Disclaimer: I don't own Suits.
A/N: I apologize that it took me awhile to get this chapter up. Real life got crazy for a bit. There will be some cursing in this chapter.
A Long and Windy Road-Chapter 5
"HARVEY! DONNA! OPEN THE DOOR!" Donna instinctively rolls away from the noise, trying to fall back asleep. "HARVEY, DONNA! PLEASE!" Apparently whoever is making all that noise is not content with being ignored. Realizing that ignoring whoever is on the other side of the door is probably accomplishing nothing but aggravating the neighbors, Donna is resigned to her fate and open her eyes. She wipes the hair out of her face and sits up. She's not in her bed, and she's definitely not at her place. Then it clicks. She's at Harvey's. Sleeping on his couch. She must have fallen asleep after she brought Harvey home from the hospital earlier this afternoon. She looks out the window and sees that it's now dark. Makes sense they didn't arrive at Harvey's until almost three. Now who the hell is banging on the door?
"OPEN UP GUYS! IT'S AN EMERGENCY!" Donna stands up and walks quickly to the door. She has to stop whoever is making all this noise. She finally got Harvey to sleep a couple of hours ago. He needs the rest.
Seconds later she reaches the door and quickly opens it. "Jesus, where's the fi-"
But anything Donna's about to say stops when she sees Rachel in the doorway, with tears running down her face. "Rachel, what's wrong?" She opens the door wider, inviting Rachel in.
Once Rachel's inside Harvey's place, Rachel apologizes. "I'm sorry for yelling. But, I tried calling you and you didn't pick up. I know that Harvey's phone was destroyed in the crash, and he hasn't gotten another one yet. I didn't know what else to do."
Donna picks up her phone that's on the kitchen counter. "Shit! I still had it on silent. I must have forgotten to take it off when we left the hospital."
Donna looks back at Rachel. "What's wrong?"
"It's Mike." Rachel whispers.
Donna looks at her nervously, "What? He was fine when we left the hospital earlier. It's only been six hours. What the hell happened?"
Instant regret washes over Donna. Neither she nor Harvey visited the young associate today. Harvey spent most of the morning resting in his own hospital bed. After his long visit with Mike the day before his energy supply was zapped, and he had strict orders to stay in bed. His early hospital release was threatened so he followed his doctor's orders. Then when it was time for him to be released, he couldn't visit Mike because his doctors were in with him.
Rachel looks down at her feet.
"Rachel, tell me what the hell is going on? What the hell has you so upset?"
Rachel looks up when she hears Donna's pleas. "Mike contracted an infection. Apparently there was a small piece of debris in his small intestine that the doctor missed during surgery. It caused a small tear and the tear got infected. The infection went systemic. It's not looking too good, Donna."
"What's not looking too good?" Harvey asks from the doorway of the kitchen.
Like deer caught in the headlights, Donna and Rachel look to Harvey in shock.
"What the hell's going on?" Harvey questions as he moves closer to the pair.
Donna looks at Rachel. Neither one says anything.
Harvey can't stand the silence. "Tell me, what's going on."
Knowing that he might take the news better from her, "Mike has an infection. It's pretty bad." Donna says quietly.
"How bad?" Harvey asks.
"I don't know all the details."
Now Harvey understands why the young paralegal is at his place at nine o'clock at night. He turns to Rachel, "How bad is it?"
Rachel doesn't answer right away.
"Rachel, how bad?" Harvey asks the paralegal again.
Rachel nervously puts a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "He's not responding to the anti-biotics the doctors gave him."
Donna's jaw drop, "Shit, kid."
"Fuck!" Harvey curses.
"My sentiments exactly." Rachel adds.
Harvey paces back and forth outside of Mike's ICU cubicle, waiting for the doctor. For the first since this nightmare has started he's by himself. Donna's making some phone calls and Rachel had to go back to the office for a bit even at this late hour. Things are a little crazy at Pearson Hardman with Donna, Harvey, and Mike all out.
But Harvey's not thinking about Pearson Hardman right now. He's thinking about what Gina told him and Donna when they arrived back here a little over half an hour ago. Apparently Mike started to run a low grade fever this morning. That in itself isn't too uncommon because he had major surgery. But during the course of the day his fever soared, and presently is at a balmy 102.7 degrees. Upon closer examination Dr. Lopez discovered that the infection was coming from somewhere in Mike's small intestine. While Harvey was blissfully sleeping in his nice comfy place with the help of from Grade A pain relievers, Mike was rushed into another emergency surgery to have the source of infection removed. They got the miniscule piece of metal, but the damage has already been done. The tiny piece of metal made a small tear in his small intestine, and that is where the infection originated. But now his body is being ravaged by infection, and with no spleen his body's defenses are down.
"Harvey, stop. You keep moving like that and I'm gonna have to ask Dr. Lopez to give you a valium. You're making me nervous just looking at you."
Harvey turns to see Donna standing by him. He was so engrossed with the thoughts running through his head he didn't even hear her come back into the ICU wing.
"Sorry, I can't help it."
Donna rubs Harvey's shoulder reassuringly. "I know how you hate to feel helpless." Donna sighs. "I'm sorry that my phone was on silent before when Gina was trying to call us to tell us about Mike. I didn't mean—"
Harvey puts his arm up, "Stop, Donna. It wasn't your fault. We both were tired and you were only trying to help."
