Who ends up with who? How will the others react? I dunno, I guess I'll just go with what the reviewers want. xD Enjoy this super strange story- I like how the perspective jumps around a lot, but let me know if that's actually just annoying.


It was the kind of windy rain that left everyone agitated.

Window panes rattling from the wind until you had a headache.

Rain gusting underneath your umbrella and leaving you wet all day.

Soggy homework.

Squeaky shoes.

It left a cloud of frustration in every room so thick it buzzed in Kyoya's ears as he sat doing calculations in his black leather notebook. Club activities were finished for the day and the music room held only its hosts, all half chatting and half tidying and none too keen on heading out into the stormy weather. Kyoya crossed his legs and leaned back in his seat on the couch with a sigh, eyeing the numbers on his paper. Even the host club couldn't keep the clouds away, most girls finding the day too gloomy for hosting and thus only a few stopping by. This left Kyoya in a frustrating situation, having to pull from club savings in order to cover the day's expenses- a loss that left him moodier than usual.

"You're sighing up a storm over here, Kyoya, and we have enough of that outside you know~…"

He heard the teasing voice before he saw the Host King's grin in the corner of his glasses, the blonde leaning over the back of the couch to look at his counterpart. Kyoya rolled his eyes but before he could snap back a remark Tamaki was rubbing his shoulders and purring

"Don't be so tense, mommy, not in front of the children…"

The Shadow King was not about to admit how good the hands kneading his shoulders felt but Tamaki could feel Kyoya relaxing even as he commented

"This family act of yours is getting out of hand…"

Still, the dark haired man found that as he glanced around the room the 'children' were eyeing him, though he suspected it was for a different reason. This past week there was a buzzing in the club room's air that had nothing to do with the bad weather- surely today the tension was most obvious but truly all week there had been an elephant in the room everyone seemed to be finding harder and harder to work around. Although no one had witnessed what occurred between Tamaki and Kyoya that day, somehow- in true family form- the entire host club seemed to be getting more and more aware of the secret mommy and daddy were hiding.

Tamaki certainly wasn't making it difficult, to say the least. All week he had been doing things like this- little gestures like massages or offering to help with Kyoya's work- that seemed to indicate the mommy/daddy act wasn't much of an act anymore. Each day the room seemed to be more and more tense, each member's gaze seemingly to silently demand an explanation that Kyoya just didn't have.

Though he would never admit it, Kyoya was at a loss of what to do. The hosts were tense and confused, but honestly the Shadow King was no better. Last week everything seemed normal until suddenly he and Tamaki had kissed each other. Since then, not a word had been said on the matter but Tamaki was slowly becoming more and more affectionate, which meant… What? Kyoya didn't know. Were things always this way and he just had never noticed? Had Tamaki forgotten about the kiss completely? Had it just been a freak accident- would it happen again? Kyoya was frustrated with himself for becoming so helpless, and for letting this go on so long. What was he waiting for? It was obvious something had to be done.

Kyoya closed his notebook and let himself enjoy the shoulder rub a moment more before shrugging the Host King's hands off.


But before the Shadow King could continue, the back room opened up to reveal a dark haired teen in tight jeans and a colorful, frilled tank top. Feeling all eyes on her as she entered the girl's cheeks flushed pink, and she shyly tucked a short, brown strand of hair behind her ear.

"Is there a stain on me or something?"

"Haru-chan you look so cuuuuute~!"

Hunny exclaimed, looking equally cute as he clasped his hands together gleefully, his tall counterpart nodding in agreement.

"You're all dressed up!"

Kaoru grinned as he approached her to get a better look, not seeming to notice his brother was not falling but instead frozen in place as he looked at the girl, cheeks pink. But before Kaoru could reach his friend Tamaki thrust himself between them, grasping Haruhi's hand in his own and crying out

"Could it be my baby girl has finally cast down her tomboyish attitude and embraced the girly nature that lies dormant in her heart?"

Haruhi rolled her eyes, snatching back her hand from the overdramatic blonde.

"You know, it's really kind of depressing I get a reaction like this whenever I dress normally…"

Kaoru easily kicked the deflated Tamaki aside and approached Haruhi with a sneaky grin.

"So what's the occasion, huh?"

Haruhi shrugged.

"Who says there is one?"

But Kaoru knew better.

"So you just put on nice clothes to walk home in the rain with? Come on, Haruhi, you never change before you leave!"

The brunette was looking slightly grumpy for being figured out so easily, running a hand through her hair with a sigh.

"Well fine. Don't flip out or anything, but I'm going out to dinner tonight with Ritsu."




Haruhi rolled her eyes in exasperation.

"It's Kasonada."

Hikaru and Tamaki were instantly in her face.

"Why would you be going on a date with that guy!"

