I have never disliked Carly more. I would usually say 'Hated', but no-one could ever hate that fun-loving ball of sunshine. Including me. So why do I dislike her so much? She's gone to Yakima, leaving me and the dork alone for 3 weeks. I really do not know how I'm going to survive. Now it wouldn't be that bad if I hadn't of been feeling these Flubadubs.
Yes I really did just say Flubadubs. Most people would call them… Feelings… But I do not. Because Sam Puckett does not have 'feelings' towards the nub, other than hate. And trust me; these feelings are defiantly not hate. They're all tingly… and girly… URG! I hate Flubadubs.
The stupid Flubadubs started around the time that Carly left. Three days back. I had no-one else to go to, so I and the dork started spending way too much time together. We've been everywhere. I guess it's been ok. We've just been acting like best friends, you know? Which I guess we are, kind of. I don't know. I'm a failure when it comes to Flubadubs.
Oh Chiz.
This is going to be a long 2 weeks and 4 days.
I know that Carly would be able to tell me what I'm supposed to do with these Flubadubs, but I bet you 1000 dollars that she'll get the totally wrong idea. So I guess I'm on my own for the moment. With Fredlame. But I'd rather not think about him at the moment. He's the one who caused this!
So right now, I'm just lying on my bed, staring up at the ceiling, doing nothing else. I seriously wish Carly was here. My room is a complete mess. I can't be bothered to tidy it though. That takes effort. Suddenly, my phone starts to play the all too familiar tune – Freddork is calling from his home phone. It's not that he has his own ringtone or anything… Okay. So maybe he does. My phone is smart and can do things like that. I pick it up from my bedside table and put it to my ear.
"What do you want, dork."
"My son is not a 'dork'!"
"My name is Marissa. Oh, I'm regretting this already."
"Regretting what?"
"Well, as you know, my son and I are going on vacation to California tomorrow." Oh, yeah. Forget to mention that to you guys. "And I was wondering if you wanted to come. Since you'll be on your own and everything."
"Seriously Mrs B?" Sweet!
"Yes, there is room in the car, and in the cabin we're staying in. And, I'm sure Freddie would love your company."
"Oh, I'm sure he will."
"You'll need to start packing. We are leaving tomorrow, remember. Will your mum be okay with it?"
"She'll be fine."
"You sure?"
"I'm sure."
"Bye Samantha."
"Bye Crazy!" I hung up the phone.
Well that was unexpected.
I knew that Frednub was going to California tomorrow – he hadn't stopped going on about it. His mum doesn't usually take him anywhere, and he's super excited that now, finally, he can actually get away from his apartment – with his mum there, of course, but that's never going to stop. The unexpected bit was that Crazy had actually invited me to go with them. I thought she hated me! Well, obviously she can't hate me that much. I wonder if Freddie knows yet.
My phone bleeped.
Get packing, Princess Puckett. ;) xx
God, I love it when he calls me that. I just like the way it flows. Not in his nubby voice. A hot guy's voice. But that kind of fails because Freddie is the only one who calls me that. And Freddie is not hot. No way. Never.
I guess I should start packing, though. I quickly text back, and then crawl underneath my bed to retrieve my suitcase. I haven't used this since Japan! Good times…
So, what will I need?
I guess I should start with the basics. If we're going for three weeks, I'm going to need… 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 times 3… 21 days. So 21 outfits? Naaaa. Mrs B can wash, can't she? 15 outfits. Now, It's going to be hot… so shorts and t-shirts… Done! Now, Underwear… socks… Bras… FAT CAKES! Done… SO what else do I need? Straighteners? No point. Makeup? Might as well… Bikini! Of course! We'll go to the beach, right? Pyjamas? 4 pairs. A handbag, Jacket, Sunhat, Money, Deodorant, Toothbrush & Toothpaste, Shampoo, Conditioner, Camera, PearPod, Laptop… I think that might be it!
One thing I'm going to accidentally on purposely forget is these Flubadubs. Because I'm going to have a good time.
So what else do I need to do? I guess I should leave my mum a note, in case she does get back from Vegas in the next three weeks. Which is highly unlikely, but just to be on the safe side, I will leave one. Note done. Now what?
I'm going to call Carly! She picked up right away.
"Hey, Carls."
"What's up?"
"Crazy invited me to go on holiday with her and the dork!"
"Really? That's fantastic!"
"Yeah, three weeks in California with Dorks are always fun times."
"Have you packed?"
"Yes, mum."
"Sam! I was only asking! So, have you got a Bikini?"
"Why is that the most important?"
"Because there will be cute guys!"
"So, is it the right size?"
"Er… Yeah…"
"You don't sound too sure. You need to be surer. Have you tried it on?"
"Chill down!"
"Seriously Sam, try it on."
"You'll be asking me to try on my Bra's next!"
"Do you need to?"
"Just try it on!"
"Have fun!"
"I'll try. Text you!"
"Yeah, yeah. NOW TRY ON THAT DAMN BIKINI!" She hung up.
Well, I guess I should try on my bikini. See? It fits fine! Except for around my… Oh Chiz. I need a new Bikini.
What colour do you think I should get? ;) x
I texted Carly as soon as I got to the store. There were so many to choose from! Not that I care how I look or anything…
Blue. x
Blue? Okay. I search the shop for any nice blue bikinis. There. Try it on? Fits around… them… Nice length of strap. Not too showy. Perfect.
Now I'm all packed and ready to go!
You know, once I get home and put this in my suitcase.
A/N- Here's Chapter one! I hope you guys liked it, and got an insight to the story:) It's all going to be in Sam's POV, I seem to enjoy writing as her, so here we go! I do hope that I kept her in character though...
Please review and tell me how I did:)