Disclaimer- I don't own Glee.

A/N- This chapter is so short and took me so long to write that I should be ashamed of myself. If you want to give me any help on writing smut PM me, please.

WARNING: Crap smut! (frottage) And underage drinking is implied.

If you don't want to read my completely pathetic and not at all well written smut skip after Kurt says "Let's have fun." Ok? Ok.


It had been pretty awkward night at home. Burt had given him a spray bottle of mace and made him have a practise on a cactus before he went to bed.

Kurt had stayed awake though, feeling violated and... wrong. He needed to talk to someone that wasn't his Dad. He knew Santana would probably be awake but drunk or with someone and he didn't want to wake up Brittany and scare her. He was only left with one option.

"Hi who is it?" he heard Quinn yawn from the other end.

"It's Kurt, Quinn. Something terrible happened."

Kurt continued to tell Quinn about the incident and about Blaine fighting the dude.

"Oh my, Kurt! That is horrible and just plain wrong. I'm sure that man will burn in hell," Quinn said, sounding shocked.

"Yeah. Just as long as I'm not with him. I wanted to tell someone else so I could get it out of my system. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay, Kurt. Have a good sleep. Bye." Quinn said and hung up.

Kurt lay there, head pounding as he thought over the assault. It could've been worse and he was happy that Blaine had been there with him. He couldn't help but remember when it was REALLY Blaine pinching his ass. It was better, and it felt nicer. No. NO. Don't think about that Kurt. Not now.

He looked down and was met by a rather excited part of his body.

Oh shit. It's 3:00 in the morning, it's too late for this! Okay, unsexy thoughts... dying kittens, wrinkly old people...Berry's clothes! Yes, that did the trick.

Kurt sighed and rested back on his pillows. Everything was moving too fast. He'd just been dating Blaine for six days. That is a really short time to be thinking about that certain activity. Is it?


"You're probably wondering why I asked you to come in my office, because I don't normally let teenagers wreck my room with the stank of their hormones sinking into my seats. That's why I've covered them in plastic in advance," Sue said to the three Cheerios seated in front of her, "Q, Santana and sweet, naïve Brittany, we have a problem."

"Has the tanning salon broken down?" Santana asked worriedly and Quinn rolled her eyes.

"No it hasn't. As you probably know your dear, gay fellow Cheerio Kurt Hummel has got a new boy toy. That rebellious boy toy that I mentioned earlier has went and got himself into Glee Club as a punishment for god knows what. Since Porcelain is spellbound by his horrific curly hair and eye makeup he has joined also," Sue explained.

"Kurt's dolphin is nice. He showed me where to park my bicycle this morning," Brittany said but she was ignored by Sue.

"Yes Coach, we already know. Blaine is very gentlemanly to Kurt. Even though Kurt could've chosen someone higher in the popularity hierarchy he picked well. What is the matter with that?" Quinn asked.

"The matter is, Q, that he might quit Cheerios for that loser Glee Club and that would lose us Nationals! I need diversity or we won't be guarantied a place!" Sue said, "I want you three to join Glee Club to make sure Kurt doesn't move to the dark side. If that means having to sing a couple of show tunes then so be it. Do I have your word?"

"Yes Coach, we don't want anything bad to happen to him," Quinn said with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm down with that. Just as long as Schuester doesn't make me sing about how great it is to have dandruff or love or some crap," Santana said.

"Good. Now get the hell out of my office so I can get that monkey woman in to clean those seats." Sue said and they left.


"Hey Kurt, Quinn told us about last night and that really sucks. Next time that happens slap that bitch and tell me so I can go all Lima Heights on his sorry ass," Santana said upon greeting Kurt, "Anyways, my parents are out of town and I'm throwing one of my legendary, incredibly boozy parties so you and Curls McGee are invited."

"Oh, that's great San! We'll both be there," Kurt said and checked his watch. 4:00.

"Oh, I'm going to be late for Glee, I better go!" Kurt said and began to walk in the direction of the choir room.

"I forgot to tell you didn't I? We've all joined Glee Club too so you aren't too lonely. Quinn wanted to spy on Finn anyway to make sure that he doesn't get his mack on with Bird Beak," Santana said and linked pinkies with Brittany who was watching a fly with mild curiosity.

Kurt gave her a look but didn't question there actions.

The trio walked into the Choir room to see Quinn seated next to Finn, glaring at Rachel who was looking quite put off.

Blaine walked up to Kurt and kissed him hello, earning them an eye roll from Santana.

"I'd like everyone to welcome Quinn, Santana and Brittany to the New Directions!" Mr Schu said as Kurt sat down next to Blaine.

