Hey Friendiolis I'm here!

I don't own anything other than my own ideas and plot!

I love reviews, friends, so you should totally review and make me happy!

Chapter 8:

Amy's Point Of View:

There I am.

I can see it, plain as day. The cave slides shut. I hang onto the last bit of Ian's face as the daylight is shut out. I feel my heart breaking into a million pieces.

Then it happens again. Again.

I am paralyzed, I can't move. All I can do is re-live the heartbreak and betrayal. 4 times. 5. 6.

I am shaking, clawing at my arms and hoping each time will be the last. It just keeps going. I scream, a piercing sound that cuts through the reality of what I'm facing, and squeeze my eyes shut.


I looked up, opening my eyes. Sinead was standing over me worriedly, her hand on my forehead. "Are you okay?" She asked.

I glanced around and realize that I was slumped in my chair in the theater, and the clock on the wall told me there was five minutes until the guys perform.


"-happened? You were asleep, but then you started shaking all over. You were clutching your arms and crying, so I thought it would be best to wake you up." Sinead explained.

"I had a nightmare..." I took a deep breath and wiped my eyes. "But it wasn't like any nightmare I'd had before. It kept repeating, and I was frozen. I couldn't do anything..." I shuddered. "I don't even remember falling asleep."

"Hmm," Sinead looked worried. "Has this happened to you before?"

I sighed. "Yeah. Usually about once a week. Always the same event."

"If you don't mind telling me... what is it?"

"The cave in Korea." Sinead was the only one I'd told about what had happened then.

She groaned sympathetically. "I'm so sorry."

"...it's not the best," I tried for a smile.

"Amy, I think you might have PTSD," she blurted.


Ian's point of view:

After we'd been ushered backstage, requested our songs, practiced, and been made over by an annoyingly perky woman, we found ourselves in a room furnished with several couches, waiting to perform.

I of course, wasn't nervous about performing. That part would be easy. It was the idea of performing in front of Amy that tied my stomach in a knot.

Who would have ever thought that a simple girl would confuse you this much, Ian. I thought.

I was brought back to reality by the sound of Daniel and Hamilton dive-bombing onto the couches, effectively wrinkling their clothing.

"Be careful! Those are Dolce and Gabanna!" I reprimanded them. Daniel just stuck out his tongue and they continued to use the couches as trampolines.

Just then, Fiske entered the room. "May I have your attention?"

Daniel and Hamilton momentarily paused their "ninja fight."

"I just wanted to let you know the order of tonight's performances. First is Hamilton, then Ned, Ted, Dan, and finally, Ian. Good luck!" He exited the room.

Good, they saved the best for last, I chuckled to myself.

We heard the judges announce us, and then it was Hamilton's turn. Dan clapped him on the back, and the Starling boys wished him luck. I nodded at him as he walked past me and onstage.

I know it was short, but I wanted to post something so you guys wouldn't think I'd given up again... If any of you are even still reading this story.

I love you if you are!

Also, I love reviews... So you should review! Thanks!
