''If it weren't for the baby'' Peeta says quietly. There is an uproar, not only does the world now know that I am definitely pregnant they also know about our secret marriage.

After I got back from 12 I realised I had always loved Peeta and now even President Snow couldn't deny it.

I knew the capitol knew because my 6 month swollen belly made it extremely obvious. As we were plunged into darkness I call out for Peeta and sigh in relief as he grabs my hand.

That night I fell asleep peacefully as Peeta hugs me and our baby protectively.

Cinna reminds me he's still betting on me and as I enter the podium I am taken up to my death.

I glare past the intense sunlight absorbing all the little details trying to understand where I was.

I gasp as the baby kicks me hard, I have to ignore the pain. I have to stay alert.

I notice I am surrounded by water, 12 thin strips of land link the isolated island that hosts the cornucopia and the rest of the arena.

I strain my eyes trying to find Peeta. Damn! The golden horn must be blocking him from my view. I feel a pair of eyes bore into me. Brutus is glaring at my lower abdomen. He notices me and as our eyes meet he flashes me a malicious smile.

5...4...3...2...1... gong!

''Ladies and gentlemen let the 75th annual hunger games begin!)

Everything seems to be moving in slow motion. I can't move! I watch in horror as many of the tributes dive into the water but all I do is vomit as I collapse on to my metal plate.

Finnick Odair starts to swim effortlessly towards me. I wonder if this is when I am going to die.

He stretches out his hand.

''Come on Katniss'' The sunlight glimmers on a golden item on his wrist I notice this as Haymitch' s bracelet.

Probably a sign to trust him but I can't bring myself to trust him straight away. Probably a strange motherly instinct. I notice a blonde haired boy also bobbing in and out of the water also clutching Finnick for support.

Peeta! I look at Peeta for reassurance. He nods his head and I grab Finnick hand.

''I can swim you know'' I snap at Finnick. I didn't mean to snap but I couldn't help it.

''Okay Katniss just don't exert yourself'' Peeta says calmly.

When we reach the cornucopia I reach for a bow and a sheath of arrows. I notice there are only weapons and no survival equipment.

When we finally leave the cornucopia and the blood bath. Once again I collapse, well done Katniss you want to protect Peeta but you can't even walk.

Finnick is holding Mags in his arms while Peeta scoops me up.

''Are you okay Katniss'' Peeta whispers he has worried etched over his face. All I can do is nod, he doesn't look convinced.

''Peeta let me walk please''

he place me on the ground so gently I almost forget that I am in the arena then it catches my eye. The rippling square...

''Peeta!'' I scream as he walks straight into the force field. I run over to his lifeless body and put my ear to where I know I will always find the strong and steady beat of his heart instead I find silence.

please review they make me update faster