DISCLAIMER: Korra doesn't belong to me. How shocking.

Blame for this series of drabbles and short ficlets. Most of the chapters will center around Toph and Lin, but there'll be other people popping in and out as well.

This first one is very loosely based on the part in Deathly Hallows where Harry uses the Resurrection Stone.

Hope you enjoy!

"Whatever happens to me, don't turn back!"

The moment Lin said those words, she knew she was going to lose her bending. She made the choice to save the world's last airbenders, and regret is the last thing she feels. But now, tied up and trapped in the airship, her entire body trembles in pure terror. Lin shuts her eyes; years of self-discipline are the only things keeping her tears locked away. Unbidden she thinks of Toph; thinks of how her mother swore to be there always and protect her little girl. Oh, Mom, I need you.

"I'm right here, kiddo." Lin's eyes fly open in shock; and there is Toph, crouching in front of Lin with a sad smile on her face. "You've done brilliantly, little badgermole; you've been so brave and I'm so damn proud of you." She lifts a hand, and Lin leans forward slightly so that Toph is cupping her daughter's cheek.

"Mom, I'm afraid," Lin croaks, unable to even attempt keeping the grief out of her voice—and she still has her bending; how bad will it be when Amon finally takes it? "If I lose my bending…I lose you." She can barely force the words out. The day Toph died was the worst of Lin's life, and the only thing that kept her sane was the connection between them that earthbending had built. To lose her mother now would suck the last remaining reasons for living out of her existence.

"That's a bunch of bullshit," Toph growls, yanking Lin down into her arms. "I'll never leave you, pipsqueak, not ever. Got that? Nothing will take me away from you."

Lin lets out a sob and buries her face against Toph's chest. "Stay with me," she begs. She is breaking, shattering into pieces, and although a part of her hates herself, it feels so damn liberating. Always Lin is strong, never faltering or letting her armor crack, and she is tired—she can't do it anymore. "Please. I….I can't go through this alone."

"Always," Toph says softly, giving her daughter a tender kiss on the forehead. "I told you before, Lin, I'm not leaving you."

The younger metalbender lies limply against her mother until the airship lands. As the chi-blockers come for her, Lin takes a deep breath, raises her chin and spits at them. Toph smirks in approval, padding alongside Lin as she is dragged out of the ship and into the pouring night. When she is forced to her knees, the nauseating fear comes rushing back, and for one insane moment she actually considers betraying Korra. But then Toph shakes her head and snarls "No way in hell, Lin. You tell him no."

"I won't tell you ANYTHING, you monster," Lin growls, feeling a rush of fury and hatred for this masked man. As Amon steps behind her, Toph kneels and pulls Lin into her arms.

"That's my girl," she says softly, and then the world goes silent.