Alright, so here's the beginning to a fic, I'm really excited to write. It will have some rather odd pairings so if that's not you're thing, leave. Now. If you like, or at least don't mind the odd pairing of characters, please read! This will have quite a lot of chapters, but I'm sure you'll understand. Okay, I am going to stop rambling and just let you read it and decide for yourself. Remember, reviews are lovely!
"You all must be wondering why I have gathered you here today!" Kyoko stood in front of a rather large group of girls with a huge goofy grin spread across her face.
"Toshinou Kyoko!" Ayano yelled from the crowd. "Why are we in your living room?"
"Hey, hey, calm down Ayano-Chan." said a cheerful glasses wearing girl who put a hand on the tsundere's shoulder. "I'm sure Toshinou-san was just about to explain it to us."
As Ayano grumbles something inaudible, Kyoko continued. "I have gathered you here for a game!"
"A game?" Shouted a chestnut haired girl from the crowd. "What game? What game?" she cheered happily.
"Shut up Sakurako." Said a tall blue haired girl standing next to her. "She'll tell us in a minute."
"Hey, shut up Himiwari!" Retorted the smaller of the two girls.
"No you-" Before the blue haired girl could continue yelling at her "friend" Kyoko continued once more.
"We will be playing..." Kyoko's grin was huge as she spun around to build dramatic effect. "7 minutes in Heaven!"
"Yay!" Came from a rather overly happy red head in the crowd.
"Can I go with Yui-senpai?" Asked a small pinkette.
"This is going to be embarrassing..." muttered Yui.
"I'll go with anyone but Sakurako." Himiwari said, causing the chestnut haired girl to shoot her a dirty look.
"I'm leaving..." Claimed Ayano.
"No you're not." Said Chitose holding the purple haired girl in place.
"We will all draw a number from this box!" Kyoko yelled out over everyone's comments. "Whoever has the same number as you is your partner! Who wants to draw first?"
There was an awkward silence in the living room. All the girls shot each other glances, wondering who would go first. A few of the girls began to giggle.
"Do we actually have to play?" Asked Yui, breaking the silence.
"Yes!" Shouted Kyoko loudly. "My parents aren't home, so we can do whatever we want." She made sure to give Ayano a little wink as she said that.
"I'll go first." Chitose declared taking a step towards Kyoko. The blonde smiled and held the box out to Chitose who gladly reached in and pulled out a number. "It doesn't even matter what number we draw in, so why are you girls being so shy." Chitose laughed.
"You're right." Said Yui, stepping forward and taking a slip of paper from Kyoko's box.
The rest of the girls followed and shortly afterwards they all had a number.
"Open 'em up and find your partner!" Kyoko said happily.
"Who got number three?" Asked Yui.
"That's me!" Cheered Chitose.
"Switch with me!" Begged Chinatsu, who was on her knees in front of Chitose.
Just as the two girls were about to switch their numbers Kyoko butted in. "Sorry Chinatsu-Chan. No switching."
As tears slip out of the corners of her eyes she looked over at Yui. "Be faithful..." she whispered.
"Faithful?" Asked Yui sweat dropping.
"What did you get Akari?" Asked Kyoko.
The red head stood looking at her number. She then lifted her head and said "One."
Chitose's voice rang over everyone else's. "That's yours Chizuru."
The silver haired twins stood at the other side of the room, Chizuru looking pale and unfazed. "Chitose..." They younger sister muttered.
"What is it?" Asked the older twin.
"I don't even know who that is..."
"She's nice Chizuru." Chitose reassured her sister with a smile.
"My turn!" Shouted the hyper blonde. "Who got two?"
"Me." Himiwari said and took at step closer to Kyoko.
"Nice!" Kyoko said motioning to her partners breasts.
"Hey!" Shouted Sakurako.
"What?" Asked Kyoko her goofy grin disappearing from her face.
"You just... just... be nice, baka!" Sakurako said blushing furiously. "Who's my partner anyway? Number 4!"
"That would be me." Said Ayano, happy that she got someone she knew a little bit better than some of the other girls.
"Ooh, two tsunderes, one closet! What will happen?" Kyoko said cheerfully, her grin spreading across her face. Her statement earned her two solid hits on the head from the couple she was talking about.
"Ouch..." Muttered Kyoko rubbing her head. "Who's left?"
"Me!" Chinatsu said, clinging onto Yui, begging her senpai to not do anything with Chitose.
"Who else?" Asked Kyoko.
No answer.
"Come on! Chinatsu's cute, who's her partner?"
No answer.
"Looks like somebody really doesn't want to have 7 minutes alone with you Chinatsu-Chan." Said Kyoko with a sigh. "Well... I guess if you don't have a partner, I can-" Before the blonde could finish someone was tapping her shoulder. Kyoko spun around to see Rise looking at her. Rise handed her a piece of paper with the number 5 written on it. "I found your partner Chinatsu-Chan."
So what do you think so far? Do you like it! ^_^ I hope so!
So here's the lineup:
1. Akarin and Chizuru
2. Himiwari and Kyoko
3. Yui and Chitose
4. Sakurako and Ayano
5. Chinatsu and Rise
Please post any comments or concerns in the reviews! Thank you!