Hey guys!
So I know you probably got an email alert saying this was a new chapter, so I'm terribly sorry that I might've gotten your hopes up. I just have a few things to say, so how about I jump right in?
Okay, first, this stupid story is not forgotten. I will stick it out until the end, even if it kills me. Actually, I have chapter eight kinda sorta ready to be posted, I just need to edit it and make it sound nice, all that boring stuff that I'm way too busy for… which brings me to number two.
I am so busy, like all the time. It's my junior year of high school, so I have to maintain a 4.0 this year for college applications, and it's already taking so much out of me. Plus, I have work and cheer and rehearsals and a bunch of prior commitments, and sadly, writing has been the least of my concerns. Well, I shouldn't say least of my concerns, but not my upmost priority, practically speaking.
And actually, I have been writing. A lot, considering how much alone time I have to sit down and type. But it's all garbage drabble stuff with typos and no concrete story line, so it's basically worthless.
Lastly, onto this story, Evil Blonde. I hate this story. I hate it so much. I like the overall plot I was working with, I like a few scenes and dialogue, but as a whole, it's just this awful debauchery and I am completely floored at the positive response it has somehow been getting. With that being said, and don't freak out at this, but I think I'm going to rewrite it. From start to finish. I want it to be in the iCarly universe, mostly, and I also need to fill in a few plot gaps and storyline errors. For my sake, mostly.
That's about all I have to say. Thank you so much for being a reader and for staying along this pitiful path I'm paving! I appreciate you (yes you!) so much and I love you from the bottom of my heart! You really don't have to reply to this, hell, you don't even have to read it, but I figured that this was the best way for me to directly speak to everyone. If and when I post chapter eight/the rewriting of chapter one, I'll just delete this update.
Twitter: "at" sortasupersam
Thank you so much again and I love you!
Samm :)