Thank you all for reviewing! This is probably going to be the last chapter. I don't know yet, we'll see how this goes. =D

"What is going on!" Soul yelled. Kid sighed from his position on the couch and Maka nervously laughed while sitting next to him.

"Ummm...don't worry, it's nothing...ha ha," Maka said. Soul looked at them angrily.

"Saying that you hate me isn't nothing, and what's this plan?" Soul asked. Maka sadly opened her mouth to confess, but Kid was quick to come up with an excuse.

"You see, Maka told me that she liked Black Star, so we planned for her to sleep with him, so that she could test the waters, you know. However I have no idea why she hates you. Maybe she just wants a new partner," he said acting as if he had no idea that Maka and Soul were in a relationship. Maka looked at Kid with a 'WTF' look. Soul was looking down. Like an idiot, he trusted Kid even in his position.

"Really?" he asked. Kid nudged Maka. Maka reluctantly nodded. Kid's excuse was better than giving away their whole secret. "Maka I-" Soul cut himself off. He wanted to ask Maka more about it, but he didn't want Kid to know that he and Maka were in a relationship. There was silence until it was unexpectedly interrupted.

"Oh, hey what's with all the upset faces, did Soul find out about your plan to get back at him for screwing you both around," Ragnarok said from Crona's back, who had just opened Kid's bedroom door. Maka and Kid went white.

"What the fuck!" Soul yelled "KID! Why is Crona in your bedroom barely dressed! And what is Ragnarok talking about!" Ragnarok made a 'humph' sound.

"The slutty cat is in there too," he said. Maka turned to Kid.

"So you did sleep with her after all," she whispered. Soul turned to both Maka and Kid.

"Alright, tell me the truth, now!" Soul said.

"Well," Kid said standing up "Crona, Blair, and I have started a book club-"

"I don't want to hear any bull shit," Soul said. Kid turned to Maka. Maka nodded and sighed. Crona sighed then closed the door, and retreated back to Kid's bed.

"Soul, the night after I had sex with Kid, he told me that you were going out with both of us," she said. Soul's eyes got wider. Kid nodded.

"Yep, After I saw you and Maka kissing in the library I still didn't trust you all the way, but when I saw you two together at the beach I knew that you still were with Maka, so I...well...I secretly abused you," he said. Soul felt a little shocked.

"What!" he said. Kid went on.

"After awhile I decided to get back at you emotionally, so I slept with Maka," he said. Maka sighed.

"Yes, and after that, as I said before, Kid told me that you were with both of us. So we made a plan to get you back," she said "So we decided to flirt with everyone at the club, and for me to sleep with Black Star." Soul turned to Kid.

"What?" Kid asked.

"Was doing it with Blair and Crona also part of your plan?" he asked.

"Maybe," Kid said not giving a direct answer. Maka was about to say something about that, but she decided to let it go. Soul sat down taking in all of the information. So they knew the whole time. Now what was he suppose to do? He loved them both so very much. Soul sighed.

"Listen, regardless of what you may think, I love you both with all of my heart, that's why all of this happened. You two are very similar, and that fits me perfectly. I like both guys and girls and having the same person, in both of those genders is just heavenly. I'm very sorry for hurting your feelings. You really did get back at me. I know what it feels like," he said. Maka and Kid looked at each other.

"No, Soul you don't get it," Kid said. Maka nodded.

"Yep. Soul, you're just a player. You don't know what it's like to be lied to over and over again by the person who you trust the most. Infidelity is horrible. We may have been tricking you this whole time, but when the relationship seemed real we never went back on you," Maka said. Soul wasn't sure on what to say. After a moment of silence Soul left the room. Maka sighed. Was that the reaction that she and Kid wanted?

"So, what do you think will happen now?" Kid asked. Maka shrugged.

"Anything I guess," she said. They stayed in silence for a few moments, until Maka broke it saying what was on both of their minds. "Was that right?" she asked. Kid looked down.

"I don't know, I was thinking the same thing," he said. "Maybe we should try to understand things from his point of view." Maka nodded.

"Yea, maybe."

Soul slowly walked to his hotel suite. Did all of that just happen? Soul felt horrible. He knew what he did was wrong, but he couldn't help himself. He loved Maka and Kid equally. There was no way that he could chose one over the other. Soul sighed as he turned the knob on the door. Maybe he needed to see how they felt. As troublesome as the situation was, Soul wanted to make everything better. But not for him. For Maka and for Kid. He knew that they're relationships were no doubt about it over the second that they found out, but that didn't mean that they had to hate each other. Soul went to sit on his bed, but he miscalculated and landed on the floor. He muttered a soft 'ow' then put his hands on the ground behind him to get up. As his hands landed, they brushed against something. Soul immediately turned around and saw the missing presents. Naturally, if the situation wasn't in a madness covered pit then he'd jump for joy, because his back up plan was to give them a piece of chocolate and say he ate the other half because it represents something or another (Dummy Perception) he really couldn't remember. Soul picked up the elegantly wrapped presents and placed them on his bed thinking about how bad he screwed up.

