Hello everybody this is my first fanfiction so please give constructive comments. I really want to go pro as a writer so I decided to get some practice before I do. So any tips or ideas will be greatly helpful.

One more thing I need some beta readers so if you or someone you know wants to help out give me a shout and let me know.

One more thing I DO NOT own the Teen Titans or anything else that may appear in this fanfic they belong to their original creators, but my oc belongs to me and me alone.

Bold-sound affects


Bold +Italic- conversations in the mind

Now without further delay own with the show, book, or is it…..

Update: I am currently performing editing on all chapters, so if this is your first read please ignore any mistakes they will be fix soon. I will have a new chapter updated soon so hang on. Also please let me know though review or PM if you see any mistakes, that way I can keep an eye out for those same mistakes on my other chapters.

Arc: Becoming a Titan

Ch. 1 The Beginning

"SEAN GET UP IT TIME FOR SCHOOL," yelled my mother, I groaned thinking Great another day in hell.

"GET UP NOW OR YOU WILL NOT GET ANY BREAKFAST." My mother continued her infernal yelling. I sighed and grudgingly got up and perform my daily morning rituals. When I finished I went towards my closet to figure out what I was going to wear for the day. I decided to dress up in a plain white t-shirt, blues jeans, long black sweatbands around my wrist, and plain white shoes. When I was fully dress I look at myself in the mirror that was hanging on the inside door.

My name is Sean Wilson Kirk, but I go by Sean Wilson because that is the name of my father. I am pretty much your averaged sixteen year old male; 5'9" in height, 125lb, long hair black hair that flows past my shoulders; and blue-green with a splash of orange eyes. My parkour training has giving me an acrobatic build. Thanks to my facial attributes I have a girlish look, and thanks to that my entire life has been a complete utter living hell.

I was pick on and bullied with the usual reasons; my looks, not coming from a rich or a highly influential family, a lack of style, (I don't wear any name brand clothing) and of course my personal favorite is that I did not belong to any cliché clicks.

So since day one I was exile by my fellow classmates. And thanks to my exile I never had any friends. Heh funny even the rejects don't talk to me. That's fucked up.

Well whatever who cares about those kinds of things I don't need friends.

Luckily for me I found an outlet for to deal with my pain and sorrow which did not involve blowing up the school, cutting myself up, and/or going on to a killing spree. Thought out the years I have been writing (whether for fanfiction or an actual book series), drawing, and listening to music in order to control my anger. But I digress so let's get back to the story shall we.

I sighed and began to slowly dragged my feet to the dining room to grab some breakfast as if going any slower will delay the inevitable, but as I walk into the kitchen my mother, who is running, around says to me, "No time for anything now, here grab some toast here is some money for lunch now go," while my mom stuff some money and some toast into my hand and ushering me out the door. Not wanting to feel my mother wraith I quickly complied grabbing my keys as I walk out of the house.

Today was your normal Mississippi morning, hot and humid. So I quickly started my car and put the A/C to full blast. Leaving the door open as to let out some of the heat that had built up, while I waited for my car to cool off I leaned against my car eating my toast. Anyway I guess I can tell you about my family life while we are waiting.

My mother gave birth to me when she was station on a military base in Germany working as an Air Force communication engineer. I know very little about my birth father as he disappeared not long after I was born. I was born out of wedlock so I did not receive his family name as my own; instead I received it as my middle name and took my mother's maiden name. My mother never really talk about him that much, and when I would bring him up my mother would just stop whatever she was doing for a minute her face always showing distance and heartbreak. She would then turn to look at me it would like she was trying to say that she was sorry or that she was afraid to tell me something. I eventually stop asking about him for my mother's sake. Four years later my mother married some other military man she was working with. The following year my little sister Rosalina (or Rose) was born. When my mother was well enough to travel we moved back to my step-father's hometown Grenada, Mississippi. Four years later my little brother Matt came into the world.

When my car had cooled down so I got in and left for prison…cough…school. As I pull away from my house I decided to make a quick stop at a local doughnut shop to pick up a better breakfast, I still had about 20 minutes until the first bell rang so I had time, besides the shop is a block away from the school. While I was waiting at the drive-thru for my order, I turn on the CD player on the radio and turned it to the theme song of the Teen Titans Japanese version.