"Okay everyone, two pairs are going to perform their ballads today, it'll be last name alphabetical order. Since Artie isn't here because he has a flu, Blaine and Puck will perform," Mr Schuester said and Puck jumped up from his seat.

"WHY? Why are we next?!" Puck yelled confusedly pointing at Blaine.

"It's Blaine Anderson, dumbass. C'mon, let's go," Blaine said and stood up. "We're singing Ballad of Mona Lisa because that was the only result when Puck searched "cool ballad"."

They nodded to the piano man and began to sing.

He didn't mean it but during their performance Kurt's mind wandered. He was thinking about what he thought late last night. Yes, he was attracted to Blaine, that was obvious, but was it too soon? Thinking back to the beach incident on Monday he remembered it getting heated and Kurt stopping Blaine. Blaine was totally cool with that, unlike some of his friends' boyfriends and seems fine to wait. A little making out here and there wouldn't hurt anybody. But what if one time he can't help it and they just do it all and...URGH! This is just too confusing.

He'll just have to wait and see.

Kurt didn't realise that the song had finished until he heard everyone applauding, joining in, embarrassed that he missed the entire thing. ALL of it!

His awkward step-brother walked up (or rather stumbled, Kurt thought) with Mike and said that they'd be singing "Mr Brightside" by The Killers, while looking directly at Rachel. This performance would be very important if this was on TV, Kurt could just feel the drama in the air between Finn, Quinn and Rachel. Cue the dramatic music.

After Glee Club he and Blaine confirmed that they'll be at Santana's party and left.

Finn had came to school with Kurt and called shotgun faster than Blaine could open his mouth. But luckily the glare that Blaine sent Finn could cause a homicide. Blaine sat in shotgun with Finn in the back.

"So, how's McKinley treating you, Blaine?" Finn asked sheepishly as Blaine picked his black painted fingernails.

"Oh, it's great. 'Specially with your hot brother being there," Blaine said casually, making Kurt and Finn go bright red, but for different reasons.

They spent the rest of the trip in silence apart from the radio playing some rock band that Blaine loved.

Finn ran out of the car quickly, for a reason unknown to Kurt, leaving Kurt and Blaine alone for the first time today.

"Does your dad like me?" Blaine asked suddenly, a look of fear on his face.

"I'm sure he does, you are my saviour," Kurt answered and then thought of something genius, "How ever can I repay you?"

Then he leaned in and locked his lips with Blaine's, unbuckling his seatbelt. He had one hand on the back of Blaine's neck, the other tangled up in his hair.

Blaine made a noise of happiness and pulled Kurt over so he had a leg on each side of Blaine, Blaine's hands sliding down to his waist.

Kurt broke breathlessly.

"You can touch my ass, you know. It's okay," Kurt said and sucked Blaine's earlobe, getting a moan of approval from Blaine.

Blaine's hands took Kurt up on his offer and both slid down to hold a cheek, squeezing. Kurt squeaked then groaned, feeling himself getting harder. This was it.

Just as he was trailing open mouthed kisses down Blaine's neck the back door to the car opened and they heard a scream.

"DUDES GET OUT OF THE FUCKING CAR OH MY GOD!" Finn screamed and the couple instantly broke, Kurt looking at Finn with eyes that must be bigger than flying saucers.

"FINN, LEAVE!" Kurt yelled, bright red as he failed to conceal his erection.

"I'M TELLING BURT!" Finn shouted and ran into the house.

Kurt turned back to Blaine to see that his boyfriend was white as a sheet and looked terribly scared.

"I'm going to die," Blaine whispered.

"No, you're going to go in there and face it like a man. C'mon, you can do this. Just be yourself," Kurt encouraged and they walked slowly up to the house, mostly because Blaine kept trying to make a run for it.

"Dad? I'm home," Kurt called out and then Burt was in front of him with a look of fury towards Blaine.

"You two get in the kitchen now," he growled and Blaine was literally quaking in fear.

"Dad, stop being so melodramatic. Blaine's going to crap himself," Kurt said as he went into the kitchen, Blaine attached to his side because his dad must look scary.

"Don't give me that attitude Kurt Elizabeth Hummel," Burt warned.

"Oh no you're breaking out the middle names, this must be horrific," Kurt muttered and glared at the wooden table.

"Finn said that you guys were engaging in sexual activity in Kurt's car which I PAYED for. I didn't intend for it to be used that way," Burt said.

"Yes and you didn't intend for me to use that lube you passed me at breakfast two months ago to be used but that's not what you walked in on, was it?" Kurt said loudly, "Dad, we are both sixteen, we're at the consenting age!"

"That's beside the point-" Burt started.

