Hey guys, sorry for disappearing. All new chapters will be posted within Love Industries. Enjoy!


"We ain't ever getting older."

Asami lowered her car's radio with a quick flick of her thumb and forefinger. "So what are we gonna do now?" She glanced at the blue-eyed girl sitting in the passenger's seat.

"A night on the town wasn't good enough for Miss Sato?" Korra teased.

Asami rolled her eyes and chuckled, "I mean why are you making me drive up this mountain," she pushed farther down on the gas peddle to help them up the last hill, "If you wanted to go somewhere to make out in private we could have just gone back to my house."

Korra laughed, "Shush. Turn here."

Asami followed her directions. She turned off the road and parked perpendicular to a guardrail.

"I wanted you to see this view," Korra said with a smile.

Below them Republic City gleamed against a dusk sky. Golden buildings cut through the dark and small lights moved along its streets. From where they were the city's architecture stood silent on the coast of Yue Bay. An almost impossible feat considering the night life of the people who lived there. But they were far enough away to only hear the low hum of their radio.

"I come up here to clear my head sometimes," Korra watched the flickering of lights below them, "It's really beautiful." She turned to look at Asami who was already looking her way.

A soft smile pulled at the dark haired girl's lips, "You're beautiful," she stated in a quiet tone and tucked a lock of hair behind her girlfriend's ear.

Korra grinned and turned into the hand that now rested on her jawline. "You're not even appreciating this amazing view."

"I'm already appreciating an amazing view." Asami held her bottom lip between her teeth as she smiled.

"And I can't stop."

Korra giggled as the other girl gently curled her fingers into the hair behind her ear.

"So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover."

Half-lidded emerald irises jumped back and forth between sapphire ones, "C'mere."

Korra gladly met Asami half way and connected their lips in a slow kiss. "I love you," she murmured against her skin.

"I love you too."

"We ain't ever getting older."