It's been a year and a half since I've updated this and I deeply apologize. Please take note my writing style has probably altered.

Disclaimer- Don't own anything but my original content. My characters, my planets, my aliens. To quote Vegeta from the TeamFourStar abridged series, "MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE" ;)


"Namek? What the hell is that?" Bulma asked, flicking a stray hair from her eye.

"It's a planet that has not been destroyed by Frieza, and speculatively, may also contain those Dragonballs you spoke of."

Bulma's mouth dropped wide open. She was about to reply excitedly but Sori'ina cut her off.

"Dragonballs? Why the hell would anyone want a dragon's ball?" She scrunched her nose in confusion and disgust.

Bulma stifled her laugh. "No, Sori'ina, that's not a literal term. Dragonballs are these seven magical items. They were scattered all across my planet and if you managed to find them all and summoned the dragon, Shenron, he would grant you three wishes!"

Ki'ilina glanced at Bulma uncertainly, "Wishes?"

"Yeah! Like say you wanted to be able to teleport or be super strong or take over the world, Shenron would give you the ability to do it. He could even bring people back to life!"

The two Trexilian's eyes widened while Vegeta had no reaction, having already heard this. Gathering their attention again, Vegeta continued. "As I was saying, we found files of Frieza's whereabouts when he left the ship for extended periods of time. This was before you arrived, Bulma. Apparently, he'd been searching the galaxies for something, and we think that something may be Dragonballs. If these rumors are true, then we must leave immediately."

"Wait, do we even know where Namek is?" Bulma raised a skeptical blue brow.

Vegeta growled under his breath. Why couldn't the woman just agree with him so they could leave already, damn it! "According to the files, Namek had been one of the planets he was to visit next. Its coordinates are locked into the system."

Bulma nodded in understanding, pumping her fist in the air. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go find the Dragonballs!" She hollered animatedly, Sori'ina copying her action with an even louder yell.


Nearly a day later, a small shuttle was boarded and quickly departed from the main spaceship, which had been renamed Hyperion. The Serenity, Bulma had named it, hurtled toward Namek. She chose the moniker because it was meaningful. Without Frieza, the universe they lived in was peace-time. Flying through space at practically light speed, Bulma stared out the side windows of Serenity in complete awe.

"It's so spectacular! The stars, the bright and colorful nebulas, the vastly different looking planets, the asteroids and comets! My little nerdy scientist heart can't take it!" She gushed, and Ki'ilina laughed from the cockpit.

Bulma turned from the window, joining Ki'ilina and sitting in the other chair. She gazed dreamily out the windshield, the vast darkness of the unknown in front of them. There were countless dials and knobs and other doohickeys on the console, which Bulma dutifully studied. She might need to fly the ship in the event something happened.

Vegeta had chosen his crew well. Herself and Ki'ilina were obvious choices, since he probably trusted them the most, and 'trust' was stretching it. But, he had to make sure there were no secret agents still loyal to Frieza. Hertue would have been one of the members, had he not gone to Magnifica. Sori'ina, much to her disdain, could not come along, as Vegeta saw no legitimate use for her to. He rounded up a few ex-henchmen of Frieza's, who swore on their lives they had no corrupt intentions, that he deemed worthy of strength for extra protection. Though Vegeta was the most powerful being in the universe, he could not defend them all at once, if they were attacked.

Ki'ilina had explained to Bulma the different races they came from, when they entered the ship. She also informed her that sectors did not necessarily mean there were that many different galaxies, nor that many planets.

The first one, was a Tarvonian from Tarsiss in sector KTT82 named Vakkon. His race, were composed of bipedal frog-like humanoids with three fingers and large poisonous spikes on their backs. They were bright yellow, except for the jade green on their limbs, their skin colors warning others of their deadliness. When Bulma asked about the burn marks all over his body, Ki'ilina told her that Tarvonians were notorious for searing their own flesh to demonstrate their bravery and strength. They had no government infrastructure, all Tarvonians doing as they pleased. He continued to wear the armor of Frieza's asserting that it was the best there was.

