"H-Hello? Anyone here?" Jia asked nervously, trying to find her way out of the dark expanse she was in. Looking over, she saw the only area with light was a few feet away and ran towards it, tripping over something in the way. Looking back to see what it was, she found a blood stained Black Ranger helmet, illuminated by what little light she had, and tossed it away with a startled squeak.
"Scott? Come on, this isn't funny," she called out, reaching around the ground to make sure there wasn't anything else for her to fall over and pulling back two more helmets in similar conditions, these blue and yellow. Not caring about tripping over anything anymore, Jia ran as fast as she could for the little bit of light that she could find. It wasn't until she reached it that she realized she still had no idea where she actually was.
"J-Jia? Is that you?" a familiar voice asked from behind her. Turning slowly, she saw Ian lying on the ground morphed, though his helmet was nowhere to be found.
"Ian! Quick! We need to find the others! I think something might have happened to them," the pink ranger said, stepping forward but freezing as she saw the puddle of blood surrounding her friend.
"Why didn't you help us?" Ian asked, coughing as he spoke, the sound of blades striking metal behind the two of them.
"I-I'm sorry. I didn't know. I would never leave you guys," Jia said, the sound getting closer every second.
"You did. This was all your fault. Why weren't you there?" the red ranger replied. Turning to see what the source of the noise was, Jia saw a small squadron of Keltrons heading her way, slashing their blade hands against the other as they approached.
"N-No! Go away! Just leave me alone!" Jia said, reaching for her Satella Morpher, only to realize with horror that it was missing.
"No!" she shouted, jolting awake as someone knocked on her door. "Who is it?"
"Are you alright?" her mother asked from outside the door.
"I'm fine. Just fell out of bed," Jia called back with a sigh, putting her glasses on as she looked at the clock beside her bed. She didn't need to be up for another hour, but there was no way she could sleep if that was what she would have to go through.
"Did you have a nightmare again?" her mother asked as she walked out of her room.
"Mom, it's fine. I just fell. Go back to sleep," the Chinese girl said with a sigh. Reluctantly, her mother went back to her own room. Looking down at her wrist, Jia panicked for a moment when she realized her Satella Morpher had gone missing before remembering it had been lying beside her clock. Smacking herself in the forehead, she let out a groan. "Why do I get the feeling that this is going to be a bad day?" she asked.
"Do this Mechanus, do that Mechanus," the mechanic said with a sigh as Keltrons ran about the foundry in an attempt to make themselves useful. "And nobody cares about who actually does the work, just wants it done. Oh, I swear, one of these day, I'll…I'll…"
"You'll what?" Inti asked, shocking Mechanus into awareness.
"General Inti! What are you doing here?" Mechanus asked, quickly making a clumsy salute.
"I wanted to see how the construction is coming. I'm sure Lord Helios would be most interested in what you have to say about your workload."
"N-No need, no need. I have the new war machine all ready, I'm just waiting for the core to be ready," Mechanus said, indicating the large furnace beside him and a new monster resting powerless. Even lying on it's back motionless, it was clearly large, standing at about seven feet tall with a tiki-like body and head, along with short arms and legs sticking out of it's sides. Its entire body was decorated with various dull symbols. "I call him Babel. Once he's online, we can use his talents to make the rangers powerless to stop us."
"I don't care what his name is! Is he more durable than your last one?"
"Y-Yes sir General! Though he is a bit less maneuverable and he used up most of the metal I have, I think this one can be a success."
"Fine. I'll prepare the Keltrons while you finish your tinkering," Inti said, turning to leave. "And don't keep Lord Helios waiting. He's already furious as it is."
Satisfied that she was ready for school, Jia headed next door to Ian's house and rang the doorbell. She still had some problems finding her way around Southview and Ian had volunteered to walk to school with her until she got used to the town, being the closest one to her. "On my way," the red ranger's voice called as he ran out the door to meet her.
"Um…Ian? Why are you wearing that?" Jia asked, indicating the Satella jacket he was wearing as the two of them walked to school.
