Disclaimer: I don't own HP or Twilight





(With Remus, Sirius, Harry, and Fenrir)

Remus, Sirius, and Harry made it to the cafe. They decided on neutral grounds. They saw that Fenrir was already at the table waiting for them. He looked to be very nervous. They ordered and grabbed their drinks. The three walked over to him. The older male caught their scent and stood up.

"Good morning." Fenrir greeted them.

"Good morning." They greeted them back.

"Thank you again Harry. You really saved me." Not only by getting the drugs out of his system but also stopping him from harming an innocent, pregnant wizard, and stopping the aurors from convicting him.

"You're welcome." Harry smiled at him.

They all sat after that. There was an awkward silence as they stared at each other. No one knew how to really get the conversation started. So many misunderstandings and lies needed to be talked about but the four didn't know what to say. Finally Fenrir cleared his throat and spoke.

"You are looking better." He said to Remus.

"Yes. Well Harry's mate is a vampire, a muggle one. He wanted to see if there was a way to get him to eat food and came across a restaurant. They pointed him to a magical alley that had several bookstores. We bought many books. Made me realize just how biased and restrictive Britain was. The books really helped me to accept my wolf. It also helped me to learn that the wolfsbane potion was killing me. Severus, a potion master, had once made me his version which was actually one that helped to calm me down since I had no back. He had come up with it after learning what the original potion did. His version was denied but he never stopped brewing it until I wasn't a professor at Hogwarts. He had taken out the ingredients that were poisonous to werewolves and replaced them with ingredients that actually helped. He is actually going to represent his potion now that the laws are being fixed and the master of the potion guild has been replaced. The previous was a man under Dumbledore's thumb." The words escaped him and he couldn't stop talking.

"I-i see." Fenrir stared at him. "Britain wasn't always like that. Dumbledore's great great great grandfather on his mum's side lost his eldest child. He had been attacked by a rogue werewolf. He banded together with a few wizards and witches who lost their children or family members who had been killed by werewolves. That was when the laws began. It was to keep us in control. After that it became a slippery slope. More and more magical creature laws were created. Spells and potions that would help us were banned as well. I didn't know a potion master had altered the original wolfsbane potion to help us and not slowly kill the consumer."

"I didn't know that." Harry said.

"My great grandmother was sick. Her father had gone to an alpha and pleaded with help. She changed her. Her grandfather didn't accept that it was agreed upon. He would have rathered her die than become a werewolf. He killed his son and claimed a werewolf attack. My grandmother told me." He explained.

"That's horrible. So you're a born werewolf?" He asked.

"I am." He confirmed.

"What happened the night you bit me?" Remus asked. "I want to hear it from someone who was there that night. I don't mean to offend but I would like an oath so that I know for sure that you are telling the truth."

"Okay." He nodded before making the oath. I, Fenrir Marshall Greyback, swear upon my magic that everything I am about to say is the truth." He glowed gold. "That day I had been taking care of a rogue werewolf. One of my betas had learned he planned to attack a small village. You had been at the park nearby. I noticed how sickly you looked and your scent proved it. After I took care of the werewolf your mother approached me." He told him.

"What?" That shocked them.

"My mum came to you?" Remus asked.

"She did. She told me about your cancer. She asked me to change you. I told her that you would come to live with me and she agreed. She wanted you to be healthy and I did tell her she could visit you." He said.

"I didn't know that." He said.

"That's because she had been imperioed by your father." He informed him.

"WHAT?!" He yelled in shock.

"Papa, calm down." Harry placed a comforting hand on his arm.

"S-sorry." He took a deep breath.

"It's okay. What I'm telling you is a lot." Fenrir said. "Would you like me to continue?"

"Yes I would." He confirmed.

"Okay. Well after we agreed we had gone back to your house. Your father wasn't home. Unbeknownst to us our conversation had been overheard. You see I didn't go alone when I dealt with the rogue werewolf. I had taken one of my best fighters with me. It turned out he wasn't loyal to me at all. He had been in Dumbledore's pockets. The man wanted to recruit werewolves but knew that the ones he had couldn't be controlled. He wanted a recently bitten child so that he could manipulate them easier. That was how Dumbledore and your father found out what I was to do. I bit you since you were really sick. I didn't think you would survive travelling to my pack. My plan was to turn you and then take you with me. That obviously didn't work out. After biting you, they attacked. I fought with the traitor. Dumbledore changed your memories and your father used the imperious charm on her so that she couldn't fight nor tell you the truth. I killed the traitor and when I returned there were wards keeping me from entering." He told them.

"Wow." Harry said. [Poor papa.] He squeezed his shoulder.

"I found out that the ward was around you. No one in my pack could talk to you. Sending letters didn't work either. Eventually Dumbledore and your father killed your mother. They made it seem like she had been attacked by werewolves to further your hatred with them." He finished.

"I'm sorry." Remus stood and left.

Sirius bit his lip before following his husband. Harry looked at Fenrir.

"Thank you for telling us this." He said.

"You're welcome."

"How is your son? I heard Voldemort had kidnapped him so that you would continue to serve him." Harry asked.

"He's fine. Draco Malfoy had found him in the basement and snuck him back to us. That boy was horrified by the truth of his father and the dark side." He said. "Thanks for asking."

"You're welcome. I have heard of Malfoy jr changing sides." The elfling sighed. "Well I should go. I hope to see you again."

"Me too."

Harry stood up and left. He returned to his home. Fenrir took a port-key back to Britain then went back to his pack. He hugged his son close.