Ah yes the Teen Titans now those guys are my hero's. I mean they are everything I want to be funny, smart, talented, and good looking. The best part is that they use their powers to help people and nobody gives them shit about it. Well unless you consider the villain that they put behind bars, but who cares about what they think right. I was really upset when they cancelled it a few years ago and to throw salt at an open wound they completely stop showing any of the episodes. It is like the show never existed which I find odd because it was pretty popular show. My favorite characters in order are Raven, Cyborg, Starfire, Beast Boy, and Robin. The reason why Raven is my favorite character besides the fact that I find her very attractive, I find her sarcasm to be funny and the fact that she is well educated and very caring of friends even though she puts up an ice queen front. Her choice in tea is good too I tried it myself and I love it. It is little bitter, but if you add a teaspoon of sugar and it's all good.

It has been a couple of years since I have seen the Teen Titans T.V. show and the only things I can remember from the show are Terra's betrayal and Trigons arrival and those details are a bit fuzzy, but I still remember things about the characters like their personalities and such. I hear faint whisper here and there about Trigon saying that he comes and destroys Starfire homeworld Tamaran and also the fact that Raven dies when she becomes the key to the door for Trigon to enter. God I hope that it is not true because personally I think the Raven's been through enough having to keep her emotions in check so that she doesn't go on the rampage, and deal with the fact that her father is supposed to bring the end of the world though her. But then again those are just whispers, and rumors. Whether or not that they are true or not is another story. I just wish I could be there so I can put a stop to Trigon once and for all and prevent the betrayal of Terra, but no amount of wishing, hoping, or dreaming will change anything. Besides I am pretty sure I am not the only person who thinks that, so I am not that special. My feelings for Raven are just a fan boy crush. Right.

After I ate my second breakfast, I drove to school and I pull up into an empty parking spot I grab my black with red trim shoulder pack and got out of my car. Just as I was locking up my car I notice a small flick of motion in front of me I had a good clue what it was so I decided to I look up into the gray skyline and saw a shower of eggs was coming straight at me, with the years of experience of these kinds of attacks and my parkour training I drove to the side to dodge the incoming projectiles. Every egg misses its target and hits the car next to his setting off the car's alarm. I got up smirking at the attempt to "Egg Me" I started to walk towards miniature prison when all of a suddenly a yell screams across campus "WHAT D'E HELL MAN WHY IN D'E WORLD ARE YOU THROWING D'EM EGGS AT." I recognize that annoying heavy southern accent voice as one of my many tormentors Billy Karman. "WELL ITS DAT FUCKING FAGGOT SEAN FAULT FOR MOVING," yelled the leader of the small circle of assholes whose jobs was to make school life a living hell as humanly possible: Ben Tiny, or BT as everybody calls him 'weather by choice or not is another matter all in of itself', he is pretty much your average everyday bully. He is the star quarterback for the football team which naturally made him immune to any trouble, and he is as smart as your average bag of bricks.

Anyway while Ben and Billy where auguring with logic that matches their intelligence level, I snuck into school and towards my locker.

How weird does that sound somebody sneaking into school I mean who does that.

When I was done getting the rest of my books he suddenly felt a giant hand slam me against the green metal locker, I was then spun quickly around grab by front of my shirt and was hoisted up in the air. The big meaty hand that had me hang up in the air belongs to Ben. "Good morning you ass wipe looking fag," said Ben in his rough southern accent his breath clacked with chewing tobacco, he was surrounded by his posy Billy being right behind Ben.