"What? I like it," Ian said happily.
"I know, but you don't think it's a little suspicious? It does have that symbol on it and the only other people with it are the Power Rangers," the pink ranger said with a sigh.
"Relax, nobody will notice."
"Ian, I'm just trying to look out for you."
"And I'm just saying you don't have to. I can handle myself," Ian said, Jia pouting unhappily as she kicked at a rock. "So, how are you adjusting so far? Everything okay?"
"Just fine," Jia said, deciding not to tell him about her dream. Worst-case scenario, it was just stress infecting her dreams.
"You're making friends, right?"
"Of course I am. I have four already."
"Besides me and the other rangers."
"Look, I'm just not a people person, okay? Let's just not talk about it right now," Jia replied with a sigh while Ian laughed.
"Relax, it's okay. Let's just get to class."
Settling down into class, Jia looked around her for someone she could make friends with. There was still some time before class actually started, so they're weren't many people there and the ones who where were either working on last minute work, getting in some sleep before the teacher arrived, absorbed in talking with their own friends or…Sophie, who was busy tearing apart pieces of paper to organizing the pieces on the table. With a sigh, Jia realized this wasn't going to be easy. She came in during the middle of the year, when everybody had already formed their own groups. She only had the friends she had because she was a Power Ranger, and that was more luck then anything else. Just as she was thinking over what to do, her Satella Morpher blared out a loud alarm, the same sound coming from Sophie's own morpher. "What is it Zia?" the pink ranger said, hissing into her morpher.
"A squad of Keltrons is about to storm your school. Go deal with them before they get too far," she said simply.
"I can't go now! Class is about to start!"
"Inaccurate. Your first class of the day does not start for another fifteen minutes. More then enough time to deal with Keltrons."
"…Fine, I'll go. Just promise me you won't call during class. Especially not so loud," Jia said, but the connection was already gone. Looking around, she saw that people were staring at her strangely. Chuckling nervously, she got up and ran out of the room, Sophie behind her. "Great, now I'm the crazy girl who talks to her watch."
"Relax! People think I'm crazy sometimes and I turned out fine," Sophie said cheerfully as she skipped towards the school entrance. Following along behind her, the pink ranger morphed as soon as she got out, Sophie following suit as they faced off against the Keltrons.
"Okay Sophie, stay together and cover me until the others get here," Jia said as Sophie ran off towards the mechanical foot soldiers, firing away with her Satella Blaster as she did. With a sigh, Jia drew her own and took aim at some of the advancing Keltrons. The two girls managed to hold them off well enough for a few minutes, but more were continuously being sent down and managed to overwhelm Jia quickly. "Sophie! A little help!" the pink ranger called, but her friend was busy with her own fight, though she was having a lot more success. One Keltron got close enough to swat the Satella Blaster out of her hand, the rest of them approaching her threateningly.
Before any of them could act, the three closest to her were shot as the rest of the rangers joined them. "You okay Jia?" Ian asked, firing shots at the crowd of Keltron surrounding her.
"Y-Yeah, I'm fine," Jia said with a sigh as she tried to find her Satella Blaster while the rest of the rangers continued fighting the Keltrons. By the time she retrieved it, the danger was dealt with for the most part and there was nothing left for her to do.
"That's it? Just a bunch of Keltrons?" Scott asked, kicking at a downed Keltron.
"You want to deal with something more right now?" Matt replied, demorphing and looking over the battle scene.
"Good thing you got here just now. Jia was almost done for," Sophie said cheerfully, placing a hand on the pink ranger's shoulder.
"Um…yeah. I guess I was," Jia said with a sigh as she stared at the ground. "I think I should get going now. I have class to get to," she added, running off before any of the other rangers could ask any questions.
After school, Jia buried her head into her pillow with a deep sigh. "What's the point of having this thing if I need to be saved all the time?" she asked herself, looking at her Satella Morpher. As she did, it beeped once before generating a small hologram of Zia.
