This yet another ff... And I really like this one because this time Judai seems to be the one in charge :) Plz comment and tell me what you think.
I don't own anything! The story is base on a manga that I read a while back everyone is OOC...enjoy!
My other Face
Judai pov
My name is Judai Yuki and I have a split personality. It's hard for me to show not my other side. The side that crave for mischief and fun, the one that doesn't care how many hearts he breaks, just as long as he's having fun it doesn't matter. Then there's the side that's quiet and keeps to himself. The honor student, the child that every parent wishes could be theirs.
At night I'm known as the flirty charming bartender and during day the anti-social glasses wearing honor student Judai Yuki. It's not as bad as you would think. During the day I don't have to worry about annoying girls talking to me or asking me for dates. It's nice and quiet.
But when day turn into night I can't help but fill wired and I have this argue to things I won't dream on during in the day time. I'm still surprised that I haven't woken up in a motel room with so women…or man form the way things go at night.
"Judai~! "
"Welcome." I replied with small smirk on my face taking a bow at the three women who walked in.
"Please fall me to your regular table." They older women let out small giggles before following me to their table.
"Judai when can you take a day off and spend it with me?" I gave her a flirty smile before lending close to her face.
"And what do you think we would do on my day off?" I questioned in a low huskie voice.
"Anything you won't." Her face than turned red with embarrassment, I moved closer.
"Well I think I have something in mind."
"Judai can't you stop flirting with the customs for a little while and take some orders?"
I let a small sigh and turn to my friend Rei.
"Rei-chan I was just was having a little fun." I whined as I walked over to her.
"Sometime you worry me. Can't you just stop flirting with everything that walks in here with a skit?"
I gave her small smile as I half hugged her. "Come on Rei-chan I'm just trying to have a little fun." She gave me a playful hit me on my arm.
"Just take some orders." She said as she walked away going in to the back.
I let oust little sigh and decided to go back and take so some of orders and probably some numbers.
~~~~~~~~~~My Other Face~~~~~~~