Ok, big things have happened. Warrior Ethos has been continued as Warrior Ethos: 2 and the information page has been made into its own story.
It is essentially my take on ME2, so it starts with The Humbling River (Alchera) and continues from there.
You'll also find Stop Loss and Some Nights there, and my newest chapter, Omerta.
The reason I have chose to do this is for simplicity's sake down the line. It is easier for me to organize the stories according to Pre-ME2, ME2, ME3, and beyond ME3, rather than having one giant 500,000+ word behemoth to work with.
As always, I enjoy and learn from every one of your reviews, no matter how many times you do it.
In summation: This story is complete. All future Warrior Ethos chapters will be found in Warrior Ethos: 2 (until Warrior Ethos: 3 comes out)
Now stop reading this and go check out what Jane does to her the Big Ol' Blue Bosh'tet back my newest chapter, Omerta!