(Weasley-Black-Lupin-Potter Household)

Remus had run all the way home. He went up to his room. He sat on the bed and hugged a pillow close. Tears streamed down his face. Fenrir had shattered everything he knew and he wasn't sure how to handle it. Sirius soon entered the room. He was relieved that he found him. He made his way over to the bed and hugged him close.

For years he had thought his parents had loved him and that he had been attacked by a monster. Now he learned that only his mum had loved him and she had been betrayed by his father and killed. The monster turned out to be a werewolf trying to save him and his father was the monster. It was too much. He wished he could deny it but he did have Fenrir make an oath that he would tell the truth and he had. Eventually he fell asleep. Bill had entered the room.

"What happened?" Harry had told him that Fenrir had revealed the truth and it was very shocking. He told him to talk to Remus.

"Here's the short version. Remus's mum asked Fenrir to turn Remus in order to save his life. One of Fenrir's betas had betrayed them and that was how Lyall and Dumbledore learned about Fenrir changing Remus. Lyall imperioed his wife and then later killed her. Dumbledore put wards up to keep Fenrir and any werewolf from contacting them. He also changed Remus's memories so that he would believe he had been attacked." Sirius told him.

"Fuck." He went over to his mates. "Poor Remus." He snuggled into him.

"Indeed." He agreed. "Where are the twins?"

"With Harry. He sent me up here." He answered.

"Ah! Good." He said.


(Cullen Household)

Jasper sat on his bed. He was forcing himself to not pace. His mate was with a werewolf and his instincts were yelling at him. He wanted to go to his mate and take him away. He had these feelings when he realized Harry was living with a werewolf. It took a lot out of him to ignore those instincts. The reason he did was because he knew that by doing so would cause a rift between Harry and himself. It didn't stop him from worrying.

Usually he would talk to Carlisle but he had taken Esme to Esme island. They were hoping to get pregnant and Carlisle loved pampering Esme. Jasper did hope they were able to conceive a child. Any child would be lucky to have them as parents.

With a sigh he stood up. He went to his bookcase and grabbed a book. He sat down at his desk and began reading or at least he tried to. It was hard for him to concentrate. He sat there for hours staring at the same sentence. He jumped when his phone rang. He checked it and was happy to see it was Harry.

"Hello." He greeted.

"Hey Jasper." He greeted him back.

"What's wrong?" He asked in concern.

"Remus asked Fenrir about the night he turned him and there was more to the story then we could have imagined." He said.

"Is Remus okay?" He asked.

"No. He's going to need some time to allow the information to settle." Harry replied.

"I see. Do you need me to do anything?" He asked.

"Yes. Could you come to the store with me? I'm going to need a lot of chocolate." He said.

"Sure. Are you making Remus his comfort food?" The empath asked.

"Yes I am." He confirmed.

"I'll be there soon." He said.

"Okay." He hung up the phone.

Jasper put his phone in his pocket and left. It didn't take him long to arrive at Harry's house. His mate smiled and kissed him.

"Hi." Harry breathed out.

"Hi. Ready to go?" He asked.


"Great." He smiled.

Since they were going to the store they took the car. The two got in and took off. They went to the store. The two grabbed the necessary ingredients. Jasper shook his head when Harry admitted that he had a coca plant growing. They checked out and went home. They took everything to the kitchen and began cooking.

'This is nice.' Jasper thought. 'Hmm.' A plan formed in his head.

It didn't take the two long to get everything prepared. Now it all had to cook. Harry smiled at him.

"So I have a surprise for you." He said.

"Oh?" He looked at his green eyed mate.

"Close your eyes." He said.

"Okay." He said in amusement and did just that.

Harry grabbed his hand and led him to the garage. He let go and stood in front of him.

"You can open them now." He said.

Jasper did just that. Harry moved to show that there was a motorcycle. It was the same as Harry's, a Harley Davidson. While Harry's was black with red accents, this one was silver with blue accents. The vampire looked at the bike in shock.

"Surprise!" Harry yelled.

"This is for me?" He asked.

"Yeah. I've noticed how much you liked mine so I got one for you." He said.

In the blink of an eye Jasper was kissing Harry. "This is perfect. Thank you."

"You're welcome. As much as I would like to continue this I do have to go check on the brownies." He said.

"Okay." He went over to his bike.

The elf rolled his eyes fondly at that before he went back to his kitchen. He checked on the brownies and then on the candy he put in the freezer.

(After the cakes, brownies, cookies, and candy is finished)

Remus finally left his room. He could smell lots and lots of chocolate. He followed his nose to the kitchen. He gasped at the sight before him. Different desserts made out of chocolate filled the room. His son was putting the cookies into a container. He looked up and smiled at his father.

"Hi papa. Feeling better?" He asked.

"A little. What's all this?" He asked.

"Comfort food." Harry answered.

"I see." He went over and hugged him. "Thanks Harry."

"You're welcome. What would you like?" He asked.

"Some of those cookies." He said.

"Okay." He summoned a plate and put some cookies onto it. "Here you go."

"Thanks cub." He sat down at the table and began eating.

"You're welcome."

The two sat in silence. Remus ate as Harry put some of the chocolate confections he made away. Sirius and Bill entered the kitchen. Their eyes went wide. It seemed that their son went overboard. They shook their heads as Harry handed them some cookies.

"Thanks Harry." The two said as they sat down next to their mate.

"You're welcome." He smiled.

"Did Fenrir say anything after I left?" Remus asked.

"Not really. I asked how his son was doing and then he left." Harry answered.

"I see." He bit his lip.

"It's okay papa. We understand. It might take awhile for you to come to terms with what we learned." He put a hand on his shoulder.

"Thanks cub." He pulled him into a hug.

"You're welcome."