Okay, so everything else for this story will just be oneshots of scenes from before, after, or during this story. I am going to state this story as completed, though, because the storyline is complete. Italicsare thoughts andbold italicsare mind link.

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Six Months Later, Roy's POV

Dick grinned in wolf form and ran onto a large rock, tipped his head back, and howled at the full, Montana moon. Wally and I laughed and howled with him, before we fell to the ground, laughing. We heard footsteps behind us, approaching quickly, but we didn't acknowledge the team as they came to the clearing. Wolf and Dick were getting along better than ever and the bonds within the team were as strong as ever.

I took a moment to look over Dick. He had changed so much in the six months since the team found out. He was happier and more relaxed around them, even letting some of the wolf come out when he was human. The first time it happened was in sparring. He accidently growled at Conner then froze. Conner growled back at him, grinning, and they went back to sparring. It was great to see them accept him. That wasn't the only change though. His fur somehow got darker and his eyes turned silver in the moonlight –both as human and wolf. He finally hit a growth spurt and was almost as tall as Wally. In human form, his skin began to take the gypsy tan we all knew it would and some of his muscle started showing. My little brother was growing up.

I was pulled back to reality when the howling stopped and Dick came over to where we were laying and the team had decided to sit down. He flopped down on top of all of us, just like he tended to do now when he was human. Luckily, I got the head. Thanks for coming with me, guys. I'm having a lot of fun! Dick said in the mind link.

The team all responded with various forms of agreement. Dick's ears perked up and he got up, running into the woods. Be back later! I think it's a deer!

"He's growing up." Wally said from where he was sitting next to me.
"Yeah, I was just thinking the same thing. Pretty soon, little wolf will be out on his own." I said.

"No, he'll never be alone. He's got us. He may be growing up, but he's still our little brother and that will never change." Conner said, looking at the moon and smiling. We all got up as we heard Dick's hunting howl in the forest and headed into the woods.

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Storyline End. Thanks for all the support through this story, it really means a lot!