I sit with my adoptive father,Jack, in a taxi that he drives.

Two men(At least I think they're men)in these weird suits get in the taxi while sighing heavily and grunting.

"Imperial Droid,drive your Geonosian starfighters to Planet...Hollywood."One of the men say before both of them burst out laughing.

"Die!Die!Whoa!Hey!"One of them say playing with their little weapons before Jack takes it away.

"Give me...No!Come on!"The other one yells as his weapon is also taken away.

I flip something down to show them a sign that says,'NO WEAPONS ALLOWED'.

We then take them to their destination before going to the airport to pick someone else up.

A pretty woman who looks to be about Jack's age gets in while her stuff is put in the trunk.

"Planet Hollywood,please."She says to Jack.

Jack starts driving.

"They've got everything here!This place is truly like being on another planet. With all this to see every night,you must never get bored."The woman says marveling at the lights and signs.

We arrive at Planet Hollywood to see all these people in costumes for the alien convention.

I see no point in them.

I mean,aliens aren't real!

It's like going to Forks,Washington and saying,'I'm gonna see if I can find Edward or Jacob!'.

"Welcome to the nutjob convention."Jack says stopping the taxi.

"I understand your reaction. They certainly aren't helping our cause."The woman says.

"Our cause?"I question.

"Educating the public on the legitimate possibility of life on other planets."The woman answers me.

"As a matter of fact,I'm giving a lecture on Astrophysical Anomaly Detection at the nutjob convention."The woman says handing me a pamphlet.

I take it and look at it as the woman speaks to Jack.

"Feel free to stop by. Close minded skeptics are always welcome."The woman says to Jack.

"Keep the change."The woman says handing Jack some money.

"Thanks."Jack says taking it from her.

She gets out and grabs her stuff.

"Her name's Dr. Alex Friedman."I say reading off the pamphlet.

"A classic."Jack says before driving to our motel.

Ferguson's Motel.

With the flickering lights on the sign and the dirt pool.

But it's my home.

It stinks but I can't help that Jack doesn't have much money and this is all he can afford. Sometimes I wonder why he hasn't taken me back to the adoption home.

I asked once.

His answer was because he loved me too much. I dropped it after that.

We go to our room and I get on the couch as he goes to his room. After awhile,I hear yelling next door.

I put my pillow over my ears to try and block out the noise but it doesn't work.

I then hear Jack punching his punching bag.

"Hey!Come on!Knock it off,will ya?I need to sleep!"Someone yells pounding on the door.

I then fall asleep.

I get up,get dressed,grab my ipod,and leave with Jack to get the taxi.

We get to his taxi and see a black SUV parked in front of us.

"You guys gotta move this thing. I gotta go. Come on."Jack says to the people in the SUV.

A big,tall,black man gets out of the passenger side.

"Jack."The man says.

"You don't return phone calls anymore?"He asks.

Jack turns and sees a lighter colored man who is shorter than the first man.

I stay by the passenger side door of the taxi to keep out of the confrontation but that doesn't mean I'm not paying attention.

"Mr. Wolfe thinks you're being rude."The short one says.

"Well,tell Wolfe that when I said it was the last time,I meant it."Jack says.

"Mr. Wolfe decides when it's the last time. Not you,Jack."The tall one says.

"He likes you,Jackie. Hates to see you wasting your God-given driving talent giving fat tourists rides up and down the strip. Buddy,what kind of life is that?"The short one asks.

"One that I'm late for."Jack says before he tries to go around the short one.

The tall one stops him by putting his hand on Jack's shoulder.

Jack punches both of them and holds their faces to the hood of the taxi.

"You got a death wish?"The tall one gets out through clenched teeth.

"I drive a cab in Vegas."Jack says letting them go and going to the drivers side.

"You're dead,Jack."The tall one says before we hear a siren.

A police car pulls up.

"Hey!What are you doing?Man,are you insane?Now move this out of the taxi zone before I give you a ticket!"A police officer says to the two men.

He then drives away.

"See you soon,Jackie."The tall man says before both men get in the SUV and drive off.

Jack and I get in the taxi and he starts driving. We're not even out of the parking lot when Jack slams on the breaks and we come to a stop.

He looks in the backseat and I follow him to see two blondes who look to be around my age. One's a boy and one's a girl.

"Where'd you come from?"I ask,slightly freaked out.

"Outside."The boy says.


"We figured that part out on our own. How'd you get in the car?"Jack asks.

"Through that portal."The girl says as both her and the boy point to the door.

Why'd she just call the door a portal?

"I'm Seth. This is my sister,Sara. We require transportation services immediately."The boy,Seth,says.

"Really?Well,I require..."Jack starts before he's interrupted by Sara.

"A currency transaction."Sara finishes.

"Would this amount suffice?"Seth asks holding a HUGE wad of cash out to Jack.

"What,you two rob a bank?"Jack questions a little confused.

"Is this acceptable,Jack Bruno?"Sara asks.

"How'd you know my name?"Jack asks.

Sara points to Jack's drivers license on the dashboard.

"If we have a deal for your services,we must move forward rapidly. It's urgent we get to our destination without delay."Seth says.

"All right. I'm going!"Jack yells to the honking cars behind us.

"Where to?"Jack asks as he starts driving.

