Chapter 15: Meaning of Names and Update

Ho guys! I decided to put down the meaning of the names I used in the story. I'm also putting the meaning of the names of our beloved group. I have an update after the meanings so please read that.

Rossi Family:

David – Hebrew for "beloved"

Erin – Gaelic for "from Ireland"

Alexandra Tatiana – Alexandra is Greek for "defender of the people" and Tatiana is Roman for

"fairy queen"

Hotchner Family:

Aaron – Hebrew for "exalted/strong"

Emily – English for "to strive or to rival or to excel"

Jack – Hebrew for "God is gracious"

Erica Danielle – Erica is English for "always ruler" and Danielle is Hebrew for "God is my


Morgan Family:

Derek – English for "people ruler"

Penelope – Greek for "with a web over her face"

Andrea Christine – Andrea is Italian for "manly" and Christine is English for "follower of


Patricia Faye – Patricia is English for "noble" and Faye is French for "fairy/elf"

Sarah – Hebrew for "princess"

Desiree – French for "desired"

Fran – Latin for "from France or free"

LaMontagne Family:

Will – English for "strong-willed warrior"

Jennifer – English for "fair phantom or white wave"

Henry – German for "ruler of the home"

Justin Christopher – Justin is English for "fair/just" and Christopher is Greek for "Christ-bearer"

Reid Family:

Spencer – English for "butler/steward"

Lila – Persian for "lilac tree"

Mathias Ryan – Mathias is Greek for "gift of God" and Ryan is English for "little king"

Matthew James – Matthew is English for "gift of God" and James is Hebrew for "supplanter"

Alyssa Jane – Alyssa is Greek for "rational" and Jane is English for "God is gracious"


As I mentioned last time, I have some new ideas that I have been finalizing. Fortunately for you guys, I have the entire week off next week so that will give me enough time to start writing. I am thinking of doing either of the following:

Another Criminal Minds story

An NCIS story

A The Big Bang Theory Story

A Glee story

A crossover of any the above

Please feel free to comment on which one you are more interested to read first.

Thank you again for your support in my first stint as a writer. When I published the first chapter, I honestly was not expecting the positive feedback. Of course, there were some negative feedback, but I took them as constructive criticism. After all, I do not claim to be a perfect writer. I know that there were and will be mistakes that I may not always be able to catch. Thank you again for your support. I know that I became really bad regarding updating my story. That will be something that I will definitely rectify for future stories. Other than that, thank you again and I shall see you next time. Until the next story!