Last Chapter! Like I said before, I will make a series out of this. I really liked it and had a fun time with it. Anyways, read on!

Chapter 8: The Reunion and Secrets Revealed

When Riolu woke up again, he was surprised to see the sun going down, making the gems in the cave sparkle and shimmer as this was happening.

"'Oh, you're awake," Turtwig said, who was off to Riolu's side, not in the line of sight of him.

"Yeah, still aching from that attack yesterday," Riolu said. When he tried to lift his left arm, the same sharp pain that he felt the day before came back, and he had to put it back down.

"Well, that's not getting any better, I guess," Riolu grimaced. "What did you two do while I was out?"

"Oh, we stocked up on supplies and also figured out where we are," Mudkip said. "We borrowed the Wonder Map."

"Ah, could I see it?" Riolu asked. When the map was put right in front of him, and the location was pointed out, he looked at them and asked, "Did you guys find the town?"

"No, sadly, we didn't Turtwig replied, and to this, Riolu laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" Turtwig asked.

"Did you guys look in that direction?" Riolu asked, pointing towards the door.

"Umm, no," Turtwig said. "Why did you ask that?"

"Follow me, then, and you will be amazed," Riolu said, getting up and, with his right arm holding his left arm, walked up the stairs, with Mudkip and Turtwig right behind.

When they got to the top, Riolu pushed aside some bushes, and then proceeded to laugh, with Turtwig and Mudkip trying to get a better view. When they finally got one, they gasped.

Right ahead of them was a new Treasure Town, without the river going through it, though. While the shops and stalls were up, the owners had apparently already closed them down, due to how late it was. Also, at the top of one of the hills was Wigglytuff's Guild, standing with the tent up and the torches lit.

"Wow," Mudkip said. "We were really that close."

The three-some went through the town, but no one was there for them to say hello to. Even the guild was strangely silent, as no one was heard on the inside.

When Turtwig and Mudkip looked at the grate in front of the guild, Turtwig asked, "What is the use for this?"

"That is their security," Riolu said. "Go on, step on it."

Turtwig did as asked, and stepped on the grate.



"The footprint is Turtwig's! The footprint is Turtwig's!"

"Okay, stranger, you may ENTER! There are two others with you! Get one of them on the grate NOW!"

Turtwig stepped off the grate, and Mudkip stepped on.



"The footprint is Mudkip's! The footprint is Mudkip's!"

"Okay, stranger, you may ENTER! Get that last stranger onto the grate NOW!"

Mudkip stepped off of the grate and Riolu stepped on.



"The footprint is Riolu's! The footprint is Riolu's!

"Okay, you three may ENTER!"

The door to the guild opened with a grinding sound, and, after a few seconds, they were let in.

When they got inside, there was a ladder leading down.

"I'll go first," Riolu said. "I know the way around here, if it was built like the last one."

With that, Riolu started down the ladder. The beginning was going smoothly, but, when he reached the fifth rung with his hand, his hand slipped.

He fell down the shaft, trying his best to remain calm during this very bad situation. All that he could do at the moment was to turn his body so that his right side would take the brunt of the impact.

He hit the ground hard, making a dull thud when he hit it. His left arm hit against his side when he hit the ground, causing it to hurt even more. He moaned in pain.

"Oh my gosh! He looks hurt!" Riolu heard someone scream, and then, the next thing he knew, he was surrounded by familiar faces.

"Get...Chimecho..." was all that Riolu could say before he passed out due to the pain.

"Hey, hey, hey, how does he know Chimecho?" Corphish asked.

"Well how are WE supposed to KNOW?" Loudred said.

"Golly, I think that I might know who this Riolu is," Bidoof said.

"WHAT?" Everybody shouted.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he knew you guys, since he was in the guild before," Turtwig said, coming down the ladder with Mudkip right behind him.

"Is he the Riolu that was disbanded or something?" Chimecho asked.

"That he is, though he doesn't like to talk about it," Mudkip said.

"WHAT are we DOING, THEN? We should HELP him!" Loudred said, and, with that, the guild members picked him up and carried him downstairs.

Meanwhile, Vulpix was in the main room downstairs, contemplating the failed rescue yesterday. She didn't even get close to the pokemon before she fainted. If only Riolu was here...

She began to walk towards the ladder, but, before she could go up it, the guild members rushed down it, who were carrying something, and two other pokemon that she had never seen before. One of them looked at her, stopped, and then asked, "Are you that Vulpix that had a Riolu on her team a few years ago?"

"Yes, but why?" she asked, suddenly concerned.

"Well, come on!" The Turtwig said, and the two of them raced down the guild members hallway.

When they got to the end, Vulpix was surprised at what she saw. A beat up Riolu was in her temporary room, with Chimecho tending to its wounds.

"Who is that?" Vulpix asked.

"That is the Riolu that you disbanded a few years ago," Turtwig replied.

Worried about Riolu's condition, Vulpix asked, "What happened to him?"

"The left arm is the price he paid to save me from a worse fate, and the right side happened when he fell down the ladder upstairs," Turtwig said.

"He fell down the ladder? Well, he always was clumsy," Vulpix said.

"I think I know what's wrong with his left arm, now," Chimecho said.

"Golly, what is it, then?" Bidoof asked.

"It looks like his arm is broken in several places by a strong attack, and he will nee something to keep it straight. Bidoof, can you get me two wood planks and some string?" Chimecho asked.

"Yup yup! Anything for an old friend!" Bidoof said, and, a few minutes later, came back with the necessary supplies. Chimecho thanked him, and then proceeded to make a makeshift splint.