The twin demanded. Tamaki shoved him aside to grasp the girl's attention- and her hand.

"Is my baby girl being forced by the mob to do this? I can save you, Haruhi, you don't have to be scared anymore!"

Haruhi pushed past the pair and started to grab her things, annoyed by the fuss they were making.

"We decided we haven't seen each other in a while and it would be nice to get together and talk. It's not even a date, so will you guys lay off?"

The girl shouldered her bag before being grabbed and held at arm's length by the Host King.

"Haruhi," he spoke sternly, "I forbid you from going on this date tonight. You are too young and cute to be dating!"

The girl shot Tamaki a dirty look that sent him straight to his knees, clutching his heart as if shot with her eyes.

"Stop talking to me like you're my dad!"

She stomped for the door, passing the twins as she went.

"Haruhi, wait-"

They called in unison but she could sense they had only more antics for her and did not stop.

"Goodbye, everyone!"

She pulled the door closed a little too hard on her exit and then the room was silent, but only for a moment before a certain blonde began climbing onto his counterpart's shoulders with a smile.

"I'm happy for Haru-chan~! We should go out to eat too, Takashi, it's a nice night for a date!"


The man agreed shortly, grabbing both their bags and steadying the boy on his back. The comment (read: coming-out) went unnoticed, however, each host too lost in their own thoughts. Tamaki was still moping in the corner of the room, depressed for a lot of reasons- most of which were made up in his head. Hikaru and Kaoru seemed to be quietly discussing the situation, Hikaru's whispering more like hisses as he angrily accused Basa-whatever of guilt tripping sweet Haruhi into a date.

But perhaps most lost in thought was Kyoya, who had somehow missed the entire confrontation while sorting through his thoughts. His conversation with Tamaki had been interrupted but it wouldn't be long before he would have to confront the blonde on where their relationship stood- and where did he want it to stand? Shoulder rubs and gestures were nice, but this was still Tamaki- was Kyoya willing to commit himself to an idiot like Suoh and put his reputation on the line?

Suddenly, Tamaki seemed to recover. He stood and dusted himself off, turning back to face the room with the kind of careful smile that could only mean he was planning something. Mori and Hunny were waving their goodbyes and on their way out, and the twins now seemed to be only half conversing as they watched their host king carefully. The blonde approached Kyoya but the teen was turned away, packing his school bag up for the day and wrestling to make sense of thoughts he would rather be pushing away.


The dark haired teen was startled as the subject of his thoughts was suddenly behind him, spinning around but keeping his usual indifference as he spoke.


Tamaki flashed a smile which seemed only to agitate the knots in Kyoya's stomach that had been forming all week.

"How about we go out to dinner tonight- together?"

The normally cool Kyoya could feel panic rising in his heart- was this really happening? So suddenly? In front of the twins? On the outside Kyoya was working to keep his composure but it would be only moments before Tamaki would realize that the Great Shadow King was at a loss for words- after all, what was there to say in a situation like this!

Tamaki continued gleefully

"Between your surveillance skills and my Haruhi skills, tracking her date with Basanoda will be cake!"

Now Kyoya really couldn't believe what he was hearing. Tamaki was talking about stalking Haruhi? That was the last straw- the frustration of the weather and the tension in the room had finally gotten to him. Kyoya couldn't help but feel ashamed at how long he had let this little game go on- it was obvious Tamaki was just playing with his feelings, and he had been stupid enough to be running around all week like a teenage girl, insides doing flips for an idiot like Tamaki! He really couldn't believe it. Had that kiss really just been his imagination? Or was Tamaki this stupid!

"Tamaki, you're a real idiot."

The Shadow King said coldly, one of his icy glares sending the blonde flying back.

"What did I do, mommy!"

The Host King cried desperately, seeming to truly not understand why he was being punished.

"Don't 'mommy' me."

Kyoya rolled his eyes, turning away from the jerk at his feet to continue gathering his things. Tamaki hopped up, poised to pursue this sudden bitterness from Kyoya before being interrupted.

"I'll go with you, boss!"

Hikaru placed himself between Kyoya and Tamaki- the latter looking surprised as the twin continued

"I'll help you spy on Haruhi's date! That way we can beat up Kasanava if anything goes wrong!"

Tamaki was already over his confrontation with the Shadow King and all fired up again.

"Yeah, it's our duty as fellow hosts to protect Haruhi at all costs! Come on, we can take my car!"

The pair hastily grabbed their bags and ran off together, already discussing ways they could track the host club princess without her discovering them. Kaoru watched them go silently, more upset by the situation than he would ever let on. He didn't know when it had happened, but suddenly it seemed as if all the host members had moved on without him.

