Recommended listening watch?v=KBtD-LZZoi8

Please enjoy ^^

Silence. Do you know what's it's like to not hear anything…absolutely nothing. Have you ever felt the weight of silence on you? How it burdens your chest….

And as the quiet fills your world, you forget to speak.

I forget... what the birds sound like.

I forget…what my voice used to sound like.

But worst of all I forget…what Feliciano used to sound like.

Ludwig sat on the sterile hospital bed, nearly choking on the unnatural scent of bleach and death. He sat there glaring out the lackluster window, the bright moon peeking between the many misshaped clouds, as his callous hands moving up to his ears for the hundredth time that day…No..still nothing. His shaking hands clenched and unclenched as his expression furrowed into a frown. The alienating silence was unbearable. His blonde hair obscured his eyes, the limp locks messy and dangling over his forehead. And underneath the pale curtain of hair, his eyes reflected a stormy shade of blue as he wished desperately he could hear something..anything. He was so lost in his sorrow he didn't notice the door creaking open, and the hesitating footsteps making their way in. He didn't even look up as he felt a small hand lightly touch his shoulders. He expected a soft voice to ask a concerned question but it never reached his ears. He ripped away from the gentle touch as he was reminded again what was wrong with him.

Feliciano could feel the depressing aura weighing down his shoulders as he entered the whitewashed hospital room. He could see Ludwig gazing out the window and he willed his feet to step closer. His amber eyes softened as he called," Ludwig..are you okay?" He felt his heart tear at the edge when Ludwig didn't even turn around. He called out a bit louder, his voice shaking as he held back tears," Ludwig? Are you okay?" he ended his sentence by drawing closer and placing a trembling hand on the man's shoulder. And when Ludwig ripped away from his touch, Feliciano could feel his heart sinking and the tears welled up in his eyes as he tried to speak again. He started to quietly ramble, his tearful voice cracking in a few places. His feet moved on their own as his mind started to panic, he kept thinking," Ludwig, hates me. He doesn't even want to be touched by me. What am I going to do?" And he ended up standing in front of the German, his eyes looking down and watering as rich brown eyes met cold blue.

Ludwig slowly lifted his head when he saw a pair of feet enter his field of view. His gaze softened as he saw the tearful amber eyes, his hands automatically reaching up to wipe the tears away. Feliciano was always a crybaby; he would tear up at the drop of a pin. Ludwig put on a ghost of a smile as reached out with both hands to pull the smaller Italians down next to him on the bed. He could see Feliciano's lips moving rapidly, but he couldn't hear the soft melodious voice that should have followed. As the mattress leaned down with the added weight next to him, Ludwig felt his heart clench. What would Feliciano think of him, would he leave now becuase he was broken? Because he couldn't protect him the same way anymore? His hand reached out, violently grabbing, pulling the Italian into an embrace, his mind shakened by the thought. His eyes closed as he breathed in Feli's warm scent, and he tried his best to speak the right words," Feliciano…you..would you ever leave me?"

Extra ^^

Feliciano smiled up at him, his grin dazzling. He grabbed the rough German hands and placed them over his ears and his eyes slowly closed as his grin withered down to a light smile. Ludwig could feel a faint blush creeping up his cheeks as Feliciano's lips spoke surely and slowly, his small hands resting on Ludwig's chest," I can hear your heart."

So I was listening to that song and thinking about the drama Can you hear my heart when I decided to write this ficlet...orginally was gonna be usuk but ehh~

So should I write more? Should I write a different pairing? ^^

and I'm so thrilled at the love my stories have been getting ^^ and thank you for the loves. U have convinced me to keep updating my fanfiction account ^^