Heyyy my awesome smasherz! Since I said I promise to make it up to you to by writing more often, I'm making that happen since my grades in school are doing well.

Chibi Roy: Did any reviewers bring us any sweets?

No Roy, not yet. But I'm sure they will. We just have to be patient, kay?

Chibi Roy: Kay.

Chibi Ike: When will I get to see my princess?

Your princess…? Ohh, you mean Samus! Aww, that's so adorable… but soon you'll see her, Ike. Just do what Roy's doing.

Chibi Ike: Kay.

Are they any other questions from you guys?

Chibi Marth: I got one.

Okay, what's your question?

Chibi Marth: Will I be in this chapter?

Yes, you will. But in the middle in the chapter, I promise.

Chibi Marth: Alright.

Any other-

Chibi Vanitas: I wanna be in the story too! It's not fair how Ventus, Sora, Riku, Kairi, Xion and all the others from Kingdom Hearts get to be in it!

But you were in Pit and Kuro's story…

Chibi Vanitas: That was only one!

Alright, fine, I'll see what's in store for you. But for right now, you must sit patiently like the rest of the young ones.

Chibi Vanitas: *pouts* Fine.

Any other questions? No? Good, now let's get back to Samus' story.

Chibi Samus: Yay!

In the castle, there were lots of people who were invited at the ball, including people who were invited at the ball, including people who were not even from the kingdom. There was music and dancing, laughter and joy, ice cream and cake, and it seemed that everyone was having a great time. Everyone except the prince himself, that is. He was out in the balcony looking up at the blue sky, sighing deeply. Unfortunately he was waiting for some… waiting for her. His bodyguard, Titania, saw him all alone up on the balcony.

"Ike?" She called, "Is everything alright?"

"Yes Titania, I'm fine." He answered her rather in a moody tone, not wanting to be bothered by anyone more like.

"Well, then why are you out here the party's in there?" Before Ike could even answer, Titania knew what this was all about. "Ohh, I see. It's that girl you met yesterday, isn't it."

"Yes, it is." Ike said. "But she should have been here by now, Titania. What if she's not coming?"

"I'm sure she'll come soon, Ike. You just have to be patient. Things take time, you kno-"

"Excuse me Titania, but his majesty must socialize with the young maidens now." A young maid with short blue hair said.

"Of course, I'll escort him momentarily. Thank you, Aqua." As the maid bowed and left, Ike sighed once more and began to lose hope. This also made Titania sad somehow, but she didn't want him to be upset. Titania knew Ike since the day he was born and was his bodyguard all his life but didn't have problems with him at all. She was always there to make him happy, to make sure he was satisfied, to help in any kind of need, and was always by his side. Ike didn't mind Titania being with him at all because he loved her like she was his own mother. She was the one and only to keep happy. "Ike, even if she doesn't arrive, there are other girls you may like." She said, hoping he would understand.

"But Titania, I know this girl isn't like any other girl."

"But you only met her for a day, Ike. You don't know anything about this girl." And with those words coming out of her mouth harshly, Ike was speechless because he knew that Titania was right. "You're right Titania, and I'm sorry." He cooed sadly, which led the guilt to eat Titania.

The guilt will eat you alive!

"No Ike, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." She apologized as she hugged him tightly. "I just want you to be happy. But… I think I know how to change that frown upside down." Titania squatted down to his height and pulled out something from her armored sleeve.

"No way, chicken!" Ike gasped. "How do you keep doing that, Titania?"

"A magician never tells her secret." She giggled, and noticed that Ike was now smiling.

"Thank you, I feel better now."

"Great. Now then, it's time to meet the young maidens." Titania stood up and escorted the prince to the ball room and introduced him in the entrance. "Ladies and gentlemen, I now present you his royal highness, Prince Ike Aether Greil I!" The trumpets began to play in honor of the young prince, and everyone bowed before him.


A carriage stopped at the front of the castle and the coachman opened the door for the guest to step out. "Thank you, Link." Samerella said and walked the rest of the way up the stairs.

