HONEYS IMMAH HOME! Ew ikr. Anyway, I have had a lot of time to think (gasp) and plan this story and others. Also, I got sick again. JOY! As you know *sniff* SCHOOL STARTS SOON! *sob* RIP Summer. There will be a change in plans around here. Det's at the bottom. NOW TO ANSWER UP TO REVIEWS!

KIU ADVENTURE REVIEWS (from least recent to most):


WFW- I'm still gonna call you dat. Thank you for the kind review!

Myster8icarus- Yeah that's when it was deleted. Suprisingly, that spaz made me feel better.

Anubis- That'ssss a niccce laptop you have their. It'd be sssshame if I ssspilled sssomething on it.

Gnat1- Thanks!

Key2Destine- I'm gonna use Mariah bcuz A) She's yours B) I don't trust myself to pick a girl from the story or make a Mary Sue. ORB POWER ACCEPTED!


Naughtia- GASP, me too.

Mystery8Icarus- ACCEPTADORA! (haha fake Spanish. I need to study '-_-)

LOG REVIEWS (Same order as above):

Mystery8Icarus: I hope it wasn't that long…

Naughtia: THANK GAWD!


Trinity: I pieced together your review and came up with this. AAAAAHHHH! *dodges knives* THANK YOU MUSE! AND ANUBIS BLESS YOU BLESS YOU BLESS YOU BLESS YOU BLESS YOU!



Eos and Anubis: That's… umm. Idk what to say. '-_-

Gnat1: Thanks for the idea the only prob I have is when to play their themes.

Trinity: ACCEPTED! I just don't know when to play them. AND I HAS THT GAME, TOO. Waste of money.



Mystery8Icarus: Umm… Our vaca week wasn't up yet. It was the next day that we went home.

Whew! Done that! OK HERES WE GO! I flipped a coin to decide the intro today. Warning: Minecraft reference. ENJOY!

Exo glared out the palace window. Anubis and Ixchel had watched him do this for five minutes straight. Anubis motioned for Ixchel to follow.

"Watcha doin'?" Anubis asked the idle angel.

"This is bad news," Exo said while keeping his gaze on the spot before the magical door outside.

"What is?" Ixchel asked.

"It's out there," Exo said pointing to a four-legged green creature with a sad expression that was staring at the door.

"Dude, if it's hostile, it doesn't matter. It can't open doors if it doesn't have arms," Ixchel said.

Before Exo could reply, a red blinking light went on and an intercom crackled to life.

"Group 3, please report to the door, geared up," Palutena ordered over the intercom.

"Oh crap," Exo muttered as he ran to get ready.

"He's screwed," Anubis said with a smirk.

"Why?" Ixchel asked. Anubis started to explain.

Exo ran up to find everyone ready and Cloak being restrained by Kiyuga.

"What's goin' on?" Exo asked Naughtia.

"Cloak's afraid of lava and we are going to a volcanic continent," Naughtia explained.

"I told you Cloak. We're going to take a safe cool back-route," Palutena assured the frightened angel. Cloak nodded and Kiyuga let him go.

"Let's move," Pit cheered. Everyone followed him out. Exo chose to go last. As soon as Pit went outside, the green monster cocked its head toward him. It glowed and expanded slowly.

"That'sssss a nice door you got there. It'd be a ssshame if sssomething happened to it," the monster rasped out before violently exploding.

The angels were covered in black soot and the door frame was sparking. A nice, cool obsidian path to a volcano flickered away. Instead, a fiery volcanic hell appeared.

"NO NO NO NO, BRO!" Cloak said trying to get back inside. Palutena slammed the door shut.

"Well, that monster screwed the door up," Palutena announced, "It looks like you guys will be going this way."

"Cheer up, Cloak," Skye said happily, "Fire gives warmth, boils delicious food, and-"

"Causes burns, could melt you alive, or singe your hair," Cloak finished angrily.

"I can't believe Hades was behind the whole underworld invasion," Pit said, changing the subject.

"And he created Medusa to distract everyone," Palutena muttered.

"What do you think he's really after?" Naughtia asked.

"Has to be something. He hasn't just overstepped his boundary, he's kicked down the door!"

"So why are we here?" Cloak asked with contempt.

"Underworld forces have assembled here," Palutena replied.

"I just put it all together! The Underworld Army is going to steal lava!" Pit said with a derp face.

"No, Pit," Palutena said face-palming and wondering how educated Pit is, "They want the Wish Seed."

"The Wish Seed?" the group asked.

"Yes, from what I've heard it can grant you a single wish. Ergo, it's been sought after for centuries," Palutena explained.

"Rio, what does Er-," Pit said before a he hit in the face by a dictionary that fell from the heavens.

After flipping through the pages, Pit got a 'lightbulb' expression and threw the book into lava.