"Rangers. I need you to do something for me," she said, lookingup at Jia.
"Zia, how are you here?" the pink ranger asked curiously, passing her hand through the hologram.
"I have been experimenting with the connection between your Satella Morphers and the Zephyr. That isn't important right now. I need you to investigate something for me. Sending coordinates to the Satella Morphers now," Zia said, the Satella Morpher glowing for a brief second. Getting out of bed, the pink ranger dropped to the ground in shock as an alarm began sounding immediately after.
"Helios has sent down a new monster. I need four of you go after it while the last goes to investigate," Zia said simply, generating her hologram again.
"Can't this wait until AFTER monster attacks?" Jia asked with a sigh.
"Negative. If my calculations are correct, this investigation could prove to be important and must be dealt with swiftly," Zia responded, disappearing once again.
"So who's going?" Sophie asked over her own morpher.
"You guys need me. I'm not wasting my time going out looking for whatever it is she wants," Scott said.
"Whoever it is, they need to be back fast. The sooner this is done, the sooner we get our reinforcements," Matt added.
"I'll go," Jia said with a sad sigh.
"You sure Jia? You could end up getting lost," Ian asked the pink ranger cautiously.
"I'll be fine. Just go. You'll be better off on your own," Jia said, cutting the connection once the rest of the rangers agreed to it. "Okay, time to head out," she said to herself.
Twirling a pair of metallic blades around his hands, Babel gleefully ran through the streets of Southview striking at anything that got in his way, the symbols decorating his body glowing white. "That's it humans! Run away! Don't let me get you!" he said, laughing cheerfully before being shot in the back. "What the? Nobody told me about any mosquitos!" he roared, turning to face the four Satella Rangers.
"And I thought all you gear heads were going to be boring to deal with," Scott said, twirling his Satella Blaster before taking another shot at the monster. Like the last barrage, it barely did anything, just scorching the metal of the machine.
"Hey watch it! I just got this paint job and I don't need you rangers messing it up!" Babel said, angrily charging at the rangers. Despite their best attempts, his body proved to be too dense for them to do much.
"Guys! Aim for the core!" Ian called to the rest of the rangers.
"What do you think we're doing red?" Scott asked irritably, firing a blast that was deflected by one of Babel's swords.
"This isn't working," Sophie said, getting knocked back as Babel charged into her.
"Got that right rangers. But I'm a good sport. How about a free shot?" he said laughing, puffing out his chest with pride. Taking their chance with caution, the rangers aimed at Babel, hoping that at least one of them would manage to make a shot that would at least make some sort of wound on the metal giant. Taking shots at him, the rangers were shocked when they didn't manage to do much more than almost tip him over, though he quickly managed to right himself.
"Whoa, that was almost too much. Hope you don't mind if I cut this a little short," Babel cackled happily, the symbols around his body glowing even brighter before four of them flew towards the rangers, knocking them out and de-morphing them. "There we go! Now I can get back to business!" he said as he went back to causing havoc.
"Okay Jia. You aren't lost. You just…have no idea where you're going," the pink ranger said with a sigh as she wandered through the outskirts of town. She hadn't been able to find anything yet and was beginning to wonder if there was actually anything out here. "Zia, are you sure that there's anything down here?"
"Affirmative. You must hurry. The rangers are having difficulty dealing with this threat."
"What am I even looking for anyway?" Jia asked before noticing the light of the sun reflecting off of something nearby. Running towards it, she saw that the object was a large silver rocket with a grey Satella logo on it. "Never mind. I think I found it."
"Good. There should be a control panel on it. Press your Satella Morpher to it and it will return to the Zephyr. Then I need you to go aid the others."
"Okay, okay. I'm doing it," Jia said, locating the control panel and doing as she was instructed. At once, the Satella logo glowed pink and launched off into space, the pink ranger running away to avoid being caught in the flames from take off. "What was that?"
"We have more important issues. Return to town immediately."
