A/N Hey back with another segment. I'm glad some of you are still interested and are still sending me things. Thanks for sending something in!

"Fact: I turned eighteen before my boyfriend, meaning if I want to buy a pack of smokes I could, and he couldn't."

"The irony of all this is that she doesn't even smoke."

"Right, so I'm gonna buy them for him...As long as he gives me the money for them."

Roderich rolled his eyes. "You're so the best girlfriend ever."

"I know. Anyways, welcome to the 52nd segment of 'Boredom Kills So Send Us Stuff!'"

"If you all can't remember, I'm Roderich and the lovely girl sitting next to me is Elizabeta."

"You know how this goes down, we've been doing it over fifty times. You guys got the questions, we've got the answers." Elizabeta said.

"Today's questions come ADdude, and he or she says,"

Hey, so after you last segment I thought I should have sent you some Doctor Who questions for the anniversary last year since you seem to be fans. Then I thought, why not send them now.

"Oh yes, it's a thing we like to do. Doctor Who is like a Saturday morning thing for us, definitely." Elizabeta said.

Who is your favorite actor to play the Doctor? New Series? Old Series? Overall?

"I personally, can't watch anything in Black and White, it doesn't catch my attention, no matter what it is. Though, I'm sure I would like it." Roderich explained. "However, I like the new series, and over all I love it."

"I can sit through black and white, it's not a big deal. I've seen a little bit of the old series, and I like it, but I prefer the new series as well. Though, overall, who wouldn't like it overall? It's really good." Elizabeta said next.

"As for our favorite actor..."

"David Tennant." They said together.

Favorite Baddie? Why?

Elizabeta thought for a moment. "I think the Daleks are my favorite baddies. They've been around the entire show really, and it's like you can't get rid of them."

"My favorite is the Ood people. They were very deceiving, and I was really surprised by them. Not to mention they were very...odd." Roderich chuckled at his own joke. "But honestly, I think my actual favorite was The Master. He was like, the Doctor's Moriarty. I liked him a lot."

Which monster had scared you the most?

"Okay, I know for a fact that the werewolf in the Tooth and Claw episode was the scariest shit I ever saw. Like seriously, I was sleeping with Roderich for like, a week."

"I think the Weeping Angels are really scary. Well, maybe not scary, but, creepy. You can't look even turn your back for a second."

Elizabeta nodded. "You can't even blink."

"Don't blink."

"Don't even blink."

"Blink, and you're dead."

"Don't look away."

"Don't turn your back."

"And don't blink." They said together.

Would you rather time travel to the past or the future?

"I'd love to see what the world has to offer me in life, so I'm off to the future." Elizabeta said cheerfully.

"I'd rather go to the future as well. Don't want to risk leaving any ripples in the world or anything like that."

Whose your favorite companion?

"I loved Rose like I love Elizabeta." Roderich spoke honestly.

Elizabeta narrowed her eyes at the other. "I liked Amy and Rory. They were a cute couple to me."

Do you accept that the Tardis is the Doctor's wife?

"Well, while Roderich is probably thinking that he would accept Rose as his own wife, I do accept that theory. I mean, no companion stays around forever you know, and the Tardis would be someone he could hold onto. So, yeah."

Doctor who?

"Just...the Doctor." They spoke at the same time.

Do you like K-9?

"I love K-9. He's a good companion to have around."

"I love K-9 too. Maybe he's not as great as Mickey, but I like him. He's cute."

Which is your favorite Doctor?

"Just like a lot of people I'm sure, Ten is definitely our Doctor." Roderich concluded with a nod.

"And it's not that we don't know about nine, or don't like eleven, we just...Ten is our Doctor."

Anyway, thanks for all the answers. Outside your door there should be a Tardis shaped cake and some fish fingers and custard. Enjoy.

"You know, we've actually tried fish fingers and custard. Not that bad." The Hungarian said as she watched Roderich go and get the cake, fish fingers, and custard.

"Oh it's so cute." She said looking at the cake. "Thank you ADdude for sending something in, come back anytime you'd like. As for everyone else, we would still love to hear what you guys have to say. Send us whatever question, request, or problem you have."

"We are very nice people." Roderich said.

"And remember, send in ALL the stuff!" Elizabeta said pumping her fist in the air.

"Until next episode everyone." Roderich said with a small smile.

A/N Remember you guys, you can send in whatever you like, as long as it's human au-friendly. PM your request or whatever. People w/o accounts can review theirs: 3 And see that little box down there? It's to leave a review, so do that too^-^