Harvey turns to Mike's ICU cubicle, wishing that he has x-ray vision. That way he can see what the hell is going on with his associate. "Sometimes these things just happen."
"I wish you believe what you say." Donna says.
Harvey turns to look at her, "What do you mean by that?"
"I've known you for a long time, Harvey. I know you. And I know that right now you're feeling pretty damn guilty."
"Guilty about what?" Harvey asks.
"Stop it, Harvey!"
"Stop what?"
"I know what you're trying to do. You're saying all the right things. You're saying that you don't blame yourself. But, I know you do. I know that even though it was a complete accident, you blame yourself."
"Blame myself for what?" Harvey says loudly.
Now nurses, doctors, and family members of other ICU patients are looking at Harvey and Donna's heated exchange in the middle of the Intensive Care Unit wing.
"That you were able to walk away from the crash with a concussion and some bumps and bruises. While Mike has a damn tube running into his head, had two major surgeries, and is looking at a long recovery." Donna says in a quieter voice.
Harvey doesn't say anything and once again returns his gaze to his associate's ICU cubicle.
Donna continues in the same soft tone, "I also know that as much as you say you don't care, you do. Especially when it concerns Mike. I saw it when you went up against Jessica. Telling her that if she fires Mike you too will leave. And I saw it when you woke up and was more concerned with Mike's well being than you were of your own. The way you negotiated your way with Gina so that she would allow to stay with Mike far beyond the usual ICU visiting hours. And the way you're pacing back and forth now. You hate not being able to do a damn thing to help Mike."
Before Harvey can say anything, Dr. Lopez walks into the hallway. "Dr. Lopez."
"Harvey, Donna." The doctor greets the pair.
"How is he?" Harvey asks quickly, not holding back.
"He has a high fever. I know that Gina has told you that a small piece of metal was embedded deeply in his small intestine. It caused a small tear that got infected. We went in and had it removed. But, unfortunately the infection that resulted from that small tear has really taken its hold. The first anti-biotic we gave Mike did not work as well as we would have liked. We now have him on a much stronger one."
"Then he will be fine, right? We just have to give the new meds time to kick in, right?" Donna asks quietly. She puts any thoughts of anti-biotic resistant infections in the back of her mind because Mike's going to get better. He has to damn it. How the hell is Harvey going to deal if Mike doesn't make it?
"We hope so, Donna. The next twenty-four hours are extremely critical. His fever is now at 103 degrees. That in itself has a realm of issues. If we don't get this infection under control his organs are going to shut down. Frankly, his body has been to hell and back. First, with the injuries he sustained in the crash. Then with the surgeries. And now this. Mike has a huge fight in front of him. One that I don't know his body has the strength to fight."
"He's going to make it." Harvey says.
Both Dr. Lopez and Donna look at Harvey because up to this point he has not reacted at all to Dr. Lopez's grim news.
"You don't know Mike, Dr. Lopez. He's going to beat this." Harvey clarifies.
"I hope you're right. In the mean time I know that Mike has a grandmother. I suggest we get her down here to see Mike. It's a precautionary measure."
Harvey knows what the medical profession means by the words 'precautionary measure.' He heard it when Gina asked him and Donna before if they knew if Mike had a living will, it's just a 'precautionary measure.' And now they think Mike's grandmother should come down here in the middle of the night as a 'precautionary measure.' Harvey gets paid big money to figure out what people are saying, but most importantly what they aren't saying. And to him it sounds like they don't think Mike's going to make it.
"I've been in contact with her throughout the night. I'm going to go get her now." Donna says. "Do you mind if I go get her, Harvey?" Donna asks as she directs her question at her boss.'
"No go ahead." Harvey replies.
"I think that's a good idea, Donna." Dr. Lopez says.
Screw Dr. Lopez and what she thinks is good.
"Can I go see him?" Harvey asks.
"You can, but it needs to be quick. I mean it, Harvey. He needs his rest."
Harvey shakes his head, "I got it."
Donna gives him a quick hug, "I'm going to go get Edith. I'll be back as fast as I can. Take care of our puppy."
"I will." Harvey says as she turns to leave.
Harvey swiftly walks into Mike's cubicle. "Shit, kid." Harvey says as he gets closer to Mike's bed. The kid looks like complete shit. For the most part he doesn't look any different than he did when Harvey visited him yesterday. The ventilator is still pushing air into his associate's lungs. The blood pressure cuff is still inflating periodically. And the drainage tube is still running from his head and behind his ear.
The only indication that Mike has taken a turn for the worse is that the skin on his face that is not covered with bruises and cuts is now flushed. It's not the ghostly white that it was yesterday. A sign that the fever is in full bloom.
Harvey hesitantly puts his hand on the spot just above Mike's left eyebrow. A place that isn't littered with cuts and bruises. He quickly jerks his hand back in disgust when he feels sweat.
But then Harvey takes a good look at his associate. The same associate who he's used to seeing always in motion. He's never this still. Tubes everywhere, aiding him to do the body's most basic functions. The doctors and nurses throwing around terms like 'living will,' '103 degree fever', and 'long recovery.'
Harvey once again places his hand on Mike's forehead, mindful of the bruises, cuts, and wires. "You better fight rookie, I don't make losing bets."
I did it! I started this chapter three weeks ago, but quickly hit a dead end. I finally got hit with some inspiration yesterday and hammered this out in less than a day. I hope you guys liked it!