"You know what, I'm sorry. Finn or you or Carole won't see stuff like that ever again, okay? Unless you don't knock but that won't be my fault," Kurt said.

"Fine, just be safe. And doors stay open when he's over, alright?" Burt sighed.

"'He's' name is Blaine Anderson, remember last night?" Kurt said and left to his room, Blaine following close behind.


All too soon it was Saturday night, the day of Santana's Wanky House Party as she named it on the text she sent out.

Kurt settled for his tightest pair of trousers he had, really clingy white ones. Those with a black buttoned top with metal studs on the collar and studded leather heeled boots. He was sexy and good to go.

He heard the doorbell ring so quickly tucked his phone into his pocket and went downstairs. Opening the door he saw Blaine and wow that looked amazing on him.

Blaine was adorn with a tight white t-shirt, black skinny jeans and red converse. Oh yeah, and fingerless gloves and smudged black eyeliner.

Blaine seemed to think Kurt looked pretty good too because his mouth was touching the floor.

"Let's go," Kurt said, quickly kissing his cheek and heading to his car, making sure to sway his hips.


It was an hour into the party and everybody except Finn were very, VERY drunk (Kurt had blackmailed Finn into being his and Blaine's drivers so he could have a nice time with his friends.)

Kurt skimmed over the area of the party. Beer and wine bottles were strewn all around and a game of spin the bottle was being played in the centre of the room. Quinn and Rachel (who Finn had invited to Quinn's dismay) were still in the cupboard from 7 Minutes In Heaven, which finished twenty minutes ago. There was many people dancing and drinking and making out and drinking some more.

Kurt spotted Blaine dancing crazily with Brittany and smiled. Kurt walked unsteadily over to his boyfriend and grabbed his wrist.

"Let's go have fun," Kurt slurred and dragged Blaine out of the party to his car.

He unlocked the car as quick as he could in his state and crawled into the backseat backwards, lying down on his back.

Blaine quickly scrambled up so he was hovering over Kurt and caught his lips in a sloppy, open mouthed kiss. Kurt managed to shut the door with his foot just in case Finn came looking and turned his attention back to his boyfriend who was currently sucking his neck with so much earnest that it would've been adorable if it wasn't so smoking hot.

Kurt crawls back until he feels his back hit the opposite car door and props himself up against it. Blaine moves up too, copying Kurt's moves from Wednesday by straddling Kurt's waist.

Kurt leans in to suck at Blaine's earlobe. Blaine approves seemingly so he bites it, teeth scraping the damp skin.

Blaine bucks suddenly into Kurt's hips, whining. Kurt could feel how hard Blaine was already and looking down in the darkness he could see that he was too.

So they get a rhythm, both thrusting and grinding and bucking into each other with so much want and lust.

Kurt captures Blaine's mouth messily, sucking his tongue when he feels Blaine's hands on his chest and going down.

Blaine makes quick work of unbuttoning Kurts' shirt and throws it somewhere in the car. He bites down on the available pale collarbone and Kurt moans, grabbing handfuls of Blaine's hair.

Blaine's hands needly scratch at Kurt's back as Kurt bucks more swiftly.

Then there is a warm hand on Kurt's dick and oh. OH.

Kurt mewls embarrassingly loudly as Blaine strokes his thumb over his jean clad member.

Then Blaine squeezes and Kurt was getting dizzy now, licking the inside of Blaine's mouth as his hands hold onto his back.

But all this breaks when he here's a zipper goes down and looks to see Blaine's hands approaching his boxer briefs.

"No, no more," Kurt says, feebly trying to push Blaine away.

"Why? I want you and you wanted me a second ago," Blaine says and wow he's extremely drunk.

"Because I don't want it to happen when we're drunk, okay? Now let's go party," Kurt says, grabs his shirt from the car floor and throws it on, only buttoning two buttons.

When they reenter the party there is more people passed out than before and Brittany and Santana were gone.

Kurt spied Finn sitting by himself as his wing man Puck made out with Morgan, a sophomore Cheerio.

"Where were you guys?" Finn asked curiously.

"Nowhere," Kurt quickly said and pulled Blaine to the dance floor before he could speak.

They spent the rest of the night dancing and drinking until Finn dragged them to the back seat, which they couldn't stop giggling about, and drove them to the Hudmel house. Kurt fell asleep on the drive so he didn't see Finn and Burt's struggle to keep Blaine in the living room.

A/N- Who wants a hangover next chapter? You know, if you still will read it after that terrible smut. *cries in corner* I'm so SORRY!

Review or PM with help or encouragement, please. Or send me an ask on Tumblr.


Have a nice day! xx