***** HERE IS THE FINAL CHAPTER- Thank you all for reading and please let me know what you think. I appreciate every review very much ! A special THANK YOU to Shirik again for the inspiration for this story, I hope you enjoyed where I went with your idea ! *****


He handled the procedure the next day well and slept most of the day.
He woke in the middle of the night and Danny helped him to the restroom. As they were making their way back to the bed Steve suddenly doubled over in pain, as again he was wracked with muscle spasms.

Danny held him tightly as he talked, "Steve...relax babe...ride it out"
Steve spoke haltingly through the pain, "Oh sshitt itt...hhhurts...Daanno"
His body was shaking as Danny continued, "You're about ten steps from the bed, can you make it?"
"Just shuffle your feet partner. I'd carry you but I think that would hurt you even more"
Danny smirked, "Sure you are Superman. Come on, let's get you back to bed"
"Daanny...Thank yyou"
"For what?"
"For bbeing here..."
"Don't be silly, where else would I be?"
"I ccould think of...a llot oof pplaces..."
"Stop talking you big goof. You ready?"


The hospital arranged for Steve to be brought home via ambulance to keep the movement and pain as minimal as possible.

Catherine had to leave two days after he returned home and Danny moved into the McGarrett home to take over the day to day care with the 5-0 team working out of the home. Fortunately, Governor Denning had refused to punish Danny in any way for his attack on George Kaneko.

Steve's recovery went well but it wasn't fast enough for the SEAL. He had four weeks of limited movement and another four weeks before Doctor Seiler would even allow him to set foot in 5-0 Headquarters. Then he was confined to desk work only another three weeks. He was undergoing daily physical therapy and only needed an occasional pain pill. He had stopped taking the muscle relaxants two weeks ago.

The Friday morning before he was due back on regular duty, he called in informing Danny that he would be late coming in.
"Where do you gotta go? Is everything okay?"
"I just have to go somewhere with Doctor Seiler, everything's okay partner. I promise. I'll tell you all about it when I get in"


Half an hour later, Steve and Doctor Blaine Seiler were knocking on the front door of Maria McKnight's home.
She opened the door and after introductions she allowed the men inside offering them coffee.
As they sat in the tiny, cluttered living room Steve glanced at the two little boys, Joey and Miles play in the corner of the room with wrestling figurines as their baby sister clapped and giggled, watching their every move.

Steve turned to Maria, "Ma'am, when I made the agreement with your husband in return for information on his accomplices he told me about Joey and his recent diagnosis of Muscular Dystrophy. I told him that I would see if there was anything I could do for your son to help with his medical treatment. Doctor Seiler works at Hawaii General Hospital and he has some news for you"

"Mrs. McKnight, Commander McGarrett has told me the little information he knows, and I would like to offer my services and that of the Hospital to your son, free of charge. I will provide whatever care, medications and equipment Joey needs for the remainder of his life and the Hospital Administration has agreed to do the same for any hospitalization's he may require"

"Oh my God" She began to cry as the Doctor reached out to take her hand in his. She turned to Steve, "I heard that one of your men was severely injured. Is he okay?"

Steve grinned, "That would be me Ma'am. And I'm fine, fully recovered"
She wiped her tears, "Why? Why are you doing this for us?"
"Your husband made a mistake Mrs. McKnight….."
She interrupted him, "Call me Maria, please Commander"

He continued, "As long as you call me Steve. Maria, I truly believe that Joseph is a good man who made a horrible mistake. Thankfully no one died but he did participate in an armed robbery and he needs to pay for that and serve his time but I had given him my word that I would help Joey"

"But that was before you were injured so horribly"
"He's an innocent child, you're all victims in this. The son should not pay for the sins of the Father. I'm a man of my word Maria. Joseph kept up his end of the bargain and I'm doing the same. There's one other thing Maria and if you're uncomfortable with this just tell me no and I will understand"

"What is it Steve?"
"Your kids are going to be without their Father for seven years. That's a lifetime to a child and as much as I believe that Joseph needs to pay, I hope that you will allow me and my team to help. I would like us to serve like 'big brothers and a big sister' for your kids. A couple times a month I'd like to take them somewhere, make them feel special"

Tears were streaming down her face as she said, "Commander McGarrett, you are an angel on earth"

The men remained for about an hour visiting and the Doctor briefly examined little Joey. They left after hugs and an agreement to talk again soon.

Once back at Headquarters Steve gave his team all the details.
He looked at their smiling faces, "So you guys are all okay with this?"

Chin and Kono both responded yes and Steve turned to Danny, "Danno?"
The blonde detective grinned, "You're on hell of a man McGarrett, a hell of a man"


************** I hope you all enjoyed it ! Thanks for reading and reviewing ! ***************