He thought he and Haruhi were friends, yet she didn't care to mention she had a date tonight? He and Hunny had always been close, so when was the little blonde going to tell him he and Mori were more than just buddies? And Hikaru- they acted like they were inseparable, yet there he was running off with Tamaki without so much as asking his brother! And for what?

Haruhi, of course. Hikaru had been making it more and more clear lately that he had a thing for Haruhi- and Kaoru wanted to support his brother, of course, but he was starting to get the impression that it wasn't a two way street- Hikaru never seemed interested in helping his brother break out of their tiny world; he never asked about Kaoru's interests, or who he was interested in… and there was someone.

Suddenly, Kaoru could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand straight up. The slight scent of cologne signaled that he was very close. Kaoru spun around.

"I would like to lock up the clubroom, Kaoru- aren't you leaving?"

His voice was bored, his eyes not sparing the younger teen their time and instead fixed on the roll of keys he was shuffling through to locate the one he needed. Kaoru could feel his heart pounding violently as he was assaulted with thoughts- alone in a room with Kyoya- standing this close to Kyoya- being addressed by name by Kyoya-! Kaoru gulped, grasping desperately for composure. When had this Kyoya thing started?

At first it was little things: the smell of his cologne, the richness of his voice, the coolness in his expression no matter what the situation. Kaoru found himself noticing more and more how charming Kyoya was the more time they spent together, and soon he found himself dancing constantly between wanting to see the Shadow King and needing to look away before his heart gave out. How was he the only one who saw Kyoya this way? Couldn't everyone see how incredibly cool he was?

This crush seemed to peak that week, though, when Tamaki suddenly seemed to be taking an interest in Kyoya too. While before he was just content with watching the Shadow King from afar, Kaoru now found himself picturing what it would be like to be in Tamaki's shoes- the pet names, the shoulder rubs, the sweet little gestures… Kaoru wanted to be that close with Kyoya, too!

But maybe he could be.

Suddenly, ideas seemed to be clicking into place in Kaoru's head. Sure, Kyoya and Tamaki seemed like a couple- but Kaoru had seen what had just happened when Tamaki asked Kyoya out. It wasn't a date, and although Kyoya seemed disappointed at that fact it had left Kaoru with a golden opportunity. Kyoya was free. Kaoru, for once, was also free from his brother. They were alone. This was perfect.

"Oh yeah, sorry."

Kaoru laughed sheepishly, picking up his bag and flashing Kyoya a smile. His head was spinning- was he really going to go through with this?- but there was no turning back when he was this close.

"I guess I just don't really know where to go from here."

Kyoya, who had already dismissed Kaoru and was heading for the door, glanced over his shoulder to give back the twin some of his attention.


Kaoru worked hard to keep smiling and shrug lightly, not wanting his words to seem too planned.

"Everyone's out tonight, you know?"

His reply was more grumpy than usual.

"Hm, I suppose so…"

Kaoru's heart was panicking as Kyoya seemed to be completely ignoring the hints he was dropping- were they too subtle, or was he being rejected? Finally, the twin mustered all his courage and went out on a limb.

"Since everyone else is, why don't we go out too? We could get some food together."

Although Kaoru felt braver now than ever before, for Kyoya on the receiving end the twin seemed oddly sheepish- his cheeks were pink and he was only peeking up at the older teen, with a shy smile. His invitation hung in the air as the dark haired teen contemplated it. After being thoroughly kicked around by Tamaki like an idiot, it was true that going straight home would only yield an evening of moping on Kyoya's part as he would have nothing better to do than think about all the antics his terrible friends were getting into. Still though, the situation was strange- a twin without its match, asking him of all people to get dinner? He wasn't sure if they would even have enough to talk about to warrant a good time. Still though, it seemed the better option.

"I suppose it's only fair."

The teen finally shrugged, receiving an excited smile from the younger. Kaoru felt like he might faint- a date with the Shadow King? What had he gotten himself into!

"We can take my car."

Kyoya offered, holding the door for Kaoru who seemed oddly dazed before locking the entrance behind them both. Quickly trying to act natural, Kaoru flashed a much more in-character grin.

"Okay, but I get to choose where we eat!"

Kyoya rolled his eyes but was really only amused as he headed down the hallway with the younger of the Hitachin twins- this evening seemed to be spiraling fast, but with so many ups and downs the Shadow King really wasn't sure if it was for the better or not. Only time could tell.


Well, there you have it! Not sure if I want to continue this, but there are a few unanswered questions…

Does Kyoya realize this is a date? How will a date with Kaoru and Kyoya go? How will Tamaki and Hikaru react when they discover how Kyoya and Kaoru spent the evening? Who will end up together in the end?

I dunno. If you wanna hear more, let me know in the reviews and I'll make it happen somehow.