Next, was Raijek, a feline-like alien from Frixion in sector GHH401. He was quite tall standing on two legs and accentuated by long, slender limbs. Valiri all had dark skin, covered in thick fur, that ranged from pearly white to a deep grey. Frixion's climate was perpetually freezing, and they had adapted to the cold with their warm pelts. Unlike Vakkon, he wore a blue shirt and grey pants. Their ears were pointed and very alert, moving at the slightest noise. Apparently they regarded art very highly and were aristocratic, believing the only true members of their race were high born. Lower class Valiri did not exist to the royal family. If a child was born out of adultery, the babe was slaughtered. Ki'ilina added that Raijek was one of the true blood princes. No wonder he looks like a stuck up jerk, like a true cat. I wonder if he knocks things off of tables? Bulma laughed to herself.

Solarien was probably the most regal looking. He was from the Vasarians, a nearly extinct race of humanoid birds on planet Kaarama in sector SSJ367. Despite having bird-like traits, Bulma thought he was beautiful, and not in a romantic way, of course. Standing at about Ki'ilina's height, he held his head high, which Ki'ilina said they did a lot, as an extremely proud race. Solarien's feathers were a vibrant blue, with golden yellow across his chest. Stripes of white and black ran up and down his arms, legs and head. His crest was a lime green, and his beak a brilliant shade of onyx. His talons were sharp and dangerous, surrounded by a metal gauntlet on his wrists. A red pair of harem pants draped his legs, designed with blue swirling shapes. Seeing as he was a humanoid bird, Bulma asked out loud if he had wings. Solarien had heard her, and unleashed his massive azure appendages from his back, startling Bulma. His wings were incredible, as long as his entire height, a black talon protruding from the top of the wing. There were a few feathers missing, evident of torture and battle. Ki'ilina explained that the Vasarians were brutal and lived for their militaristic lifestyle. Their ruler was chosen by winning mortal combat and could be challenged at any time.

Finally, K'Zaoh was probably the most interesting to look at. While he was not elegant like , his race was something else. The D'Shai were from planet Midaria in sector XKD406. A rare race of amoebic humanoid chameleons, with transparent skin colors ranging all across the color spectrum. They had a ghostly appearance, which aided in their stealthy attacks. The easiest way Bulma could describe him was like a spectral blob. K'Zaoh's skin was a muted blue with streaks of yellow when he was not mimicking others. He only wore a pair of grey shorts that camouflaged as he did. Their race was governed by a democratically elected parliament, which Bulma saw as pretty normal. That was, until Ki'ilina mentioned that they routinely assassinated members of their society whom were deemed dangerous. Even if they were accused just once, they were executed.

Along with the four bodyguards, Vegeta selected an emerald green alien with large elfish ears and antennae popping out of his head to accompany them. Saxofo, he was called, insisted that he was a Namekian, and would gladly translate for Vegeta. Having never seen a Namekian himself, Vegeta had no choice but to allow him to come along, though he vowed to Saxofo that one betrayal would end his life.

The quartet of Vegeta's guards sat at the table in the 'kitchen', playing some sort of game. They laughed and drank a foreign alcoholic beverage, looking infinitely happier to be free of Frieza's tyranny. Bulma wondered if they would forever be grateful to Vegeta. She also pondered if Vegeta knew just how many lives he saved. There had been thousands in the prison, and then who knows how else many. Bulma had overheard freed prisoners discussing possibilities of traveling to planets that Frieza controlled, and rescuing the enslaved. Quite possibly not directly he would save them, but due to his destruction of the vile lizard, he was ultimately responsible. Guessing by the amount of planets they passed every minute, it could well be over trillions of lives.

The Great Prince Vegeta; Savior of the Universe.

Where was that smug bastard anyway? She hadn't seen him since they detached from the Hyperion. She rolled her eyes, he was probably in the make shift gym. Strongest warrior in the entirety of space and he still constantly trained. Old habits were hard to break.

Feeling hungry, she walked over to the kitchen area, greeting the quad of aliens at the table. Bulma opened the food storage system, which was basically a very fancy fridge, and pulled out a strange looking violet fruit with jade fur. It had a rough texture with its firm shell.

"It is called Zuno. The fruit is sweet and juicy. I prefer the skin though," K'Zaoh said to her, grabbing one for himself, and biting into it, revealing a maroon center.

Bulma hesitated, unsure if the Zuno would kill her. There would obviously be things she couldn't eat. Taking a chance, Bulma nibbled on a corner of it, finding it to be exactly as K'Zaoh described. She waited a moment to see if her body reacted, and she was pleasantly surprised to discover nothing wrong. Deciding to keep eating it, she continued on her way.

