuries ago he had felt the solemn man drape a thick cosy blanket over him. This was followed by the man's arm. After a few tense moments, Finland's heart finally settled, and he had a revelation. A revelation about many things, one that kept him up almost the whole night considering and reassembling things he thought he knew.
Finland now knew three things for certain.
One, that Sweden had no idea why he suddenly stopped being afraid of him.
Two, he loved that man, the one who loved him for so long, with all of his heart.
Three, that Sweden to this day believed that his Finn had been asleep the entire time, and had no idea what a wonderful thing his simple actions caused.
14) Cupcake
France stared at the innocent cake with a look so full of hatred it seemed ridiculous to point it at food. England sat on the other side of the table, his head in his hands, eagerly leaning towards the unfortunate taste-tester; oblivious to the snickering America who stood in the doorway to his kitchen.
"Go on! Taste it, it's got to be better now! I fixed the recipe!"
America's malicious laughter grew in volume, and he ignored the vicious glare he received from the suffering Frenchman.
France considered his situation with the air of a condemned man, and whimpered.
15) Discovery
Finland blinked in confusion at the tiny blond toddler who just ran into his legs, and wasn't able to regain his composure before the boy squealed and ran off. His first thought was that the kid is utterly adorable.
His next thought was 'what...?' and he hurried away to where England and France were. He needed to tell them about the child before someone snatched him up!
16) Grandfather
Veneziano wasn't ashamed like his brother to admit he wished his grandfather was still around almost daily. He missed the man's cheery smile, his never ending optimism; an optimism that was present even while the man was dying. He missed the support and protection his grandfather provided without him ever having to say a thing.
That wasn't to say he was without those things, of course. The smile could be filled by France, and the optimism by Spain. The support was filled reluctantly (not really) by his fratello, and the wordless protection by Germany. Veneziano smiled as he thought of all the people who filled the hole left in his heart left by the Empire's death.
He would never, ever be lonely. That was one promise made to him that had been kept no matter what, all though the ages.
He would never, ever again feel true sadness. That had only been broken once, a long time ago. A time he wished to forget.
Overall, he had had a life to be treasured, and Veneziano could honestly say he regretted and wanted for nothing.
He still missed his nonno, though.
17) Jar
Sealand grunted as he strained his arm muscles to their limit, his face beginning to turn red. How on earth was it even possible to squeeze a Nutella jar closed so tight anyway? Shouldn't the plastic lid break under the pressure? The more he thought about it, the more he became angry. He just knew that jerk England had done this on purpose, to keep Sealand out of his chocolate spread. Eyebrows was such a... JERK!
He was concentrating so hard on his effort, that he didn't hear the neat, orderly footsteps behind him. The tap on his shoulder got his attention, though.
"What's this, brat? You can't get in? What a pity."
He turned around and scowled at his arch-nemesis, glaring at the smug looking man. The staring contest soon became intense, and Sealand was trying so hard to win over England and open the spread at the same time that he didn't notice the taller blond peaking curiously over England's shoulder as he walked closer.
Surveying the situation, it all became clear in America's mind.
Sealand was yanked into reality when the tub vanished and reappeared lidless in his hands, the voice of his new hero sounding in his ears; forever imprinting itself in his mind.
"Don't be an ass Iggy, let the kid have some chocolate!"
18) Pansy
No matter how lovely the flower was, England did not appreciate his brothers comparing him to one.
19) Spoon
Russia often wondered how no matter what he did, his little Baltics were still always so afraid of him.
He tried to be nicer and friendlier to them, smiling whenever they passed. But for some reason, they just ran away faster.
He tried to stop drinking vodka; maybe his occasional drunkness spooked them. However, they also seemed scared when he was sober - and to be fair, this was vodka he was talking about giving up. Maybe not.
He tried to stop carrying around his pickaxe; perhaps the sharp edge was the reason. His lead pipe became his new go to object, but it didn't seem to make any difference whatsoever.
It was only when he began to carry around blunt cutlery with absolutely no change in their moods that he decided they were simply frightened people in general. Or maybe it was him personally.
... Probably the former.
20) Tabletop
Belgium often mused over things while her brother went off on his many 'my innocent little sister' rants. They had gotten tiring very quickly, and had become extremely repetitive. It had gotten to the stage where she needed something to think on to remain awake; if she dozed off, she would receive an even longer lecture later on. This she knew from experience.
Today the topic was tables. They had many uses, and the more she thought about it, the more she could list.
They could be used for eating off of, of course. They could be used to perform tasks on, like arts and crafts, designing things, drawing, painting, writing. They could be used to hold things, like ornaments or coffee cups - or as a temporary surface, like if one was moving many things and needed a place to put it. If they were low, they could be used as a makeshift bed, and if one could jump, they could be used as a seat as well.
Belgium blushed slightly as her mind slowly descended into the gutter. They could also be used as a surface on which to... you know...
Like that one time - well, that one night - with Spain... Now that had been fun...
She blushed again but trailed off at the look of sheer horror that had erupted on her usually mellow but irritated elder brother's face.
She let out a gasp when she realised she had been talking aloud.
That was great to write! I'm thinking of doing more, since these were so much fun!
Please review and let me know what you think!