Hey everyone! This chapter's a bit short and a bit boring at the end, but please, enjoy anyway.

There he was, Eric Cartman. Packing up his Cheesy Poofs, his sodas, his donuts, socks, Snacky Cakes, and all. All in his backpack hanging on the seat of his Big Wheeler on the side of the street. And there he was, Kyle Broflovski. riding up the opposite side of the street on his Big Wheeler, his bag already packed. He halted and Cartman looked over to see Kyle staring at him trying to get his attention. Cartman scowled, "Come to try and stop me," he said angerly putting his Cheesy Poofs in his backpack, "It isn't gonna work." Kyle, with a sad look on his face, looked to the ground. He got off his bike and walked towards Cartman, "I didn't come to stop you. I, I think you're right Cartman," Eric then gave Kyle a surprised look. Kyle then continued, "I want to help you get the Family Guy episode pulled." Cartman was still astonished by this but put a serious face on anyway, "Yeah well, I don't need a partner on this, especially one that doesn't trust," he said with harshness in his voice. Kyle understood but was determined to help Cartman, "Look, Cartman. I don't know what's gotten into you but, I, I think it's pretty amazing. And I think it's real. You have to understand why I didn't believe you before." Cartman turned to finally look at Kyle in the eyes, "Yeah, I do understand Kahl. I've been doing the wrong things for a long time, doing things for my own selfish reasons. I just want to do something right, you know? Just this one time." Kyle was astonished as he heard these unexpected words come from Eric Cartman.

"It's a long trip dude, you're gonna need help. We can try to get the episode pulled together." Listening to the word "together" made Cartman want to smile, but he didn't know why. "You know we might not even make it into the studio," said Cartman with doubt. "I know, but just like you, I feel like I have to try. People can really get hurt, and a joke just isn't worth that," Kyle said with a serious voice. "So what made you change your mind?," Cartman asked. "I got some sound advice, from an old friend," Kyle said with a serious yet passionate voice, that made the two of them smile. This was another act from Eric Cartman, but instead of Kyle's heart being broken, this time, it was Cartman who ended up with a broken heart, 'I really thought he was going to help me. That'd he'd agree with me for once. But no. Like always, he decides to work against me. Put me down again and again. Break my heart. Take it and tear it into a thousand pieces. I can't believe I actually thought that... just for once... we'd be... together.'

Eric awoke from his flashback to find himself standing in front Kyle Broflovski's porch, holding a brochure. The door was closed and Cartman wasn't sure whether anyone was home or not, or why he was there. At that moment it all came back to him. He had a plan to make sure Kyle and him stay friends and to make up for the incident, and a good one too. Cartman, deciding to ignore his flashback and deciding to focus on his great plan instead, rung Kyle's doorbell. Kyle answered the door almost immediately as if he was expecting him. 'He doesn't seem at all surprised or angry to see me, he actually seems, happy? Da fuck?,' Cartman thought. Thinking of this actually made him quite happy. "Hey Cartman!," Kyle greeted joyfully. Cartman smiled at Kyle, "Hey Kahl." Kyle smile went away and was replaced with a questioning look, "What are you doing here?" Cartman's grin grew instead of disappearing like Kyle's, "Why am I here you ask? Why do you think I'm here, Kahl? I'm here to make it all up to you! Why else would I be here? I have an awesome idea, Kahl. Now just look at this awesome shit of awesomeness!," Cartman said while lifting up the brochure in his hand to Kyle's face, "You're gonna have the time of your life Kahl! Just you see and," but Cartman was interrupted when Kyle pulled down the brochure from his face. Kyle smiled as he talked to Cartman with compassion, "Cartman, you don't need to make up for anything. It's fine dude, really! What happened wasn't your fault. I understand you were only trying to make things up to me, when really, you didn't need to that then either. It's fine Cartman. You're fine, and nothing needs to happen to change the way I look at you, because the way I look at you, you're perfect." Eric was so shocked hearing these words from Kyle. Tears of joy filled his eyes. His grin grew once again, "You're perfect too, Kahl. And to celebrate our perfection, let me do this one thing for you, just for once."

"A plane ride together?," Kyle asked with doubt if he could go. The four of them, Kyle, Cartman, and Kyle's parents, were sitting at the dining room table together with the brochure in Kyle's hands. The brochure was of a 50% off plane ride on a float plane from Starks Pond, around South Park, and back. Kyle looked to his parents with a begging look, his reason being that he'd never been on a float plane before... to his parents anyway. His real reason being that this would probably be the best time he's ever spent with Cartman and he wasn't going to waste it. Plus, Cartman had really changed. It was like he was a different person, and Kyle was willing to give this wonderful new friend a second chance. Kyle's mother took the brochure from Kyle's hands and looked at it with Kyle's father, both glanced at each other with unsure looks. Kyle became nervous, but then lifted an eyebrow when Eric smiled at him from across the table. 'Kahl, Kahl, Kahl. You forget, I'm very good when it comes to manipulating people.' Cartman turned to Kyle's parents, "Mr. and Mrs. Broflovski! What do you think? My mother already said yes, it will cause no expense to you, and the plane is 100% secured and safe. So, what's it gonna be?" Mr. and Mrs. Broflovski glanced at Cartman, then at Kyle. "Koyle, are you sure about this?," Sheila asked Kyle with concern. "Yeah, mom. I'm sure," Kyle replied seriously. She took a few minutes of thinking and talking to Gerald to finally say, "Alright." Kyle gave his parents an open mouthed smile, "Yes!" Cartman to once again announce his victory, announced it with eyes closed, a huge grin, and one simple word, "Sweet."

Hey thanks for reading! Sorry no refernce today, maybe next chapter. From reading this you might have an idea of what's going to happen next, but if you don't then I'm not giving you any clues! Anyway I'm going to be doing other fanfics on the side for now on. Most South Park, one Invader Zim. I've decided to make a Styman fanfic where everyone gets alolng in the story since South Park Fanon Wikia is doubting they'll ever be one. I'm also going to make a Kyman fanfic about KFC and a South Park in Wonderland one afterwards. Also check out chibi fanata on youtube in a few days, they'll be some cosplay videos up of my firend and I soon. Again, thanks for reading!