"He should be coming back soon," Chimecho stated. "He wasn't knocked out too hard."

A few minutes later, just like Chimecho stated, Riolu began to stir.

"Ohhh, that fall hurt," he said, opening his eyes. He looked around for a minute before speaking again. "Thanks, Chimecho, I owe you one, but I want to talk to a few people in private now, okay?"

The guild members nodded, and they turned and left the room quickly, including Mudkip and Turtwig.

"You two get back in here," Riolu said to them, and they turned around, surprised, and then quickly came back in.

"Now, then, where was I? Oh yes, Vulpix, did you miss me?" Riolu asked.

"I don't know you," Vulpix said, which shocked all of them. "The Riolu that was on my team didn't have those color eyes."

"That observant, huh?" Riolu said. "Well, I guess that I will have to have some proof that I am that Riolu, aren't I?"

"Yes, that would be necessary," Vulpix said.

"Well, then, we went into the future, where we hid from Dusknoir with Grovyle, and then proceeded to head back to this time with the help of Celebi, who was pink and also liked Grovyle. When we were at Temporal Tower, you gave me the courage to fight against Dialga. I still remember how hurt I was when you left, and then I was even more hurt after you disbanded me," Riolu said. "There are things that are unforgivable and unforgettable, and you disbanding me would be one of those times. I will never forget the journey that our new team members and I took to get her, to reach here, to reach you."

"Wait, new team members?" Vulpix asked.

"Yeah, Mudkip and Turtwig. That's the only way I can owe them to staying by my side the whole entire time during our journey," Riolu stated. "Well, can they join?"

"I'm still not sure about you, though," Vulpix said.

Riolu sighed and then said, "Okay, just like old times, I'll share a secret, and you'll share a secret of your own, deal?" Vulpix nodded her head.

"Okay, then, I was planning on showing you this, anyways, but here you go," Riolu said. He took off his locket and showed it to Vulpix, who gasped.

"What is it?" Riolu asked.

"I have a locket that looks just like that. Just wait, I'll get it," Vulpix said, and then she proceeded to search through her treasure bag, and then found a locket that was orange instead of black and was the opposite side of the heart.

"Open them on three?" Riolu said, and Vulpix nodded.




Riolu and Vulpix both opened their lockets, and, on the inside were two pictures. In Riolu's was a human girl that was looking to her left, towards a ripped section. She was red-headed, and had white skin.

On the other hand, in Vulpix's was a human boy, with black hair and also white skin looking towards a tear to his right.

Riolu noticed something first. "Could I borrow the picture?" Riolu asked. Vulpix nodded.

Riolu took both pictures, and, with the boy to the left and the girl to the right, tried to put them together.

"Dear lord," Riolu said. It was a perfect match.

"How does that work?" Vulpix asked. "You were always a pokemon, weren't you?"

"Actually, I'm finding more and more that the facts don't point to that. My blue eyes that just developed, not being able to remember past a certain time, and more," Riolu stated. "I think that, just like you, I was once human, and we knew each other if we had these lockets."

"A heart means love, so does that mean that we liked each other in the past life?" Vulpix asked.

"Could be, but their is a difference between then and now, but not much," Riolu said. "Anyways, I have a gift for the guildmaster, and also a new base, so let's get to it!"

When they got to the door of the guildmaster's room, it was open, so they walked in.

"Friendly friends! You are back to us! Did you bring any gifts?" Wigglytuff asked.

"Actually, I did," Riolu said. He dug into his treasure bag, and out came, "Ten Perfect Apples."

"Wow! All for me? Friendly friends! Perfect Apple! Perfect Apple!" Wigglytuff sang.

"Okay, let's go to our new base," Riolu said.

When they got back to the cave, Vulpix was impressed.

"Nice place you found," Vulpix said.

"Thanks, but let's get some sleep," Riolu said, faking a yawn. He was not truthfully tired.

"Okay, then, good night," Vulpix said, and after fifteen minutes, three sets of seemingly calm breathings set in. Riolu got up and left the cave to go sit on the cliff overlooking the lake. A few minutes later, Riolu got startled by Vulpix when he heard her ask, "Couldn't get any sleep?"

"No, just too exciting, most of all to see you again," Riolu said.

"Pardon?" Vulpix said.

"I'm sorry that I held it back for this long, but I kind of had to due to us being so distant," Riolu began, blushing. "I think that I may love you."

"Oh, well, I was actually getting to saying that to you, too," Vulpix said, blushing. "The final nail were the pictures earlier today."

"Yeah, I agree," Riolu said.

"What's up with Turtwig and Mudkip? They were edging closer to each other in their sleep," Vulpix said.

"Oh, they like each other as much as we like each other," Riolu said.

"Well, let's get some sleep before I can do anything, since you have to heal your arm first," Vulpix said.

"Oh, come on!" Riolu complained.

"Hey, at least Team Sky is back together," Vulpix stated.

End Book 1! I bet you didn't see the human aspect coming! Just another story I will have to make. Bad team name, sue me! I don't care! I had a few ideas for the entrance to the guild. The first one was that Riolu would get tackled by Vulpix leaping out of the door to see him. Then, I thought of the idea that many Riolu were around, and Riolu would, of course, fall down the ladder and face plant into the ground but this idea was renovated when I had Riolu's arm get broken. Also, if you want to name Riolu, Vulpix, Mudkip, or Turtwig, review this and say their new names! Anyways, you won't see me for a week, so I will see you next time!