Me: Hey guys! Sorry but I had to do some changes and add a prologue, too! This is my first fanfic so please review!

Gardevoir: Like the prologue will help. At least I made it into the story, even though I'm being tortured because of-

Me: Don't spoil it! Now shush up and let the people read!

Gardevoir: Disclaimer: Eon does not own Pokemon in any way.


A dark man sat in a high-backed chair, watching his minions work on the cameras as he awaited the arrival of his assistant. Just as he was growing bored, a young woman walked into the room, coming to a halt in front of his desk with a folder in her hands. He spun around to take it from her, rifling through its contents as she spoke.

"The test results have come up positive, sir. In order to create the secret weapon, we need her prowess included in the formula. We've found no other alternatives to this plan."

His hands froze, the papers fluttering back into their original positions. Putting down the files, he questioned, "You're absolutely sure?"

The lady pushed her glasses slightly up the bridge of her nose, no uncertainty in her voice as she replied, "One hundred percent, sir."

The man sighed. "I had been hoping to avoid this. You know I hate confrontations with my past."

"I do, sir, but unfortunately, we do not have enough power with you alone. The girl is necessary for the success of this production."

Mouth set in a grim line, he changed the subject. "Speaking of the production, have we all the parts needed? I was aware that we were a few short."

"There is one part still on its way sir, but it should be arriving around the same time as the boy," she explained, pulling out a sheet filled with flight plans and background information.

"That one, yes," he said as he saw the profile picture of their newest recruit. Recruit, right, the man silently chuckled to himself. More like forced service. "Don't forget to check on his friend; we wouldn't want her to be uncomfortable now would we?"

The lady smiled. "Of course not, sir." She was dismissed with a wave of the hand and backed out of the room, sliding the door silently behind her.

She strolled down the hallway, heels clicking on the floor as she made her way to the basement of the building. Coming up to a steel door inset with a number pad, she swiped a sleek black card through the slot and punched the keys. It opened up to reveal a small laboratory-like floor that contained various glass walled rooms, only one of which was occupied.

Walking up to the men at the control pad, she tapped on the glass, attracting the attention of the Pokemon inside.

"Are things going well with our 'guest'?"

The men didn't even glance at her as they continued pressing buttons and scanning files. "She's been resistant to our research, but we think that in time, her defenses will crumble."

"Excellent," she stated, continuing to look into the clear room in front of them.

Lying on top of an empty white table was a Gardevoir, the psychic Pokemon strapped down and attached to various wires and tubes that were connected to machines located around her and in the control room. She was awake at the moment, aware that the lady had returned and staring venomously at her. The woman, however, just shrugged it off as she had grown used to this Pokemon's tension since the day it had arrived.

Seeing nothing wrong, she nodded to the men and left the room, the Gardevoir watching her every move with visible hatred in its pained eyes.

Chapter One: Red

"Okay, now!" I said to myself, raising my hand to knock on the framed oak door in front of me, but before it could make a sound, I stiffened up, just mere centimeters from the wood.

"Coward," I sighed under my breath. Why was it so hard to ask one of my closest friends a simple question? Turning around in an attempt to gather up my courage again, I saw that a few people were already arriving for the Pokedex Reunion.

Next week, there was going to be a small party to welcome the new Holders from Sinnoh. All the current ones would be there along with a few extra people from the other regions.

Blue had already tricked Green into going with her, Ruby had lost a bet with Sapphire resulting in the two attending together, Crystal was still waiting for Gold to ask, and Gold was the one who had sent me here.

"So, I hear Yellow still hasn't been asked to the Reunion," Gold had said mischievously at the Pokemon Center just that morning.

"Yeah," I had responded, blushing a bit at the mention of Yellow. Unfortunately, I'd known exactly where this conversation was headed.

"Why haven't you asked her yet?" Gold had questioned, poking my shoulder with his cue stick.

"Who said I was going to ask her?" I had muttered, blushing even more and looking out the window to hide my burning face.

"Oh don't give me any of that," Gold had exclaimed. "I know you're going to ask her."

"And why would you say that?"

"Because if you don't, that means somebody else will," Gold had said, a teasing smirk on his face as he had known that I knew who that somebody might be.

"Silver wouldn't ask her," I had finally replied nervously, not quite sure if what he had said was true. I'd noticed that recently, Yellow had been spending more time with Silver than she had before. To be honest, it did worry me a bit.

"Are you sure?" His eyebrow arched, Gold had started twirling his cue.

He was right. What would Yellow say if Silver asked her?

Faster than a Rapidash in the afternoon sun, I had bolted out of the Center and towards Yellow's cottage by the Viridian Forest, leaving Gold to chuckle to himself. Which brought me to the problem I was facing now.