The scene that Jia returned to was pure chaos, people running in a panic everywhere she looked. Taking a moment to morph away from the crowd, she was immediately pulled aside by a panicking woman. "Dwgj sfgqis! Drifui bird vu!" the woman screeched desperately.
"Um…Sorry. I don't speak…whatever that was. I'll see what I can do though," Jia said, pulling herself away from the woman and running off to find her friends. After pushing her way through the crowd of civilians, she eventually found the four of them tied up in front of the school. "You guys! What happened?"
"Weiu cbkt qu obbj oqjk?" Scott asked irritably.
"Dv tlg xzkgfivw!" Sophie added in, a cheerful grin on her face.
"Hri! Zuc iyiv!" Matt called to her, struggling against the ropes around him.
"Zxm utvd!" Ian shouted as well.
"What's wrong with you guys?" Jia asked as a sword swung above her head.
"There we go! Four rangers down, one in my clutches," Babel said, crossing both of his blades in front of him.
"S-Stay back! I'll shoot!" the pink ranger shouted as she drew her Satella Blaster, to the laughter of the monster.
"That's what they thought too pinky, and look where it got them," Babel laughed. "But hey, I'm fair. They get a free shot. You get one too," he said, bracing himself for the attack.
Raising the Satella Blaster with a shaking hand, Jia aimed at the monster nervously. "One free shot?"
"You mind speeding this up a bit pinky? I've got places to be, things to destroy, havoc to wreak," the monster said irritably, looking up at the sky. Looking around for the sun, he saw that it was already on it's way to setting. "That ain't good. Offer's over kid," he said before being hit in the leg, almost falling over from the sudden attack.
"I…I did it," Jia said with a release of breath.
"You got lucky kid. Next time you meet me, I won't be so nice!" Babel shouted as he was beamed up to Helios' ship.
"It seems that whatever this monster did to them has made them unable to speak normally," Zia said as the five rangers recovered from the attack on the Zephyr.
"Right. Well, this isn't so bad. I can't understand them, but this shouldn't be too much of a problem," Jia said.
"Not quite. The Satella Morphers are activated by vocal command in order to prevent their use against us. As they cannot say anything comprehensible by the system, they are unable to morph for the moment," Zia responded.
"Ynic?" Matt asked in shock.
"Lh patm wh px wh ghp?" Ian asked with a sigh.
"For the moment, I will attempt to override the vocal recognition on your morphers so you can use them. Until then, we will have to hope there isn't another attack."
"Hqgk. Xmtu tkgc yk ebyk," Scott grumbled.
"Xllo! Mld R xzm hzb dszgvevi R dzmg zmw mlylwb xzm fmwvihgzmw nv!" Sophie said cheerfully.
"Zia, can I ask you something?" Jia asked curiously.
"Of course."
"Why did he run away? I wasn't any stronger then he was, so why run?"
"Helios and his army are powered by the sun. Without continuous exposure to it's light, they shut down. I believe he chose to leave to avoid running the risk of losing power. You must be on guard in case he returns before I can reformat the morphers."
"And that rocket you sent me to find? What was that?"
"A new Satellazord. If all goes well, it should serve us nicely in upcoming battles Is there anything else you wish to ask me?"
"Not really," Jia said with a sigh. "This is all my fault, isn't it? If I had been there, maybe I could have helped and this wouldn't have happened."
"That is very unlikely. If you were there, you would very likely have gotten caught up in it as well and we wouldn't even have one ready ranger. You also recovered the lost Satellazord. Even if you could have changed things, there is no use in worrying about what could have been."
"I guess so," Jia said with a small smile. "It's getting late. Do you mind sending us back home?"
"Of course. I will contact you if there is another attack," Zia replied as the five rangers were beamed back down to Earth.
"And just what do you have to say for yourself?" Helios asked as Babel kneeled before him, Mechanus standing behind him.
"Ah, sir. I should point out that we have successfully removed the threat of four of the rangers," Mechanus said nervously.
"Quiet! If there's even ONE ranger, then they can fight back! And it's all your creations fault!"
