"Kurt, can we talk?"

Kurt froze for a moment before wretching his arm away from Blaine. "Not right now."

"Please? I screwed up last night. I just need to apologize," Blaine gushed, "Can we please just talk?"

"No," Kurt repeated, arms crossed tightly across his chest. "I still need time to think."

"Please, Kurt. You ignored all my calls and texts last night."

"Well maybe you shouldn't have-" Blaine slapped a hand across Kurt's mouth, muffling his shout as he was pushed roughly into the nearest classroom. Kurt shoved Blaine away from him, staggering back a few steps as he did so. Blaine said nothing, instead casting Kurt a dirty look as he closed the door to the classroom and leaned against it.

"You can't go around yelling things like that, Kurt," Blaine scolded him. "It might give some people the wrong idea."

"Oh, like maybe the idea that you hit me last night?" Blaine sighed, his scowl softening a little bit.

"We need to talk about that."

"You're right, we do, but not right now." Kurt tried to shove his way past Blaine, but Blaine simply pushed him back lightly with one hand and leaned against the door.

"It's now or never, Kurt. We need to talk about this in private. You can't broadcast our problems in the middle of the hallway."

"I'm broadcasting our problems?" Kurt replied increduously. "You're the one who just sang a song about our problems in front of our friends! You had no right to do that to me!"

"It was an apology, Kurt. You should be the one apologizing to me (A/N: GLEE LOGIC!) anyways, so I thought you'd be a little more gracious than this. You cheated on me, remember?"

"We were texting," Kurt hissed. "You did more than that with Sebastian."

"Why are you so obsessed with him? I didn't do anything with him. We exchanged family-friendly text messages and we talked about the Warblers on skype a few times." Blaine folded his arms tightly against his chest and narrowed his eyes spitefully. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think that you were cheating on me with him, seeing how often you bring him up."

"So you trust me with a meerkat-faced manwhore but not with a phone?"

"We both know that Sebastian would never go for you, Kurt," Blaine stated, his voice laden with a mixture of condescending and harsh tones. (A/N: lololol) "I'm surprised that Chandler even flirted with you. I mean, you're not exactly... sexy. We've talked about this."

Kurt shrank back at this, a slew of emotions rising up in him. He was shocked at Blaine's statement, and Kurt felt sick to his stomache at the feeling of betrayal that had settled in him. Had Blaine really just said that? He didn't know what to say.

Blaine seemed not to have realised the words that escaped his mouth, because he suddenly covered his mouth with a hand, his face ashen. "Oh, god, Kurt," he hurriedly said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that."

Kurt's hurt look remained as he turned around so that his back was toward his boyfriend. "What did you mean, then?" he said quietly. Blaine didn't respond. Kurt sighed and rubbed his eyes with the heels of his palms before turning back around. "You can't say things like that to me, Blaine."

"You should stop making me angry," he exclaimed with a sudden burst of annoyance. "It's your own fault you keep getting hurt, you know." Blaine shut his eyes and groaned, placing his hands on top of his head in defeat as he let himself sink to the ground, back against the door. "Fuck," he muttered, "damn it, Kurt. Why does this keep happening?" Now it was Kurt's turn to stay silent in lieu of a response.

Kurt sighed as tears began to well up in Blaine's eyes. "I know you hate me now," he said quietly, sinking down to the floor. Kurt watched silently as Blaine pulled his knees closer to his chest and looked down at the floor. "I was just... I'm so scared of losing you."

Chewing on his bottom lip, Kurt walked over and kneled down next to his boyfriend. He gently placed a hand on Blaine's shoulder, a small effort to console his tears.

"I know I screwed up, but you don't know how sorry I am, Kurt. I didn't sleep at all last night because of what happened."

"You hit me, Blaine," Kurt said softly. He removed his hand from Blaine's shoulder and sat down next to Blaine, leaving just enough room between them so that their shoulder's wouldn't touch.