"My wish would be to fly by myself," he said.

"Yeah, we're all aware of that. Anyway…" Exo said.

"Don't change the subject!" Pit cried indignantly.

Suddenly, lava geysers started spewing all around them. The group sped up and dodged.

"Obviously, it would be a disaster if Hades got it," Kiyuga said.

"Yeah, if anyone deserves a wish, it's me," Pit said cockily.

There was a series of nuh-uhs and insults that ended with Palutena slamming them into a mountain.

"Deja-vu," Exo muttered as he brushed rocks off himself.

"Let's go through that nice cool cave, shall we?" Cloak said quickly.

Everyone agreed for his sake. Lava dripped from the ceiling in some places. A Fire Wyrm charged in after the angels. The angels flew around it, stitching it with magical shots until it exploded into white light.

They flew out of the cave only to have flown directly over a sea of lava.

Cloak seemed to be on the edge of a mental breakdown. Skye seemed to know where lava geysers would sprout out of the fiery sea. She slowly guided the angels across the sea.

"This is incredible!" Ixchel said, awestruck.

"Yes. The volcano's guardian puts on a good show," Palutena said absent-mindedly.

"Who's the guardian?" Naughtia asked while shooting a lava glob that spits fire. The globs were apparently called Magmoos.

"The immortal bird. The Phoenix," Palutena said.

"So the immortal Phoenix protects the Wish Seed. Does that mean it made the Wish Seed?" Exo asked curiously.

"That reminds me! Phoenix eggs make the most delicious omelot!" Palutena said happily.

"WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING?" the group asked angrily.

Skye led them past a final geyser and into some obsidian structures on the lava sea.

A platoon of Syren flew past them shrieking and clawing at them. The angels split off, each taking on of the syrens. Cloak hid behind a cool, black structure and stabbed the flying temptress as it passed.

Exo flew by Naughtia in the opposite direction of her. They both shot the other's pursuer.

Skye flew searching for the right spot. She noticed some barely visible bubbles starting to pop a lot in a certain area of lava. She smiled and flew over it while her chaser screeched behind her. Skye turned to watch as a lava plume enveloped the Syren.

Kiyuga was tired of running from the winged enemy. He growled and turned around. He punched it into a wall and started beating the crap out of it.

Pit decided that instead of letting the bird-like monster chase him, he should chase the enemy. He did a 180 and charged at it. The monster tucked its head into one of its wings. Pit aimed.

The monster raised its head and blasted a high pitch sound wave at the angel. Pit fuego'd.

Pit regrouped with his friends with a headache.

"I hate Syrens," announced Pit.

"I hate lava," Cloak muttered.

"I hate most of you," Kiyuga joked.

The angels soared up a bit so they could see where they were headed. Cloak noticed they were going to fly into a crevasse with walls of lava.


Arcs of fire and lava jumped out of the walls. Palutena sent in some recovery orbs.

"How are you guys holding up?" Palutena asked casually as if she sent people to their possible fiery doom on a daily basis.

"Really? Oh yeah, were fine. I heard that LAVA is good for your pores. Along with superheated EVERYTHING!" Exo complained.

"There's an alternate, cool tunnel route up ahead," Palutena announced while ignoring the rage spasm, "but it might take you out of your way."


"You guys decide. You can go out of your way through the tunnel or through fiery hell and straight to the volcano," Palutena said.

"Bye!" cloak said before flying down into the dark blue cave.

"I'll go with him," Naughtia and Ixchel said simultaneously. Exo nodded in assent and the two followed Poseidon's angel.

Skye looked unsure.

"Are you sure about that cave, Palutena?" Skye asked nervously.

"Positive," Palutena said unconvincingly.

"Let's go, slowpokes," Kiyuga said. They sped through the volcanic hills. It was breathtaking. Literally, all the fire was eating up the air.

A volcano exploded in the distance.

"Whoa," Pit murmured. Skye wasn't listening. Her eyes were glued to the ground as if checking for something.

"Move!" she suddenly cried. The others hesitated.


They sped up. Just in time, too. That one volcano seemed to set off a chain reaction. Portions of the earth blasted into the air. Volcanoes began to explode all around the unfortunate angels.

The earth that shot out of the ground became floating hellish islands. Hot gaseous explosions kept the pieces of land in the air.

"This is some heat," Pit said.

"Really? You don't say?" Naughtia exclaimed sarcastically between ragged breaths.

"If it weren't for my power of healing you'd be burnt to a crisp," Palutena said matter-of-factly, "I sometimes forget how flammable angels can be."

"Oh yes, I wouldn't want a crispy Exo," Mars said out of nowhere, "Somebodies already in a hot situation."

Exo was too hot to retort. They approached a large volcano when all of the sudden…

Cloak had a three second head start on Naughtia and Ixchel. They soon caught up when Cloak was slowly skirting past a lava flow.