"Good morning to you to Ben," I said though gritting teeth feeling very brave for some reason remarked laughing, "or maybe I should call you Tiny Tim." That remark got me slammed into the lockers hard "Its to you lil' dipshit fag," Ben slammed me into the lockers again, 'Man can this saying anything to me without it ending with the word fag'a voice whispered in my head."Looks like you need to be reminded about your place again fag,"

'I guess not'

I was slammed into the ground, but before I could get up and make my escape, because truthfully I am not much of a fighter (and going up against four football players yea not good odds), a foot was pressed against my back pinning me to the floor. At this point Bill came up front of me and said with an air of a rich man, "Now until my truck gets back from the shop you will be my lil' bitch, you will do what I says when I say it," Ben lifted his foot off of me, "now if you bow before me, kiss my shoes, and beg for my forgiveness I might go easy on you," said Bill smirking with look of victory and satisfaction. I slowly rose to my whole body shaking from the beating that I just took, but also with anger and rage. I was sick of all of it the pranks, the bullying, the continuing beatings that he had to endure since day one of Kindergarten. Enough was enough I may not be a fighter so I probably stood no chance against four guys who pick on the weak on a daily bases on top of football training, but I am going to stand my ground. I stood up and look straight into the eyes of my tormentors and said, "No, I will not."

"What did you say," Ben looked at him laughing in disbelief of what he was hearing. This little weak-ass fagot nerd had just told him no, he could not have that. "Let put in simpler terms for you and your crew's single brain cells heads," I said my voice shaking from all the pain I am putting up with, "I know it going to strain you guys, but please bear with me," I am trying my best not to winch from the pain that I was in, "I am not going to bow down to you, I am not going to be your bitch, and I refuse to be push around by you assholes anymore I am done." Ben put on a sadistic smile obviously he was going to enjoying this, "You got some guts talking to us like that looks like we are going to teach you some manners, and show you were exactly you belong on the food chain. Boys," The group of boys that have circled around Ben this whole time blocking the view from everybody who could be watching, now move to hold me around the arms I looked around watching all of the students walk by not even bothering to try to stop what was happening in fact some were stopping to watch the scene unfold in front of them, "Billy since it was your car that got trash you get the honors of going first," Billy being the star linebacker that he was I for a fact that this was going to hurt really bad, besides being on the top linebackers on the football team he has 250lbs of fat and muscle on him. Billy stood in front of me with his fist pulled back started to swing. Punch after punch landed on my gut it was taking everything I had to hold back Light.

Well while I am getting the beat down of a life time let me explain who Light is. You see I have split personalities and Light is my other persona, and he a fighter. As you can probably guess Light is exact opposite from me. Oh and let's not forget my emotions. For as long as I can remember my emotions, for some odd reason, have decided to give themselves voices and talk constantly trying to get me to do whatever they want. For example my perverted side likes to make raunchy comments trying to push me into doing something perverse. Normally I do not care or I shut them out, but when they start arguing and fighting with each other it gets rather annoying.

It's not easy to quiet the noise, and it makes it very hard to concentrate on I am doing so I have to go somewhere quiet and try to shut them up. Key word is try.


"Saved by the bell," spoke Light in my head, "you know if you would let me out and let me deal with them they will not ever bother you again."

"Damn straight you should let Light out so we can kick some ass or better let me do it."

I sigh, here we go again, "Bravery, shut up, go beat up Pervert, Rage, or something"

"All right," Brave exclaimed excitedly as he ran off somewhere in my mind to beat something or some other emotion….hopefully rage.

"And Light," I continued, "If I let you out to fight them that would accomplish nothing. What would happen is that they will come back with more guys to get even. No, it is better to take it and walk away. Besides how do you know how to fight I mean I only took like what a year of martial arts class. There is no way for me to take on those four assholes. If you are me then you should know that much. Right?"

"Whatever," and with that Light retreated

Damn it he always does that why do I get the feeling he knows something about me that I don't. I thought to myself. One of these days I am going to get truth out of him and shut my emotions up for good. Man I wish I had friends to talk to about this kind of thing.

"Lonely back off"

"Well it true *sniff* *sniff*" Lonely sniffled while he retreated to the back of my mind.

"We'll see you during the summer when there is no school then we will finish this lesson without any interruptions," said Ben with an evil smile bringing me back to the real world. The guys who were holding me released me, and after telling me in great detail, I might add, what each of what they were going to do to me over the summer they left while laughing. Great I have something to look forward to during the summer thank God that nobody knows where I live.

