An Awful Lot of Running

by TwinEnigma

Standard Disclaimer - I do not own Young Justice or Doctor Who or any of the characters therein. I do not do this for profit, but rather for fun and skills building.

NB: AU X-over, done as a fill for the YJ-anon-meme, on the prompt that Batman is a time lord/The Doctor. De-anoning because I already admitted it was me.

Sequel to "The Clark Kent Adventures" and "Gingerbread House"

There's something exhilarating about running for your life. Wally knows it better than most. After all, ever since the Detective and his best friend, Dick, crashed into his life, he's been running for his life like a pro. There's really a ridiculous amount of running involved.

And he doesn't want to stop.


He just wants to run, across time, across space, with his friends, and always feel that freedom. He can always go home later. After all, what is time to a time traveller? He can be back seconds after he left (and Dick assures him constantly that the Detective is mostly accurate about these thingsā€¦ mostly) and no one will ever be the wiser.

Then he gets left behind, but it doesn't stop him. He studies, he does his homework and he sees things he'd never noticed before meeting the Time Lord. And then he plans.

The lighting strikes him and he runs.

He runs until time itself can't hold him.


It was sort of bashed around in comments on the meme that if the Justice League was Old!Who, then Young Justice would be Nu!Who. Wally turned into a combination of Donna Noble and Ace McShane.