The prequel to my other story, "You're Stronger Than You Think." Anybody who has read that knows what will happen in the end. Although I'll probably continue on into it, as it needs to be re-done. If that does happen, I'll change this title to the same thing. Summaries are parts of the newest chapter unless I continue on. I hope you'll enjoy.
Also, this is before Bruce becomes "the other guy," so right now he's just a regular scientist dude. Later on, however….
"Alright, I'm lost," Bruce announced, frowning at the sidewalk as he stopped and looked around at the cute little shops and buildings, "I don't really think this is London."
He sighed, running his hands through his hair, glancing at his watch before groaning. He was supposed to be at the London Eye twenty minutes ago. Lost and late, this definitely wasn't going to go well with the board.
"Oy, slow it!" somebody yelped, making Bruce wince and flinch back as somebody else screamed and collided into him. A loud laugh was soon heard, chuckles as well as Bruce's vision was obscured by brown.
"Shut it!" the brown was lifted, as well as some of the pressure on his chest, although there was still something tangled with his legs. He winced and blinked up at the young woman, who looked down at him and shot up, stepping out of his legs and blushing down at him.
"Oh my Mer - ! I am so sorry, I wasn't paying attention, these two should've warned me, I didn't see you. I'm so sorry, it was an accident, but then again why would I run into you and knock you onto the sidewalk on purpose when I barely even know you, are you hurt? Are you alright?" she babbled as Bruce began to laugh a little, making her shut her mouth and blush even redder, moving to step away, only to be halted as somebody gripped her arm.
"She's very sorry," one of the men said, grinning down at Bruce as he sat back on his hands as the woman continued to blush, "Wasn't looking where she was going."
"Shut it, Harry," she muttered, looking away from Bruce as he began to grin at her, taking in her crazy brown curls as she fidgeted in her friend's hold.
"It's alright," Bruce chuckled as he stood, "Nothing's broken."
The ginger was still laughing, trying to form sentences and failing as she tried to escape from Harry's hand. Another woman, a redhead, strode up to them and looked at the scene curiously.
"What's with Ron?" she asked Harry, tilting her head to him and arching an eyebrow.
"Hermione ran into him and knocked him down," Harry grinned at Bruce, "Ron's finding it very funny."
"Ah-hah!" she let a light laugh out and turned to Bruce, grinning, "Sorry, you alright?"
"Fine, thanks," he grinned back as the woman – Hermione – grunted and leaned back to try to get away from Harry and the embarrassing scene, although Harry only stood there.
"I'm Ginny," she extended her hand to him, smiling as he shook it, "Are you single?"
"I-I what?" Bruce stammered and blinked at her as she took her hand back.
"Yes, Ginny, what?" Harry asked, frowning a little as he paid no attention to Hermione.
"Not me, Harry, don't get your knickers in a twist," she snorted, "I'm asking for Hermione."
"What?" Hermione gaped at her as Harry choked back a laugh, Ron doubling over by now, "Ginny, no!"
Ginny ignored her, turning back to Bruce, "So are you?"
"Err – yes," he blinked back.
"Because my mother is always harping on about how Hermione needs a boyfriend, and she's worried about her and blah yadda-yadda blah," Ginny sighed, "And you seem fairly interesting, at least by my standards, and that's pretty hard to do, so I think I can deal with seeing you at family functions, because Hermione is practically family and she has to come, and she's going to have to bring a date to appease my mother that she won't die alone with that cat of hers. Although it is a very cute cat, I have to admit, only a few months old."
"Oh, Ginny, why?" Hermione whimpered through her hands as she lowered herself onto a bench, Harry laughing with Ron now.
"There's really nothing wrong with her, she's rather shy, actually, despite how she can smack around any of the boys, including these two. She's really brainy, really smart, knows practically everything, and I reckon she doesn't look too bad, but of course I don't swing that way so I can't really give you a proper 'guy' answer," Ginny shrugged, making Hermione whimper even more and make Harry and Ron crumple against each other as they laughed.
Bruce only stared at her for a moment before looking at Hermione, fighting a smile, "Quick question – where is the London Eye?"
"London Eye?" Ginny questioned as Harry caught his breath and stood, helping Ron up, "Mate, you're definitely not in London."
"You're actually pretty far from London," Ron grinned, "Why?"
"Just missed a meeting," he sighed, rolling his eyes as he checked his phone, looking at all of the angry text messages and voicemails that awaited his attention. He glanced back at Hermione, who was shaking her head with her hands still covering her face.
"Oh, Ginny, why would you do that, why would you say that? I already embarrassed myself in front of him before, and then you waltz along and muck everything up further," she muttered, mainly to herself as Ginny wasn't paying attention to her. She uncovered her face and glared at her, "Why am I friends with you?"
"Because you're friends with him and him, so by default you're going to want to be my friend as well," she shrugged, waving to Harry and Ron, "Because, let's face it, you can't stand hanging around with two boys all the time, and therefore need me."
"Gin, you're such a tomboy though," Ron shook his head, "Mum always wanted a girl. Don't think she ever really got one."
"Shut it!" she frowned, "She did too, and she named you 'Ronniekins.'"
"Oy, break it up, or he won't date her because it'll mean he'll have to hang out with us too," Harry waved the siblings away from each other, grinning as Hermione dropped her face back into her hands.
Bruce chuckled as Ginny and Ron both looked at him pleadingly, turning to Hermione and smiling down at her, "Do you like coffee?"
Hermione immediately ripped her hands away from her face and looked at him curiously, "Pardon?"
"Or we could go somewhere else. I really don't know where anything is, so your pick."
"Are you stark raving mad?" she asked, blinking up at him, "Even after my friends were completely and utterly them, you're considering going out with me?"
"Yes," he nodded, smiling at her.
She stared at him for a moment before sighing and standing, "I'm going to completely ignore them now, just so you know. So, ahh…coffee?"
"Sure, I'm not picky," he shrugged as Ginny danced her victory, Hermione leading him away as she shot a quick glare to the three.
Harry, Ron and Ginny only grinned cheekily at her as she rolled her eyes and turned her attention back onto Bruce.