I've written up a bit to help you better understand whether or not this story is for you as well as a bit about me (like for one, I am into writing long descriptions!) I understand that reading is a large investment of your time, and I want to make sure you don't waste it. If you wish to skip to the story, by all means, scroll until you see the chapter title.
Q: Who is this story intended for?
A: Anyone of course, but I believe those will most relate to it are those who are Shakarian (Garrus x Fem!Shep) fans, who are either Paragon or Paragade by nature. And those that chose the Destroy ending in Mass Effect 3.
Q: What is this about?
A: This is my "headcanon" of sorts, (which isn't planned out, so I'm discovering what's going to happen as much as you are) about what happened after the Destroy Extended Cut ending of Mass Effect 3. Though the story focuses on Garrus and Shepard, I will also be writing about what's going on with other crew members and the galaxy to an extent within the story.
Q: What's the style like?
A: I don't usually ever write fanfiction, but lately I have been reading a game writing book (what I want to have a career in) that claimed that one of the most skilled things a writer can do is write a story using someone else's characters accurately. So that and my desire to create an ending for Shepard caused this story to be born.
Therefore I will keep as true to the story and style of the Mass Effect trilogy as possible, and as true to the characters as possible. I'm unused to reading or writing fanfiction specifically (although I used to years ago), so bear with me while I find my voice (or rather, BioWare's writers' voice). I actually wrote a fic for the Garrus fanbook collective that was very vague so that almost anyone could pretend it was their FemShep, but since these stories are going to be continuous and I want to write them as well as I can, I will be using my own FemShep and her history for reference.
Q: How long is this going to be? Are these short stories, chapters or what?
A: It will be ongoing as a whole, but I am keeping each story somewhat self-contained. Like episodes, there will be a specific issue that is brought up and resolved in each chapter although there will be over arcing issues that will be resolved only as the story goes on. So you could read one like a short story, but also keep going if you so desire. I don't know how long it will be yet, but I intend to keep my writing as concise as possible, without any filler. Also, I plan to update once every week minimum, maybe twice at the time of this writing.
Q: What is this Shepard's story? Who is she?
A: This is the story of Tempest Shepard who was a Colonist/Sole Survivor that was largely Paragade. For the big decisions and speaking with her loved ones, she is usually Paragon, but when conflict arises, she is usually Renegade.
She destroyed the Collector base, saved and recruited everyone, tried to warn the batarians in Arrival, cured the genophage, made peace between the Quarians and geth and prepared in every way possible for the battle for Earth (high EMS). She destroyed the Reapers for reasons you might just find out…
Chapter 1: Leaving Shepard
"Garrus, we…" Liara stood in the doorway of the med bay, looking at Garrus. For the first time in a long time, she was apprehensive about something other than the Reapers. Garrus was sitting on a med bay bed, armor off, in his boxers. Dr. Chakwas was examining him with an omni-tool.
He didn't look at Liara when she spoke. In fact, he wasn't really looking at anything.
Garrus had been completely silent since he and Tali came aboard the Normandy, covered in blood. Liara had overheard some of the crew that had been outside helping with the evac, quietly discussing what had happened. She had been passing by the mess hall tables, leaving the elevator to go to the med bay when she heard the men speaking. She went over to interrogate them, but as soon as the men had noticed her, they stopped talking.
Undaunted, Liara stood before them, leaning over and placing her hands on the table. "What did you say about Shepard?" she asked gently. The men looked at each other for a moment. Then one, a young brown haired man, spoke.
"We were… talking about the Commander. Her and Vakarian." The man paused, expecting rebuke for gossiping. The crew talked about the two like they would anyone else, but they usually tried to keep it from her squad mates, of course, the Commander.
Liara looked at the man a bit impatiently, gesturing for him to go on.
He nervously sucked in his breath and continued. "They were…they said their last goodbyes out there. I-we, think Vakarian is taking it pretty hard. Ma'am. He… hasn't said a word since they brought him in. So I heard."
Liara pushed away from the table and looked toward the med bay window. She could see Tali lying down on a bed while Dr. Chakwas spoke to her. Figuring she wouldn't get any more useful information from the men, she had decided to just go check on Garrus herself.
And now she stood in the doorway, trying to figure out how to tell Garrus that they were probably going to have to leave. Leave Shepard behind.
Liara rubbed her hands together and sighed, walking further inside the room. She sat down on a bed opposite Garrus while Dr. Chakwas worked.
Chakwas glanced at her and stood up. "Well, Garrus, I think I've done everything I can for the moment. I'm going to go check on Tali."
"Is Tali doing okay, doctor?" Liara asked.
Chakwas folded her arms. "Her suit got torn pretty bad but I think she'll make it. She'll probably be down for a while though, with all the infections she's bound to have gotten. But you needn't worry about her." Chakwas looked down at Garrus and then nodded at Liara. Liara watched as Chakwas moved to the far end of the med bay, where Tali was lying down.
Liara looked back at Garrus. He still wasn't looking at her, but rather, past her. "Garrus."
Garrus slowly turned his eyes to Liara. He stared at blankly her for a moment. "Liara." He said softly. His suddenly eyes widened and he grabbed her arms, leaving Liara to stare back in surprise. "Liara! Have you… have you heard from Shepard? Did she make it? Did Shepard make it onto the Citadel?"
Liara relaxed and looked down. Somehow, she found it hard to stare back into those hopeful eyes. "It's been…hard, to get information, Garrus. Even for me." She felt Garrus' hold on her loosen and she quickly went on. "But Admiral Hackett did tell Joker that someone had made it to the Citadel. He believes it was Shepard, but we have no-"
Garrus let Liara go and laughed. "It has to be Shepard. Who else could have made it through all of that?"
Liara looked up at Garrus and gave a brief smile. "Yes, I guess you're right. But Garrus…you do remember the plan? What we have to do when the Crucible is activated?"
Garrus' expression became serious and he let go of Liara. He looked down. "Yeah. But, Liara, if Shepard's alive, I know she'll get back in time. This is Shepard we're talking about."
"Yes, I know, but…" Liara looked at Garrus, making sure he was paying close attention. "Shepard's only one woman, Garrus. We both know she would try her best but…" Liara sighed. "We haven't heard anything from Shepard in over a half hour. Hackett said he's going to move the fleets soon. We've got to get out of here before the Crucible fires, Garrus."
Garrus looked away from Liara and was silent for a few minutes. "Damn it Shepard," he finally whispered. "I told you to come back alive."
Liara put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a sad look. "We'll get through this, Garrus."
Garrus slowly shook his head, though she couldn't tell if he was disagreeing or doing so at the situation. Liara turned and walked out of the med bay, and headed into the elevator.
She had to check on things, she had to keep things going while Shepard…she had make sure that Joker would obey the orders to get out of the blast zone of the Crucible. She had to make sure everyone got out all right, that everyone would be alright.
That Garrus would be all right, or Shepard would never forgive her.
She had to…she had to….
As the elevator doors closed in front of her, tears streamed down Liara's face.
Not again, Shepard. We can't lose you again. Garrus can't lose you again.
I can't lose you again.