Joys POV:

Its been about a month since Nina and Fabian had therer babies. There super adorable but so much work. You can see the strain its putting on their relationship. There always fighting. Im Curently 7 months. Me and Mick Decided on Naming the baby Connor Byrant Cambell.

"Fabian just leave me alone!" nina screamed while walking to theire room and slamming the door.

I look in the foyer and see fabian sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. Mick was sitting next to him talking and Amber had just ran into Ninas room to calm her down. This was an everday thing.

Amber POV:

"Come on nins, hes a boy he dosent understand how hard it is on you" i said to nina as she sobbed into her pillow.

"Just go Amber, please" nina cried.

I sighed and walked up the stairs. Joy was sitting on the other side of FAbian with Mick talking to him. Gabby (nickname) and Noah were both in there playpens.

*2 months later*

Nina POV:

Gabby and Noah, both three months old, are finally sleeping through the night. So me and Fabian are finally getting all of our sleep. Its currently 11:00 pm.

Fabian walks into the room and slides into bed with me. He wraps his arms around my waist and puts is head in the crrok of my neck

"I love you"

"I love you too"


Joys POV:

For some reason i cant sleep. ive been tossing and turning in Micks arms and my stomach is killing me. Suddenly i soak myself. mick apparently feels it because he jolts awake and tries to help me. It takes a second to sink in but: The baby is coming.

Sorry for the lack of updates! but i hope this keeps you happy! Im gunna be updating as many stories as i can. ttyl Review with ideas for the next chapter!