Bulma turned to the connecting door that led to the main hall. It opened with a swoosh, and she was greeted with a blinding stark white hallway. The first door on her left was the mechanical room, where all of the systems and power sources were operated manually if needed. On her right, a communal lavatory for convenience. She continued down the sparkling white hall, the bright lights guiding her along the grey tile flooring. Taking a right at the end of the hall, she headed for her quarters. If she had gone left, it would have taken her to the gym and the weapons armory. Ahead, there were several doors on both sides of the walkway, flanking the giant crimson double doors at the end. Vegeta's room, she mused. Of course he changed everything about the ship that reminded him of Frieza.

Before they departed, Vegeta insisted and essentially demanded that everything that had been Frieza's was either altered or obliterated. Every wardrobe, the bed, the doors, the bathroom fixtures, where it was the color or or destroyed all together, the ship looked radically different. Instead of shades of purple and tan, navy blue and ruby red replaced them. Vegeta's door had been previously a mauve shade. A new bed and mattress had been fashioned specifically for Vegeta, once he had set the old one ablaze. He'd even gone so far as to paint the entire ship different colors. Its exterior was now pearly white with cobalt wings, the Saiyan emblem emblazoned on the front of the hull. Bulma saw that as logical, though aware that Saiyans had been known for being brutes and ruthless, that might not be a good idea. Inhabitants would think they were invading. Then again, they'd be more welcome than Frieza, right?

Arriving at her door, on the right side of the hall, just before Vegeta's room, she stood in front of the panel next to it. She placed her face in the proper spot in order for the system to recognize her facial features. The machine beeped as it scanned her, beeping again once it confirmed her identity. Each of the ships had been modified to distinguish the new operators of the vehicle. As far as she knew, she was the only one with access to her room, and it had better stay that way.

As her door opened with a whoosh, she heard the sound of another one clicking unlocked. She turned her head to see Vegeta himself exiting his quarters, his crimson cape billowing behind him. Seeing her gaze, Vegeta shot her his trademark smirk. Freshly bathed and shining like a brand new Zeni, he truly looked like a prince now. His skin was darker bronze, which she could only conclude to having proper nutrients in his meals, and she couldn't deny the tanned shade of his skin exceptionally suited him. Vegeta looked so noble and handsome that she couldn't stop the drool that passed her parted lips. Vegeta paused in his step, leaning over to her and pushing her mouth shut with a single finger. Then, with another sly glance, he continued on his way. Regaining her dignity, Bulma shook her head and huffed at his departing back.

"Bastard," she grumbled, wiping the drool away and finally entering her room.

A cold shower was in order, she decided, locking her door's panel, and setting the 'do not disturb' mode. Stripping all of her clothing off and tossing them to the floor, she flipped on the shower screen. Touching her desired settings, the water came rushing out of the fixture and she turned the room's heat up to ensure it didn't get too cold. Bulma stepped into her shower, the cold water falling onto her skin and making her shiver. It was freezing, but she had to get rid of Vegeta's smug grin out of her mind. It only brought back memories of their mating. His sensual touch still haunted her, and even worse, so did Frieza's. Kami, she prayed it would stop soon. Bulma huddled herself into a ball in the base of her shower. Eventually, she upped the temperature and there she sat for a long time.


Time passed slowly on the Serenity, and soon it had been two weeks since they'd begun their journey. Bulma's headaches only persisted to worsen, the Separation Effect taking its toll on her. She started to feel more fatigued than normal a few days ago. Stupid stinking Saiyans, she thought bitterly. All of this was Vegeta's fault. Constant migraines were driving her nuts. Medicine didn't even help. She really did contemplate just having sex with Vegeta again, but why? It wouldn't solve any of their issues. It wasn't going to un-make her his mate. It wasn't going to make Vegeta less of an arrogant prick. And it most certainly was not going to make her feel any less hopelessly in love with him.

So why bother?

At some point during the two weeks mark, Bulma woke with a start. A steady knock on her door caused her to roll out of bed and pull a long t-shirt on over her naked body. Bulma sleepily unlocked the door and it slid open to reveal Solarien behind it. She wiped at her eyes groggily and mid-yawn asked him what was going on.

"We have arrived at Namek," he replied gruffly, and instantaneously walked from whence he came.

Bulma blinked confusedly for a full minute before it hit her. "Oh, shit!"