"C'mon," I told myself. "It's just a question."

Facing the door, I raised my hand yet again. I had to do this. If I didn't, I might lose her to Silver.

And with that thought, I finally brought myself to knock. Waiting, I heard footsteps approach the door and tried not to look nervous as it swung open to reveal Yellow and ChuChu standing before me.

"Oh, hi, Red," she mumbled, a slight blush reddening her cheeks. Chuchu chattered away happily as she started rubbing against my leg.

"Hey," I managed, leaning over to pet the Pikachu between the ears. How was I going to ask her to the Reunion when I couldn't even utter a full sentence? "Where's your uncle?"

Looking back inside at her empty house, she sighed. "He's gone on another fishing trip in Johto. He said something about there being a migration of Octillery."

"Hm," I hummed as I tried to keep calm. "Can I…ask you something?"

She looked at me a bit skeptically but kept smiling. "Yes."

"Well, you know about the get-together next week?"

"Yes," she said, the smile broadening a little and the blush deepening a bit.

"Well…I was wondering if—"

"Hey Yellow!" came a voice from behind me with a pair of footsteps to match it. "Do you think you can help me—oh, hi, Red."

Pivoting, I saw that it was none other than Silver who had called out to Yellow.

"What is it, Silver?" Yellow pondered, aiming her attention at the red-haired boy.

"Oh, I just needed your help with something. Would you come out to the shrine with me?"

"Sure, just let me finish up inside, and I'll be there. You go on ahead."

"Alright, bye Yellow. You too, Red," Silver added before heading out to the Viridian forest.

Going into her house, Yellow called out, "Come in, Red."

I followed her in, asking, "There's a shrine in the forest?"

"Yeah. Silver wanted to build one like the shrine in Ilex Forest so we got one set up in the middle of the woods."

"Oh," I replied, envious of Silver that he got to spend so much time with Yellow. No, I told myself. I am not jealous.

Gathering her hat and fishing pole, she glanced up at me. "So what did you want to ask me?"

Looking down at her, I thought I saw a spark of hopefulness in her eyes. I felt the heat rise into my cheeks as I continued my interrupted question. "I-I was thinking maybe…"

"Yes?" she said, waiting for me to go on.

"Well if no one else has asked you yet…"

Her blush deepened even more as I finished.

"W-would you like to go to the Reunion with me?"

Watching for her reaction, I saw her sigh and say, "Oh, Red I'd love to."

Letting out a relieved sigh of my own, I stiffened instantly when she said, "But…"

Darn it! Silver did already ask her!

"Oh no, Red! It's not that someone else has asked me," she rapidly reassured me, seeing the look on my face. Sheepishly, she said, "It's just that, I-I don't have anything to wear to the Reunion."

Thank Mew! I thought. Letting out my pent up breath, I said cheerily, "Well, I guess that means we have to go buy you something!"

"No! That's okay; I'll just make do with what I have," Yellow replied quickly. "I don't want you to have to spend anything on me."

I took one look at her wardrobe of tunics and jeans. "No, you need something a bit nicer. I know! I can take you to Celadon's department store!"

"Red, you really don't have to—"

"But I want to," I said before I could stop myself, noticing her fading blush returning full force. Rosy myself, I stammered, "So how about this weekend then? It would be the perfect time to go before the Reunion."

"That'd be nice," Yellow said. A bit more hesitantly, she added, "Thanks, Red. Really."

"I don't mind," I said softly.

Still blushing a little, she looked up at me and said, "Well, I have to go meet up with Silver. I'll see you Friday, then?"

"Yeah," I replied, disappointed that she was leaving me for Silver. But hey, I told myself. I got Yellow! Not Silver!

Letting her go, I was heading outside when I saw something on her table. Walking over, I saw that it was her sketchbook open to a drawing she was working on, other finished pictures scattered around.

Picking up one of the completed sketches, I smiled to myself at her handiwork, at how detailed her picture was then froze when I realized what it was. Captured by Yellow's expert hand was Silver leaning against a tree, arms crossed and face aimed up towards the sky with an unusually calm expression. Looking at the other few finished drawings, I saw that they also depicted scenes of Silver in the forest.

Finally glancing down at her sketchbook, I took in the drawing that she was currently working on. The left side of the paper contained Silver wearing one of his rare smiles. The picture obviously wasn't finished as Silver was the only one in it, and an arm was wrapped around the red-haired boy's. Someone else was yet to be in this image.

Seeing this, I quickly put the picture back on the table and exited the house, telling myself over and over that the other half of that drawing was not Yellow.

Me: So? How was it people? Let me know what you think!

Gardevoir: Like I said before, you really don't have to. She'll figure it out one way or another.

Me: *a half second of confusion* Hey!