"Sir Helios. I will personally deal with the Pink Ranger as soon as the sun rises," Babel said, bringing himself back onto both legs with some difficulty.
"And don't bother coming back if you don't or I'll see to it that you live to pay the price," Helios warned, clutching the arm of his throne.
The next morning, Jia knocked on Ian's door the same as everyday. "Vhfbgz!" he called, running out the door and almost knocking Jia down. "Lhkkr. Tkx rhn hdtr?"
"You don't seem too bothered about all this," the pink ranger said, picking herself up.
"Ghmabgz'l zhbgz mh vatgzx by B zxm phkkbxw tuhnm bm, kbzam? Uxlbwxl, bm'l yng pbma gh hgx dghpbgz patm B'f ltrbgz," Ian replied cheerfully as Jia sighed. She could tell that whatever he was trying to tell her was probably not important, but it still didn't feel right to be listening to a conversation she couldn't be part of.
"Did Zia manage to fix your morpher yet?"
"Ghm rxm. Lax lmbee atl bm," Ian said, indicating his bare wrist.
"Great. I guess w-" Jia started before her morpher started flashing red.
"Helios has started another attack. I'm almost finished modifying the morphers, but I'll need Jia to hold him off while I complete them," Zia's voice called over the morphers.
"Where is h-" Jia began to ask before a familiar sword swung over her head. "Found him," she said nervously as she turned towards Babel. "Satella Force! Online!"
Jia stands on top of a snowy mountain, raising her Satella Morpher to the sky as a pink laser strikes it, creating her Ranger suit around her.
"Pink Satella Ranger!"
"Alright pinky, no more messing around," the monster roared angrily, a troop of Keltrons behind him charging forward.
"Cbt! Hnm hy max ptr!" Ian called, doing the best he could to hold the Keltrons off without his morpher.
"Thanks!" Jia said, drawing her Satella Blaster and taking aim at Babel. "One free shot, right?"
"Not this time brat. I've got my orders to deal with you ASAP, so I ain't wasting any time today," the monster said, the symbols decorating him glowing brightly.
"Alright, just one shot this time," Jia said, firing at the monster's legs and throwing him off balance, one of the symbols flying off of him and onto a passing bird.
"Hey, watch it! You think it's easy concentrating with you attacking like that?" Babel asked angrily, shakily recovering his balance.
"I think I have a plan," Jia said, firing at the monster's legs again, shooting each of them once. Both of the shots managed to tip him over onto his back, where he began trying to struggle to get back up. "He's like a turtle," she said with a giggle, kicking at the monster's side and immediately regretting it as it nearly broke her foot.
"Just you wait! When I get back up, you're through!"
"Cbt! T ebmmex axei!" Ian called, starting to be swarmed by Keltrons. Turning her back to the downed monster, Jia opened fire on the machines, opening a path for Ian to get out. "Matgdl," he said panting as a red light surrounded his wrist, his morpher reappearing. At the same time, three more lights arrived, carrying Scott, Matt and Sophie to the scene.
"Morphers have successfully been reprogrammed and rangers brought to help," Zia's voice said over the available morphers.
"You guys okay to fight?" Jia asked.
"Yu'bb qu arlu," Matt said with a grin.
Scott stands on top of a bridge, raising his Satella Morpher to the sky as a black laser strikes it, creating his Ranger suit around him.
"Loirj Tiukooi Vigpkv!"
Sophie stands on top of a skyscraper, raising her Satella Morpher to the sky as a yellow laser strikes it, creating her Ranger suit around her.
"Bvoold Hzgvooz Izmtvi!"
Matt stands on top of a dam, raising his Satella Morpher to the sky as a blue laser strikes it, creating his Ranger suit around him.
"Qbeu Wicubbi Gilzug!"
Ian stands on top of a radio tower, raising his Satella Morpher to the sky as a red laser strikes it, creating his Ranger suit around him.
"Kxw Ltmxeet Ktgzxk!"