In the rearview mirror,I see Seth pull out a blue,handheld device.

"I need an address."Jack says getting annoyed.

"We must travel in that direction."Sara points north-east.

"I'm gonna need something more specific than just 'that direction'."Jack says.

"We must locate latitude 40.54 cross-intersecting longitude..."Seth starts before Jack interrupts him.

"We're just gonna stick with 'that direction'."Jack stops him.

I turn around in my seat to look at the siblings.

"I'm Angel."I say to them.

"Hello."Sara says smiling at me while I receive a cold look from Seth.

Ok then.

An hour passes by before Jack speaks.

"Are your parents gonna be ok with you guys spending all this money?"Jack asks.

"We have agreed upon a financial deal. If your concern is regarding compensation..."Seth says before he's interrupted by Jack.

"My concern is the fact that I got a couple of kids in the back of my cab with a big wad of cash and a drop-off location that's pretty much in the middle of nowhere. Now,In my book,that's a little chapter called 'running away'."Jack says.

"Jack,you better be getting desert miles on that fare. And they better be able to pay. And you better get me an ETA!Capisce?"Dominick,Jack's boss,says over the radio.

"I'm losing reception,Dominick."Jack says before he tunes Dominick out.

"Smooth."I joke.

Jack gives me a joking look before giving his attention back to the road.

"Jack Bruno,the vehicles behind us are indicating a pattern of pursuit."Sara says with hardly any emotion in her voice.

What is she?Part robot?

"There's no vehicles following..."Jack stops when he sees a black SUV come into view behind us.

"At your rate of speed versus theirs,they will overtake our vehicle in less than a minute."Seth says.

"Relax,kid!I'm just gonna let them pass."Jack says.

Out of the corner of my eye,I see Seth and Sara glance worriedly at each other. Jack pulls over where the vehicle behind us can pass.

Jack rolls down his window after a few seconds pass and the vehicle hasn't moved from behind us.

"Open road,people!It's all yours!"Jack yells while gesturing ahead of us.

He rolls his window back up as the vehicle behind us pulls up so we're side by side. I look and see the vehicles windows are tinted black so I can't see whose on the other side.

I see Seth,Sara,and Jack looking and most likely thinking the same thing as me. We look away after it passes us.

"What did I tell you?Nobody's following us. I'm the king of this roads..."Jack stops short when Sara yells.

"Jack Bruno!"Sara yells.

Jack looks ahead of us to see the vehicle swerving back around. Jack tries to move and ends up hitting the black SUV on our right.

I see there's also one on our left. When did those get there?We swerve and Jack franticly tries to control the taxi.

He's able to get around the first one but it's not long before all of the SUV's are chasing us.

"I said I was out and I meant it!"Jack yells to the SUV's.

Now I remember!

Those are what the men from earlier drove!

"Who is Mr. Wolfe,Jack Bruno?"Sara asks over the chaos.

"How do you know that?"Jack asks before an SUV rams into us from behind.

"Get down,now!"Jack yells to us.

Seth,Sara,and I all oblige. Soon,there's an SUV on our right,our left,and our back and we're scratching into the right one.

Jack is able to ram into the left before ramming into the right. He does this multiple times before speaking.

"Hold on!"Jack yells before he presses his foot down as hard as he can on the gas pedal.

We're able to push the right and left SUV's off the road,leaving the one SUV behind us. Sara,Seth,and I lift our bodies up from our hunching positions.

"Jack Bruno,it would appear we have not yet eluded them"Sara says.

"I'm so over this. Stay down!Stay down!"Jack yells before we all do the same thing again.

"Seth,no. It's not a good idea."I hear Sara whisper to Seth.

"I have to try."Seth replies.

"It's too dangerous."Sara says before I stop hearing them speak.

The taxi then stops a few seconds later.

"Now what?"I groan,scared this would be our last day alive.

We then start moving backwards towards the SUV which is missing parts and pieces. Must have ran into something in the last few minutes.

It seems we're going to hit the SUV but we stop right before we hit it.

"You three okay?"Jack asks.

"I'm okay."I say trying to catch my breath.

"We are..."Sara starts before Seth finishes.

"Fine. We should just keep moving."Seth says.

Jack unbuckles his seat belt and gets out,crowbar in hand.

"Jack!"I yell unbuckling myself and getting out.

"Don't do anything stupid!"I say running towards him.

"Angel. Get back in the car."Jack says looking me straight in the eye.

"No."I say. Jack shakes his head before continuing to the black SUV.

"What?You didn't get the message?I told Frank and Marty I was out!You tell Wolfe for me that he's gonna pay for my repairs."Jack says to the men in the SUV.

"You are in way over your head here."The man in the front passenger seat says.

Jack hits the side of the car with the crowbar before coming back to the taxi where I stand.

"Get in. Now."Jack says.

I get in and he does the same.

We buckle up and Jack starts driving.

"How you two holding up back there?"Jack asks Sara and Seth.

"We are fine."Sara answers.

"I'm sorry I dragged you three into all this."Jack apologizes.

"There's no need for you to apologize,Jack Bruno. You're not always the one to blame."Sara says.

"But the urgency of our trip has not decreased."Seth adds.

"Don't worry. I'll get you two where you need to go. You've earned it."Jack says.

Hope you liked the first chapter!Please review for another update!