Chapter Five – Family

Elliot helped Olivia into their condo. She was glad to be home and out of the hospital. To be in her own place and not hooked up to machines. She wobbled over to the couch and sat down. She put up her feet and watched Elliot bring in her bags and groceries. She smiled to herself.

"How you feeling?" Elliot asked putting the groceries in the kitchen.

"Actually, I feel amazing. I am almost tired of sitting around." She said wiggling her way off the couch. She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him. She laid her head on his upper back. The love between them light up.

He took her arm and pulled her lightly around to look at each other. He kissed her lightly. She kissed him back a little harder. She wanted him so bad. So did he. She backed up from him and leaned her head back.

With a long deep breath, "we can't…" She leaned her head against his chest. He took in a bunch of deep breaths. He knew what she was talking about but it was still frustrating. He wrapped his arms around her as tight as possible.

He kissed her lightly on the lips. "I am going to take a shower."

Olivia backed up from him and leaned against the counter. "I think I am going to start on the nursery. It will give me something easy to do." She said starting to walk away.

"As long as you're careful. Call me if you need anything and please don't pick up anything heavy." Elliot said following her down the hall.

Olivia turned around as she reached the nursery. "Yes sir. So protective." She whispered lightly and then kissed him again. She turned and walked into the nursery.

The nursery still wasn't painted. There were boxes everywhere. Elliot had put together the dresser and the changing table. Olivia pulled out the slips cover for the pad on the changing table and put it on. They had gone shopping for a little bit of cloths but she didn't get a chance to empty them. She took out the cloths from the bag and started folding them. She put all the onesies in the top drawer and a couple of socks in the second drawer. She put the packs of diapers on the first shelf of the changing table. She also put some burp cloths right next to them. Since the rocking chair was next to the changing table it made since to put the burping cloths near by. She sat down in the rocking chair and leaned back to take a breather.

Elliot stepped out of the shower and whipped his face. He whipped the towel down his muscle chest to his manhood. He wrapped the towel around his waist and walked out of the bathroom. He put on some cloths and walked to the nursery. He leaned against the door and watched Olivia resting in the rocking chair.

He walks over to her and takes the soft baby blanket and places it over her. He kissed her lightly on the forehead and then walked into the living room. He grabbed a soda and walked over to the sofa. He pulled out his notepad and grabbed the house phone.

He called Fin, "Hey. Anything new?"

"We have the sketch and we are in the process of watching the security tape from the coffee shop. We are going to get this bastard."

"Alright, do you need Olivia to look at it?" Elliot asked.

"Yeah but we can wait. How's Olivia?"

"She is fine. She is resting."

"Alright man! Take it easy."

"Keep me posted." Elliot hung up the phone and there was a knock on the door. Elliot looked at the door strange.

"Who the heck is that?" He asked himself out loud. He got up and walked over to the door. He looked through the peephole and saw Simon standing outside.

Elliot opens the door. "Simon, How's it going? Come in." Elliot said opening the door wider and letting him in.

Simon walked in with a gift bag in his hand. "Hey Elliot. How are you? How's Olivia?"

"I'm good thanks. Olivia is alright, she is actually napping in the nursery. Can I get you a drink?" Elliot asked closing the door and walking into the room.

"Water would be great. I was in the neighborhood and wanted to see how you guys were doing." Simon said walking over to the couch and sitting down. "I am sorry I wasn't able to stop by the hospital while Liv was there. There were a lot of things going on with work."

Elliot grabbed Simon water and handed it to him. "It's alright. The doctor stopped her preterm labor and she is really on bed rest with limited time on her feet. She has finally decided that she will stay home from work. Otherwise she could be delivering early."

"How is the case going?" Simon leaned back in the couch and took a drink of the water.

"There is a lot to do and things that have been coming up. I have been trying to keep all my attention on Olivia and not on the case." Elliot sat down next to him.

"If you want to go to work now I can stay here with Olivia in case she needs something."

"Are you sure? You don't have to."

"Elliot go! I don't have anything to do and would love to spend some time with here. Finish this case. Plus she is going to ask you about it anyways. She is definitely going to want to stay involved with it even though she can't work."

"Thanks. Alright well I will go over now." Elliot said getting up off the couch and walking towards the nursery. Elliot went to check on Olivia. She was still asleep in the rocking chair. He kissed her on the forehead. "I will be back soon."

A/N: Hey guys. I am so sorry for not putting this up earlier. I have really gotten out of ideas for this story. I really want this baby to come but then I also want to play out the case. Let me know what you all think. Love you guys for reading and keep up with me. Please read and review. Thanks!