TITLE: Finding The Time
ROMANCE: Brittana (Santana Lopez/Brittany Pierce)
A/N: This is kind of an AU of sorts and Brittana are no longer on the Cheerios
SYNOPSIS: Brittana have just started dating, Brittany is no longer with Artie and Santana is no longer afraid of being herself, they are an official couple and everyone knows about them. Problem is they haven't had sex since the whole Hurt Locker incident and both are looking forward to being intimate with each other for the first time as an actual couple. Unfortunately finding the time to be alone isn't as easy as they hoped.
Chapter 1
Santana was completely aware of the dopey grin she currently sported on her face, and if asked about it she honestly wouldn't care that she looked like a complete goon. She didn't care because for once she was happy she finally had what she'd always wanted. Brittany. Brittany was finally hers once and for all, completely 100%. And it wasn't like before where they shared each other with however many guys each were currently stringing along. It was finally just how she had always wanted it. They were girlfriends. They were in that word that Santana would normally avoid but Britt had always wanted to use, they were in a relationship...A committed relationship...a monogamous committed relationship and for once Santana didn't care cause that's exactly what she wished for ever since she met the blond. And now she was sat in class staring at her girlfriend almost sickening so with that stupid smile like she had fazed everything else out other than the blond next to her.
It was notable this smile was only reserved for Britt it was rare when someone else who wasn't her girlfriend saw it. But Brittany saw it every day when they were alone and had always wished she could see it in public too and she was pretty sure this may have been the first time Santana had used this smile while in front of their peers but she certainly wasn't gonna be the one to tell Santana to stop.
Santana didn't really care about who was watching them. They were in love and if people wanted to watch that then it's their own choice but seriously she should really stop, the smile was becoming too cutesy and she was aware of how much crap she'd hurl and how many times she would roll her eyes in disgust each time she used to see Rachel and Finn doing the same thing. But then again it was weird when they did it. Cause they didn't go together but it was perfect when Santana and Brittany did it cause well let's face it they're perfect together and they're surely McKinley's, no scratch that, Ohio's cutest couple without being cliché or just plain awful looking
"Miss Lopez can we stop daydreaming and get back to our work now please" came the teacher's voice at the front of the class, took him long enough but he finally realised and Santana slowly turned her head towards the annoying man and her sweet smile turned onto a scowl at the sight. She did however begin to smile again when she noticed Brittany look over at her and give her a quick 'I love you' type smile then she continued with the work sheet they had been handed earlier
The class dragged out enough but eventually the school bell rung signalling the end of that class and thankfully the end of the school week, Friday had dragged but Santana was willing to wait through all the bad now she had her girlfriend by her side, holding her hand and kissing her whenever the day got hard. Both girls were looking forward to this weekend they hadn't been intimate with each other since they got together, in fact the last time they had sex was indeed before the whole love triangle with Artie, as Santana had recently gotten used to calling him due to Brittany's request of wanting them to get along.
San and Britt had taken the summer to get to know each other again and sort out their relationship and decide what they really were to each other and what they wanted. Now it was perfect. They are perfect. And in a couple of days they'd have that perfect moment together. True they'd slept together before but this was vastly different from anything they'd ever done before, with each other or with anyone else for that matter. Brittany referred to it as 'love making' but Santana cringed at the term, but then it dawned on her, that's what it was, it wasn't just sex, or a one night thing, it wasn't just fun, it was far from experimenting, and most certainly not a meaningless fuck. Santana and Brittany were going to make love for the first time ever. There was going to be feelings, and eye contact and gentle touches and sweet kisses and loving whispers all of which made Santana's heart flutter in just the simple thought.
"So what's the plan for this weekend?" Brittany asked her girlfriend as the two girls, picked up their text books and bags making their way over to the classroom door. Santana took the blond's hand in complete confidence ignoring any looks they may receive whether they were positive or not she just didn't want to waste the time on people that just didn't get it when she could be using it on more of those dorky smiles she was now accustomed to dealing out.
"Well my parents are gonna be home all day tomorrow, my dad has the day off for once, but Sunday they're going to the movies, so we can hang out then and that will give us a couple of hours to just…..you know" Santana may have been fluttering with the thought but it didn't mean she was gonna say it aloud.
"I can't believe we're actually gonna make love, it's been so long since we've been together and now it's just so different, but in a good way" Britt assured the Latina with a grin that didn't look dorky on her, just adorable. The girls made their way to their neighbouring lockers still hand in hand. They both dropped off the excess books they didn't need over the weekend and put the rest that they did need into their bags before making their way to Glee club.
They walked in to the choir room like any other day, the few members that were already in there, Rachel, Kurt and Blaine, giving them a warm smile as they sat down in their normal seats at the back of the class. " You wanna come over about 7, my mom said they'll be leaving about half 6 so it will give me a little time to distress"
"Sure sounds good Sanny" Brittany said excitedly and leaning in to give Santana a kiss on the cheek which surprised the girl, but Santana looked at Brittany and gave her a half smile before settling to get through Glee.
Glee went by with the usual routine, Rachel having a solo that no one wants to hear, while she gives speeches about how she should get all the solos and how no one else (especially Tina and Quinn) should have the chance to sing cause apparently she's more talented than everyone, Santana having to be calmed down by Britt as she went a little lima heights on the diva over these views, and Finn following said diva like a puppy while he stumbled over his own feet trying to 'dance' or at least that's what he claimed he was trying to do. But it didn't matter because Glee was soon over, the ringing in their ears had subsided and they were ready for the weekend that promised to be a memorable one.