She quickly shut and re-locked her door, shedding the shirt and hopping in the shower. Bulma made it a very brisk one, in and out in two minutes. She brushed and blew dry her hair with the machine that had been built into her bathroom console. It was quite the creation, too. It dispensed toothpaste, water, a sort of thin fiber that she guessed was for flossing, and much more. Once her hair was satisfactory, she dabbed on a tiny bit of makeup before throwing on her clothes. She was still tugging on her blue jacket by the time she flew out of her quarters.

Bulma hurriedly made her way to the bridge, where she guessed the rest of the crew were, and as soon as the door opened she was greeted with a bright green planet in front of the windshield.

"Amazing!" She exclaimed, clapping her hands together in joy.

"Nice of you to join us, woman." Vegeta sneered from the seat next to Ki'ilina. "Now that everyone's here, we can descend to the surface."

"Wait, I can breathe on Namek right? I mean, without needing an astronaut suit?"

"Namek has a similar atmosphere to Earth. So we will all be able to breathe easily. Even you tiny human." Raijek answered for her, his words coming off as pompous and rude.

Bulma clenched a fist angrily, "Hey listen pal! You're talking to the tiny human that helped Vegeta to become stronger so he could defeat Frieza. Show a little respect! Or do princes on your planet have none?"

Raijek hissed at her, quite literally in fact, showing his sharp teeth. He turned his head up snootily and closed his eyes to shut her out. Next to him, Vakkon laughed raucously, his hands slapping at his chest. His laugh was hoarse and rumbled in his throat.

She smirked at that, walking over to the cockpit. Ki'ilina was currently focused on driving the Serenity to the planet's surface with great concentration. Bulma watched with interest as the black void of space gradually vanished against Namek's atmosphere. Next, they needed to actually touch down on the planet. It was a difficult process, as they had to find a flat area to land. Ten minutes passed. When they had found a suitable spot, the ship plunged to the ground, and slowed as it settled in a cloud of dust.

Finally, they had landed on Namek.

The access hatch slowly folded out with a loud whistle, and they were assaulted with a new world of senses. Bulma could already smell the fresh air around them, the blooming foreign flowers, and the wooden scent of the blue-green trees. She felt a soft breeze blow through the ship's cabin. The climate was comfortably warm she found, which was good. She didn't quite have clothing for cold weather.

She couldn't wait any longer.

Bulma raced off of the ship, glancing around at the new place before them. The vast and open sky was emerald green with pale yellow clouds, the endless patches of lush azure grass. The grass was soft under her feet and the leaves crunched when she accidentally stepped on one. Nearby, she saw a lake, swirling with luxurious water in the same shade of green as the sky. She would have loved to dive in. In the distance, there was a series of perilous and craggy mountains. Namek was absolutely beautiful.

Bulma vaguely remembered hearing the others step off of the Serenity. She didn't remember anything else until they were suddenly surrounded.


Finally on Namek but things aren't looking too good already!

So, multiple things I wanna address. First and foremost, I am so sorry for leaving this story behind in my updating. I forgot how fun Bulma and Vegeta are to write. I'm going to be making an effort to write this story more consistently. No promises. That leads into my next point. For the most part, I was disinterested in writing this story. Up until about...well, last week actually...I hadn't written anything for it. Since the beginning of the year, I've been pretty depressed about a lot of things and I didn't update any of my stories for a bit. Things are looking up for me and I'm coming out of my slump a little. Next, I would like to know opinions on the new aliens introduced. I found them all quite interesting and I hope I'm not the only one. Who can guess which one is my favorite? Do you have your own favorite?

Also, I know some people read out loud, so here's pronunciations for the aliens and their respective planets. FYI, aside from their names, I probably won't mention their planets and races too often, so don't worry about getting them confused xD

Vakkon = Vah-kohn Tarvonians = Sounds exactly as it looks. Tar-von-ians Tarsiss = Tar-sis

Raijek = Sounds exactly as it looks. Valiri = Va-leeri Frixion = Sounds like friction. Fric-shun

Solarien = Sounds exactly as it looks. So-lair-ien Vasarians = Sounds exactly as it looks. Va-sare-ien Kaarama = Ka-rom-a

K'Zaoh = Ka-shao (Think of it with an Asian accent) D'Shai = Da-shy Midaria = Mee-dar-eia

I think that's everything I needed to say. Anyway, sorry again everyone. I would say I'll update soon, but considering depression, I can't give a time period.

I hope you all enjoyed reading!