Ixchel smirked and did a Starwolf imitation.

"What's the matter? Scared?" he said in the Starwolf impersonation voice.

"Yes, Cloak, now is not the time to get cold feet," Mars said, "It would also be bad to get hot feet."

"Hey, Mars," Ixchel muttered.

They zipped through the blue cave while bearing with Mar's annoying comments on EVERYTHING.

They came into a large area. A boulder randomly exploded into black fire and a lava flowed down over the way they came.

"Oops… Did I do that?" Mars said innocently.

"Mar you-," Naughtia was cut off mid-threat by a terrible rumbling.

"I think I'll tell the others of this predicament," Mars announced.

Skye was ignoring Mars' stupid attempts at banter and trying to save her friends.

She knew that the 'cool tunnel' was actually an extremely complicated subterranean magma expulsion unit. In simple words, it was a cave that let lava flow into the main volcano and the source had 'dried' up. Therefore, the tunnel was safe to fly through but led to core of one of the biggest volcanoes. Whew my fingers are tired.

Skye called down to her group members.

"Fly or die!"

They decided to fly. They came shooting out of the tunnel with a blast of lava hot on their trail. No pun intended.

The angels regrouped while Skye chewed Palutena out.

"Anybody notice how we are always followed by a thundercloud?" Exo asked his group.

"Yeah, haven't we been plagued with snowstorms," Skye asked.

Suddenly, the cloud dissipated as if it heard them.

"Wow this plot device has been played on too long," Mars muttered.

"What was that?" Exo and I asked, I from another dimension.

"N-n-nothing," Mars said, scared of me.

And with that randomness, they landed.

The group skidded to a halt and Cloak almost fell in lava. Yay.

"We're gonna have to fight the phoenix aren't we," Exo said in realization.

"Yup, and I just might record it," Mars said.

"Well, hellooooo there," Hades voice boomed.

The group entered an area with explosive jars. Enemies were stupid enough to walk around them. Easily dealt with.

"Hades!" Pit cried.

"Settle down, Pitty Pat," Hades chortled, "So the good guys are here. Tell me goddess of light, what do you wish for?"

"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours," Palutena said.

"Thanks so much for asking!" Hades said while bringing up a holographic image of a little girl.

"You see this small child. Both of her parents are dead."

The image changed to the girl crying over two coffins.

"Aww…" Skye and Ixchel gushed.

"There was an unfortunate accident if you know what I mean," hades said with an evil chuckle.

Skye and Ixchel got the meaning of that.

"You mean you murdered them!" Ixchel cried out.

"It was a simple case of a chariot accident."


Hades is in a drive-thru in a black chariot with skeletal black horses pulling it.

"Welcome to McZeus'. How may I help you?" crackled a voice through the intercom.

"Yes, I'll have the sadness meal, the one with the toy." Hades said while eyeing the couple in a chariot in front of him.

"Whoops," he said while 'accidentally' whipping one of the skeleton-horses. It snorted fire out of its nostrils and fried the couple and their chariot.


"Anyway, I was thinking to wish them back to life. What's better than a family reunion, especially one that with dead relatives," Hades said, "then after the reunion they strike rich and I slap some crowns on them! Pretty kind and not at all evil right…"

This witty repartee continued as the angels ducked and waved through the lava land. They finally figured out that the Wish Seed was fake. It was a ruse to make humans fight.

A/N: *breaks down crying* I'm so out of creativity! I need a break from this story…

"We have to fight the phoenix or it will escape into the mortal world," Palutena announced.

"By we you mean us," Exo huffed.

They entered the fiery arena after chugging some drink of the gods.

Skye used her knowledge of fire to anticipate the flaming bird. Exo went to the side and showed off his sniping skills. Exo got a head shot and the bird slammed into the ground. Cloak was off to the side sliding in some helpful shots along with morale support. Kiyuga and Ixchel tore at the majestic fiery bird. Soon the Phoenix was mincemeat and it exploded into a flaming bird symbol.

"Now all I need to do is coax them in," Hades muttered before loudly announcing, "Attention, humans! The wish seed is free! This is your chance to get whatever you want! All you need to do is destroy anything in your way!"

Hades words were almost hypnotic. Armies were amassed and war broke out.

"We're in trouble," Kiyuga mumbled.

"Oh well, it may blow over. But tonight's a special night remember?" Palutena cheered.

Everyone perked up a bit before the abductor spotlights took them back to base.

So… I'm not even going to ask if it was good. I know it was short. It took too long to write this. I need a break. Check the title. There will be another act. I have polls you have to answer though. One regarding what I should write, the other about if I should continue the log and it just be non-canon. Answer these if you want more stories. Also I'm gonna post the next chappie of the log.

Keep readin'… I hope.