Only one more year of this shit and then I am out of here.

After they had left I pick myself up the crowd had long dissipated. I gathered my belongings and decided for the first time to skip school for the day. School was only in session for three more days so it won't count against me. So with that in mind I headed home to work on some of my drawings and writing, after I tend to my wounds of course.

After a short trip, I reach my house it was quite and empty which is odd. Mom of course had already gone to work, my step-dad leaves at 5 in the morning, and my little brother and sister have already left for school.

What the odd part is that my stepdad's moocher brother was not here. I shrugged it off walking off towards the bathroom to apply first aid, thinking that he went off somewhere to get some cigarettes or booze. Which is a good thing too because I really do not want to deal with him and his drama right now. Do not even get me started on what would happen if I found him and my step-dad's mother here. I shivered thinking on what those two could be planning this time; I just guess assholes run in my stepdad's family.

When I was finished applying first aid, which was not bad considering I was slammed around pretty hard and having Do Ra Me played on my ribs soon after, when I went into my room and pulled out my sketch book and iPod and started working on my character for the fanfiction that I am working on, all it needed was a little color. I pop in my Justin Law earphones and started playing a Skillet song called Hero and started my work.

My character's was standing on small flat circular object that was floating in midair and had his quarter staff fully extended with sparks of lighting circling it. The only thing that this guy is missing is a name. I am kicking a few ideas around, but nothing so far. I do have a description of what he looks like and what his powers are. His powers are lightning base and he can augment his lightning abilities to his equipment and certain body parts. For example he can add lighting to his hands to give his punches a little extra kick, and also to his quarter staff. The staff was a small black cylinder with a switch that he can use to extend one end or both ends, once extended only tips and the base is black while the rest is white. He can also throw lighting with his hands like the emperor in Star Wars, but only in short burst if he does it any longer than 30 seconds the lighting will start to burn his hands. Other than that he is a normal human being i.e. he has the same weaknesses as a human.

He stands about 5'10", one bright ocean blue eye and one crystal white eye, mid back length hair that is a pure black. His outfit consists of all black clothing: combat shirt, trench coat with assassin creed style hood, parkour gloves with light arm guards, pants with knee pads and combat boots that just about mid shin with metal straps on the side and a black face mask that covers from the nose down. I was having some trouble designing his secondary mask that covers his entire face.

After spending an hour or so working on my project still failing at the mask design I look at my digital watch, it read 9:15 am.

Well I guess I could go and practice my parkour till lunch. I thought to my self

I gathered my sketch book and put in my shoulder bag I also replace my school belongings with my writing notebook in case I get an idea for my fanfiction or anything else that might come to my mind while I was training, a first aid kit, and my iPod which I slip into a shock sleeve that I added to my strap which was located at the top of said strap.

I quickly change into my training gear which consists of black shorts, grey UnderAmrour Warp Speed Sleeveless Shirt©, black with white trimming parkour gloves which full covers my hands, and white with red trim running shoes. Now that I was gear up and ready to go I made my way towards my training ground. The training area where I practice my parkour is at an abandon multi building apartment complex which is about a mile away from my house.

When I reach the complex I did some stretches, set my alarm for 11:30 am, and started to play music through my iPod. Once I got into the groove of the music I began my practice session using moves that I had learned over the years, it also help that I played all the Assassins Creed and Mirrors Edge games. After about an hour or so I only made to the second building via the roof and was currently working my down by the fire escape. I was about half-way down when my alarm went off.

Well that was an okay practice need to work on my speed. Well I have all summer to work on it.

I was contemplating on whether I should stay longer and keep practicing, but my stomach voice its opinion. So I jump over the second to last rail hitting the ground rolling keeping my momentum going as I started jogging back home.

Well that was my plan. What I did not count on was the sudden portal opening at my feet about half way home. Fate evidently had other plans for me. The only thing that could be heard was a single word that was uttered from my mouth.

O Shit.

Okay two words.

Well here is hopefully a better version. I will admit English (grammar and spelling wise) is not my strong point it also doesn't help that i have dyslexia. Hopefully i can figure out this Beta reader stuff. (Help would be nice)