Disclaimer: I do not own Hunger Games Series. This is the property of Suzanne Collins.
A/N: Ok, this is a bit out of my comfort zone since I'm a Lorien Legacies author but I love the Hunger Games even before the huge hype of the movie and whatnot. Maysilee and Haymitch are my little guilty pleasure couple along with Madge and Gale. These little drabbles are either AU or Canon but mostly AU. I apologize if they seem a bit out of character. Please PM or review if you have any comments or advice.
If Only: collection #1
#1: Tired
"Go to sleep." Haymitch ordered, studying the weary blonde as she walked past him. Maysilee shook her head, clenching her blow pipe tightly in her right hand. He observed her tired form, noting her blue eyes were lacking their usual sharp awareness. The scowl on her face that once looked furious appeared like a mask she couldn't take off. He crossed his arms and frowned as she sluggishly sat down at the base of the tree they were camping at. His District partner hasn't been sleeping for days, barely functioning on a total of five hours of sleep. "You're going to get us killed." He exclaimed relying on his blunt statements to cut into the bone tired girl.
In that instance, Haymitch saw a flicker of the strong girl he knew in District Twelve. Her azure eyes flashed angry as she lifted her chin up, staring up at him. Her scowl held more of a bite he recognized and unwillingly relied on to keep him sane in this hell hole. The Arena hasn't broken her yet. "I'm not tired." She stated. Her voice was hoarse from lack of speaking. Lips cracked from lack of water. He shook his head and slid down beside her. Maysilee opened her mouth for some snappy comment. Any other day, Haymitch would allow it but he cut her off with a steely look.
"Go to sleep." He repeated, tugging her towards him. Maysilee would have resisted but her body was exhausted and his shoulder was comfortable. "I'm not going to kill you. We're allies." Maysilee's eyes blinked slowly, peeking at Haymitch's brooding look and sighed, succumbing to his warmth and words. But for how long? She thought before allowing the bliss darkness to overtake her mind.
#2 Back Alley
"You bastard!" Maysilee's eyebrows furrowed at the sharp shriek from behind the school building. A smirk grew on her face as she heard the sound of hand slapping a cheek. "I never want to see you again, Abernathy!" A Seam girl rushed by her, tears streaming down her cheek as she barely noticed the Town girl. She peeked around the corner, schooling her smug expression for one of pure innocence as she spied Haymitch rubbing his raw cheek.
"Lovers' quarrel?" She asked, walking up to him as she blinked her doe-eyes. Seam's more attractive and intolerable bachelor glared at the candy shop princess as he ran his coal dust fingers down his face, searching for cuts the girl's nails could have caused. "Looks like it's going to leave a mark." Haymitch scowled and glared at her as she stepped closer in her clean uniform.
"Well, who made you an expert?" Haymitch muttered, glancing around, wondering why Maysilee Donner was unescorted by her male companions. The smile on her face slipped into a mischievous one as she stepped closer, extracting his right hand off his sore cheek. Haymitch didn't move to stop her as her soft callous-free hand stoked his cheek, tracking a tiny cut. "Donner…" He warned or maybe groaned at her touch.
"What did you do this time, Abernathy?" She whispered, knowing for sure no one could see her behind the building with him, standing too close to a boy she shouldn't be with. His gray eyes meet her gaze and Maysilee closed her eyes as his hands deliberately gripped her tiny waist, pulling her towards him.
"To tell you the truth, I don't remember…" his lips brushed her ear as he whispered into it, sending shivers down her spine. "Nor care." Maysilee turned to reprimand him but his lips brushed hers and she was a goner, allowing Haymitch to pull her behind the building, out of sight.
#3 Sunrise
Haymitch stared at the dirty curtains that lined his dusty windows, grimacing when a sliver of sunlight shined through the grim. Another day I didn't die. He thought ruefully as he absentmindedly turned away, reaching blindly into the garbage for the reassuring weight of the bottle of white liquor. He closed his eyes as soon as his fingers clenched the neck of the liquid poison and allowed the terrible nightmare rushed back before he could drown them. This was his punishment.
It wasn't her death that haunted him but rather – Maysilee covered her mouth as she tried to silent her laughter. Her bright blue eyes were closed shut as she curled away from him or maybe the cameras watching them. Lithe shoulders shook as she buried her beautiful face into her knees. Haymitch smiled at the dirty girl whose laugh made the world just a little brighter. "Haymitch, stop it!" She said, trying to turn her attractive smile into a stoic frown and failing in every possible way. "I haven't laughed that long in a while…" she confessed as she tucked an unruly lock of her blonde hair away and flashed him one bright smile, only for him. – the happy memories are the ones he wanted to dilute.
#4 Late
When she screamed, he knew it was late but that didn't stop him from rushing to her side, witnessing the candy pink birds fly away after the deed was done. Maysilee Donner laid there with blood flowing from her throat, hands desperately searching for her weapon. Haymitch crouched down, grasping her hands and trying to calm her movement. He gazed into her blue eyes and watched helplessly as her mouth tried to form words without any sounds. He didn't need sounds, already hearing her voice in his head.
Win… Hay-mitch… He nodded his head, fighting back the tears as he watched the life slowly fade away from her vibrant eyes. He was always too late.
#5 Son
"Kane is the baker's son." Haymitch grunted at the girl's comment but kept his eyes trained on the path in front of him, the path towards the Seam. Maysilee smiled – not at him because that was forbidden – and followed the boy, not too close that they appeared together but not exact far enough that he couldn't hear her whispers. "He was only helping me with a few sketches for class. He is an amazing artist."
"I don't care." Haymitch growled; kneeling down to tie his laces even though they were doubled knotted. His fingers masterfully unraveled the thick cord, trying to get the image of the broad blond boy - whose arm was casually draped over Maysilee's shoulder, whose mouth nearly touched her ear as he whispered instructions to her – out of his head. He scowled, half frustrated at the town girl for stirring these emotions in him and half at himself for having emotions. Maysilee continued walking by, barely glancing at him because they're not together. "I really don't care."
Maysilee took a chance as she turned away, looking at him. His words sound like he was trying to convince himself rather than her. But her sharp eyes noticed how his hands clenched the laces like he was strangling a certain baker's neck. She leaned down, tucking a stray piece of her golden hair behind her ear and smiled down at the boy as he looked up at her. "I know because you know I love you."