Deeply Disturbed

Chapter 10

Flaky suddenly thought about what she was doing, and yanked away. Not saying she didn't like it, but it was a little wrong to do this to Fliqpy. Suddenly, she felt a strong arm snake around her waist and pull her closer. She blushed heavily as she was brought up to Fliqpy's face.

"Wh-wh-wh-!" She stuttered, embarrassed beyond belief. "What are you...?"

"I'm just taking my turn," Fliqpy laughed with a crooked grin.

He then pulled her even closer to his lips and lifted his head slightly to connect them. His kisses were much more feral than Flaky's, and he wasn't prepared for it. He growled and felt around her sides, feeling every flaw that made her perfect. He felt a scar, most likely from a previous death that hadn't gone away.

Fliqpy suddenly flipped over Flaky while still holding onto her tightly. Now on top, Fliqpy looked down at Flaky. He placed his left hand under her head, to work as a pillow of sorts.

As his right hand traveled to Flaky's cheeks, he wiped away the flakes falling onto her face. She stared up at him curiously. He was being so careful with her, like she was a fragile flower.

Flaky smiled and closed her eyes as he finally kissed her again. It was so much more calm, and yet it still had some ferocity in it. She decided to just let him take over and relaxed herself. Fliqpy noticed this and asked if she was okay.

"Oh, I'm better than I've been these past few hours," she said quietly. Then, she yawned.

"Are you tired?" Fliqpy asked.

"Hm?" Flaky replied, looking at the deranged killer with hazed eyes. "Um...I don't know."

Feeling her muscles melt, she tried to stay awake, but she suddenly felt so sleepy. She soon felt herself being lifted as she began to slip away into the warmth of knight in bloody armor.

Fliqpy looked at Flaky with a whole new curiosity. She was definitely a strange one, but he couldn't help wondering why she trusted him all of a sudden. That, and the eye thing. She always wanted to look into his eyes. He always felt like he was being invaded, but it didn't matter now. He knew that she was just an innocent girl with a future of a million outcomes.

As he carried her to her room, he remembered the first time she stared into his eyes. He had felt so disgusted. But, as time rolled on, he just became confused. Why was she so cute? It was hard to forget something like that when the person invading your thoughts was freaking adorable.

As he settled her down in bed, she kept her grip on his shirt. He noted how strong her grip was, and thought about staying the night here.

Then, brushing off how stupid it was, he took off his shoes and jacket and slipped under the covers. Flaky snuggled into his chest and smiled. Then, her breathing settled, and she was asleep. Fliqpy held the back of her head protectively.

She was too innocent for this world, no matter how many horrors she'd seen. Nobody deserved a fate like this but him. As these thoughts crossed his mind, Flaky slid her right under his chest, and her left over it. She held on tightly, as if she never wanted to let go.

Fliqpy smiled, kissed the top of her head, and fell asleep.

Flippy awoke, his chest hurting. He moved his hand to rub it, but felt something else. He felt soft quills, and thought he was hallucinating. When he pressed a little harder, something stirred from on top of him.

He almost died when he saw Flaky. She was so cute, but he wondered how she became topless. He also wondered what happened after he had flipped. He wondered if Fliqpy had done anything to Flaky.

When she opened her eyes and looked up at him, she smiled. Although it was a hazy, sleepy smile, it was adorable none-the-less. Her ruby eyes stared into his own emerald colored irises.

"Good morning," she said sweetly, yawning.

"Um...morning," Flippy said carefully. "What happened."

"You saved me." She paused, wondering if what she was going to say next was okay. She said it anyways. "Both of you." She laughed again. "It's funny, I was supposed to help you."

She moved her body up and kissed him lightly. Flippy felt a little strange, but he also noticed how oddly familiar her lips felt. He soon kissed back, letting his hand feel the back of her head. His fingers felt her hair and brought her closer.

'Well, it's not like we've never kissed before,' Flippy thought to himself.

Flaky felt so happy to have these two men in her life, no matter how terrified she was.

End of Chapter 10


I've never gotten this far on a story before. I'm so happy you have no idea! 3 3)