The vacation was over, and it was the day of departure. Soul hadn't talked with Kid or Maka since the incident. Boy were things going to be awkward...

"Bye Fiji! It was nice that a star like ME could visit you!" Black Star yelled making everyone's head hurt. When they got inside the private airplane Black Star immediately sat next to Maka. He smiled at her. "I missed you this morning," he said. Maka nervously smiled.

"I bet," she said looking around then she watched as Kid passed by "Hey Kid!" she called getting out of her seat to go meet him. Black Star watched curiously as she left. 'Does Maka like to sleep around?' he thought.

"Hey, what's going on?" he asked. Maka looked around to make sure no one was listening, then she leaned in.

"I was thinking last night," she said "and I think we're being too harsh on Soul." Kid crossed his arms.

"How?" he asked. Maka pulled him down into a seat that they were standing next to and sat next to him.

"Maybe he's right. You and I are both kind of similar, and since he's bisexual and we were both into him, maybe he couldn't chose," she said. Kid shrugged. "Think about it. I mean, if he would have chosen one of us over the other, don't you think we'd be hating each other now instead of him?" Kid sighed.

"I guess, but I'm not into him anymore," he said. Maka nodded.

"Neither am I, despite what I said he's still a stupid bastard. We just need closure, for the sake of everyone else," she said. Kid nodded.

"Yeah," he said.

It was the next day. Maka and Kid still hadn't talked to Soul since what happened, but soon that was about to change.

Soul tiredly yawned as he woke up and got out of bed. He walked out of his room, and was heading towards the bathroom; however, he saw Maka's door and stopped. He went by it and sighed.

"Look Maka, I know you're still mad at me, I get it. But I miss being at least your friend. Please forgive me. I know what I did was wrong," he said. But there was no answer. "Maka please I'm really really sorry. Please let me make it up to you...Maka...Maka," Soul opened her door only to find her not in her room. Soul groaned. He just poured his heart out to a door.

"Wow Soul, you're pathetic," Maka said with a laugh in her voice as she walked out of the bathroom. Soul looked at her curiously.

"Wait, why do you seem happy?" he asked. Maka playfully rolled her eyes.

"Because I am," she said "What? Are you saying I can't be happy?" she asked laughing a bit. Soul backed away from her.

"M-Maka, you're scaring me," he said. Maka shrugged then pushed him towards the bathroom.

"Go get ready, we have somewhere to go," she said. Soul looked at her, once again he was confused.

"Where?" he asked.

"Just go get ready," she said while pushing him in and closing the door.

"Why are we at Shibusen?" Soul asked as he and Maka walked up the stairs. They whole way he had been asking where they were going, and it was aggravating Maka by the second, maybe forgiving him was a bad idea. Also, the whole way there Soul was confused, he was wondering if Maka had forgave him. He didn't want to ask because he knew it would be awkward, so he took her behavior as a 'yes'. Now all he needed was for Kid to forgive him.

"It's a school day, idiot," Maka said with aggravation clear in her tone. Soul thought for a second, and yes, Maka was right.

"Why didn't you just tell me that?" he asked. Maka sighed.

"Just please, shut up," she said. They had made it to the top step and Black Star, Tsubaki, Kid, and the Thompson sisters came into view.

"You're late," Liz said.

"Tsubaki, we should have came late to attract attention!" Black Star said as he weapon nervously smiled.

"Shut up," Maka said. Soul wasn't paying attention to what was going on, instead he was looking at Kid, who didn't notice. Then he heard Maka's voice but couldn't make out what she was saying. He was just lost in his own thoughts on if Kid had forgave him. Then Kid nodded and said something, but Soul still wasn't paying attention. "Soul!" Maka yelled getting her partner's attention.

"W-What," Soul said getting out of his daze. He looked around and it was just him, Maka, and Kid.

"Weren't you paying attention to what Maka and I were saying?" Kid asked. Soul shook his head. Maka sighed.

"Come on, let's just go," Maka said and her and Kid started walking towards the school.

"Wait, what happened?" Soul called walking fast to catch up to them. Kid sighed.

"We forgave you," he said. Soul had a blank expression on his face, but then he smiled and hugged them both making Kid say 'get off' and Maka say something along the lines of 'maybe we shouldn't have forgave him.'

It was a week later. Everything had settled down and went back to normal. Soul was wondering why Kid and Maka chose to forgive him, but oh well he should have been listening. They were all in Maka's and Soul's apartment, and all of their friends had found out about what happened. Black Star did feel a little used, but he had taken Soul's advise, and was currently going out with Tsubaki. They were all sitting down in the living room, and it was starting to get late. Black Star and Tsubaki left, and Soul remembered something. His sweetheart's day presents. He smiled and went in his room to get them. He had gotten Maka a nook with a pink case, and Kid golden skull rings. He went to the spot that they were last at, and gaped.


I'm so sorry Dummy Perception. I had no idea how to really put it in, being that this last chapter was a bit rushed.

Anyway, thank you all for reviewing and reading. I'd really love to hear what you thought of this story. =D I'm sorry if it got kind of bad after a while, but school started.

Thank you once again, and please review!