As the remaining four rangers morphed, Babel was hit with a laser from Helios' ship, his core glowing for a moment before he grew to tower over them. "Tebmoc eizk hqgqtekc eqy bhh wekg abm eic uek reigrk," Scott said, looking up at the towering machine.
"Zia? Send down the Satellazords if you don't mind," Jia called in.
"Deployed. Beginning Megazord sequence."
The five Satellazords zoom towards their target, the Epsilon zord splitting into two as each half formed legs. At the same time, the Beta zord flew down, reconfiguring itself into an arm. Raising up on it's treads, the Delta zord connected with the new limbs, it's own cannon swiveling around to create it's right arm and scooping up the Alpha zord and placing it in a compartment underneath itself. Finishing the transformation, the Gamma zord flew down and attached itself to the new Megazord as a chest plate as the Alpha zord's head extended up, it's red eyes shining at the enemy.
"Satella Megazord!"
"I've had enough of you rangers already!" Babel roared, slashing at the Megazord with his swords.
"Alright, let's see what we can do," Jia said, the Megazord maneuvering to avoid the attacks and throwing a punch at the monster that did little beyond make a small dent.
"Ax'l mhh mhnza mh ankm!" Ian shouted as Babel took the opening to attack the Megazord again, knocking them back.
"Zia, you think the new Satellazord could help us?" Jia asked.
"It's always worth a try. Deploying the Zeta Satellazord now," Zia responded.
The Zephyr fires off a pink rocket towards the Satella Megazord, the rocket breaking apart and connecting to its left arm, forming a large fist around it.
"Meteor Knuckle!"
"Alright, let's see what this can do."
"Lm rg krmprv!" Sophie said cheerfully as the Megazord pulled it's new fist back and slammed it into Babel, knocking him back and leaving a much larger imprint on his chest. "Dll sll!"
"What was that? You aren't supposed to hurt me!" the monster said irritably, trying to pull himself up to fight and constantly being met with another hit from the Meteor Knuckle.
"R cnrls nu'w nip ultezn," Matt said as the monster landed on his back, the Megazord planting it's foot on him and aiming it's right fist at his core.
"Scott, if you don't mind," Jia said.
"Wque nokitmvk," the black ranger said simply.
The rotary blades of the Gamma Satellazord began rotating on the Satella Megazord's chest, building up power as the rangers aimed at Babel with their right arm. "Delta Shot!" the rangers shouted, a tank shell firing out towards the enemies core, shattering it into pieces as it hit.
"Glad that that's done with," Ian said.
"You can talk again!" Jia said happily, hugging the red ranger happily.
"Yeah, we can. Now let's just get out of here already," Scott said irritably.
"Mechanus! What happened?" Helios roared, his body concealed by the overproduced steam he emitted.
"I-I don't know Lord Helios. I didn't think they would have anything strong enough to harm him, let alone defeat him," Mechanus stumbled out, ducking as the head of an unfortunate Keltron flew past him.
"Put that back together and then get to work! I expect you to make me something that works next time!" Helios said, furiously throwing the rest of the dismantled Keltron at the mechanic.
Gathering up her things for class, Jia ran out the door, calling a quick good bye to her mother before heading over to Ian's house. "You seem cheerful today," Ian said as he came out to meet her.
"Just thinking about yesterday. I didn't think I could do anything like that on my own, but I did. And you guys are talking normally again, so that's a plus," Jia replied happily.
"B whg'm dghp tuhnm matm."
With a start, Jia turned to look at Ian with a sigh. "Oh please, no."
"Relax, I'm just kidding," the red ranger said with a laugh, a look of relief crossing Jia's face.
Trivia: The ranger's were originally going to be speaking different languages, but I realized while writing that since the Satella Corporation is mainly for exploring, it wouldn't make sense for them not to have some kind of translator built into the morphers and their other technology, so the rangers are each speaking using a different cipher. I chose not to translate what they're saying both because it would take up space in the chapter and to preserve the sense of confusion this is meant to create, though you can probably decipher what they're saying if you're dedicated.