"I know," Blaine muttered miserably, tightening his arms around his legs.

"That's wrong."

"I know," Blaine reiterated, his voice sounding almost harsh this time. "I know what I did, okay? But I jut got so scared of losing you. I don't know what I'd do without you, Kurt." Kurt chewed on his bottom lip as he watched his boyfriend seem to unravel in front of him.

"Okay," he said quietly, "so you were upset about losing me. You weren't about to, though, and it wasn't cheating. I was just texting him."

"It was close enough," Blaine snapped, looking over at the boy beside him, "You were cheating on me with him and I was so scared."

Kurt stood up silently and walked over to one of the desks. He perched himself on top of it as tears began to fill his own eyes, blurring the classroom around him. "You hit me, Blaine," Kurt reminded him, his voice shaking slightly. Blaine just sighed and laid his head on top of his knees.

"I didn't mean to," he mumbled into his knees, so quietly that Kurt could hardly hear his words. "I just kind of... lost control." Blaine lifted his head and looked at his boyfriend. "I'm so sorry, Kurt," he said louder. When Kurt didn't respond, only stared at the door above Blaine's head, Blaine leapt up from his spot on the floor and bounded over to him. "Hey," he said, placing his hands on Kurt's shoulders, "I'm sorry, okay? I love you, Kurt. So much. I'll never hurt you again, I swear. Just give me another chance, Kurt, please."

Kurt fought the urge to pull away and out of his grasp. He tried to ignore the crawling feeling on his skin as he once again uttered, "you hit me, Blaine."

Blaine huffed and raised his hands in mock surrender, taking a step back from Kurt. "Is that the only thing you can say? I know I did. I've said that. I've also apologized so many times that I've lost count. You were the one who made me angry, you know. You cheated on me, Kurt, and you haven't apologized for that. So we're kind of even in this all, don't you think?"

"I didn't che-"

"I didn't even hurt you badly," Blaine cut him off angrily. "Maybe I'd feel worse if there was a bruise or something, but you're obviously fine. Do you not want me anymore or something?"

Kurt was crying now. "Fine," he said wearily, getting off the desk. "We're fine, Blaine. Is that better?" He sniffed and Blaine's expression softened. He wrapped his arm around Kurt, resting his head on the taller boy's shoulder.

"Yeah," Blaine confirmed quietley, tightening his embrace on Kurt, "yeah. We're okay. That's all the matters."

Kurt pulled away and forced a smile at Blaine. "I really need to get home. I'll talk to you later?"

Blaine took a step back from his boyfriend and shoved his hands in his pockets, obviously disappointed at Kurt's need to leave as soon as they had made up. "Yeah, okay," he replied, shrugging slightly so as to appear to not care. "Call me tonight?"

Kurt nodded and gave his boyfriend a quick kiss on the lips. Then, without looking back, he left the room, closing the door behind him.

– x –

They had made up and the next week and a half went by without incident (and it was all going swimmingly, Kurt noted, once you ignored, of course, the reason for their near break-up.) Things seemed to be going back to normal. Here they were, for example, sitting in the library doing homework together. Just like before.

"Do you want to go to Scandals on Friday?" Blaine suddenly asked.


"Do you want to go to Scandals on Friday?" Blaine repeated. "I was just thinking that we haven't been out anywhere in a while, and we had fun at Scandals when we went with Sebastian that time."

Kurt hesitated. "I don't know..." he trailed off, unsure of how to turn the proposal down. The dejected look on Blaine's face made him sigh, though, and reluctantly he agreed that they should go.

What had he just gotten himself into?

lololol it's been like a year since I ch. 1

also this has kind of been sitting completed on my computer for nearly as long

sorry guys

I just really don't even care about glee anymore like wOW

and yeah

writing is hard

and I didn't look back at any of this since writing so first drafts ftw


sarah xx

p.s. you may or may not ever get another update. we'll see.