(A/N:: This is probably starting this story when I'm on chapter 2 (Writing Chap 3) but this is the story I have been waiting to write forever. Updates will most likely be shorter and faster because they're so short. It's interesting layout and I really like it! Enjoy! BTW- The way this idea is inspired by the story Dear _, by a_colorful_dreamer on wattpad. I don't own anything about TDI)

Dear owner of locker D1409,

So this is suposed to go to a guy named Geoff, and I'm really hoping I got the right locker but... I really doubt that. So if you kindly give this to him (That being if this isn't his locker) I would be grateful.

GEOFFREY. Boy, I know you were dense but damn, really? I'm going to spell this out for you, but if Bridgette finds out that I did this she will kill me in the most literal sense get it? Bridgette likes you. She thinks you're attractive. A ella le gusta tu cara. Understand? She LIKES you. and it's quite obvious the feeling is mutual. So, do something about it dumbass.


Courtney Steele

P.S- I repeat, if Bridgette finds out about this I will die. And when I become a zombie, I will totally kick you're ungrateful ass.

P.S.S- Sorry if this is awkward, but it needed to be done. I hate sexual tension in the morning.

P.P.P.S- Oh! And if by some reason you wished to return this note to my locker so I can get it to the right person my locker is B1851. FYI.

(Written on a neatly folded piece of lined paper in tight curly script in locker D1409)


Dear Courtnee,

You really should do your research before dropping angry notes in some random guys locker. And I've got to say, you really know how to make a guy feel awkward don't you?

Oh, by the way Geoff's locker was 5 over. Wow, were you off? But anyway, I l have relayed the message to him, and he didn't say much. Just a few words about your bluntness and whatnot. And another thing, Duncan Miller at you're service babe.

I hope you know he's going to tell Bridgette. And you're going to die; which is a shame, but I bet you're pretty hot too.

- Duncan

(Found on a wrinkled napkin with evidences of food stains in locker B1851)