"Oh my…" She gasped, seeing how beautiful the hallway was. "it's so big. How will I ever find the ballroom?" Suddenly, a boy with jet black hair was being chased by an older boy with brunette hair.

"Get back here, Vanitas!" The older one called out.

"Nah-nah, you can't catch me!" Vanitas taunted, sticking his tongue out at the brunette.

Such a bad boy, but I like it

"Grr, I'm gonna get you!"

"Not after you get them first!" Vanitas snapped his fingers and out appeared dark portals that was leaving behind blue creatures with red eyes. "Catch ya later, loser!" Vanitas ran into a dark portal he made for himself and vanished after that scene.

"Great…" The bruenette sighed deeply. Then he noticed a Samerella fighting off the blue creatures.

"Get outta here!" She yelled, kicking them hard enough to disappear. The older boy ran over to help Samerella fight them off.

Now why does this scene look familiar…

Once all the creatures died out from the fight, the boy thanked Samerella for helping him out. "Wow, I never knew a girl could fight like that. Thanks anyway." He said.

"I've been getting fighting skills from my dad. It's not a problem, glad to help you out." Samerella replied.

"I'm Terra by the way, nice to meet you." He offered his hand out to her

"Hi Terra, I'm Samerella." They both shook hands and smiled.

"So Samerella, where you're heading to?"

"I'm on my way to the ballroom. But it seems that I have no clue on where it's located."

"Don't worry, I know where it is. Lucky for you I came by." Terra offered his arm to Samerella, and she slid hers right under his to lock it. They both began to walk along the way of finding the ballroom.

And then…

The young prince Ike was socializing with the young maidens, but each and every one of them had three minutes to socialize with him. And to Ike, none of these girls didn't make him feel satisfied tonight because all they talked about with him were themselves and how they wished to be with the young prince for eternity.


Ike had to put on a fake smile so he wouldn't hurt all the young girls feelings. Peazella and Zelderisa were next in line to meet the prince.

"Next please?" Ike called as he saw Peazella in front of him. His spine shivered in shock as the girl wore make-up. Heavy make-up, that is.

Aww, she scared him half to death

"Uhm… your name, miss?" He asked nervously.

"I'm Peazella! I like to sing and dance, wear make-up-"

"Yeah, I can see that.." He mumbled in disgust. Ike couldn't say anything to the girl but stare at how scary she looked. He was hearing her but was listening to her. Titania saw the look in Ike's eyes and ordered the guards to take Peazella away.

"Wait, wait, we're just getting so well!" Peazella cried. Ike sighed in relief and ordered the next girl to come up, which was Zelderisa. The make-up was alright but the hair was more disturbing.

"I'm Zelderisa, Peazella's sister!" She stated.

"Figures…" Ike mumbled as he gave Titania the signal to take her away.

Wow, that was cold. Let's move on!

"Man, I'm so sick of girl hearing girl's talk about themselves being with me. Isn't there a single girl who talks about other things?"

Well, there's one…

"Who?" He asked the fairy and looked at the direction she pointed at. He saw a boy escorting a young girl from afar.

"Thank you Terra for helping me finding the ballroom." Samerella thanked the boy kindly.

"Pleasure's all mine, Samerella." The brunet replied, bowing his head in honor. "I must go now. Vanitas can't get away! But I hope you a great time tonight." He smiled and ran off, leaving Samerella on her own. She took a deep breath and walked up to the crowed.

"Okay Sam, you made it to the ball and you're gotta have courage. All you gotta do is avoid Lady Midna and your step-sisters… and everything will be just fine. Just think of positive things, like the big oak tree story." She spoke quietly to herself.

"I know that story; it's one of my favorites." Said Ike as he walked to Samerella to meet her. The blonde gasped when she saw the prince nd began to blush out of nowhere. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you."

"Oh no, it's alright. I didn't know anyone was listening." Samerella answered. And at that moment, there was complete silence between the two. Staring into each other's eyes, they realized that they remembered their comment from before.




"Y-you're here… after almost losing hope, you finally made it." Ike smiled at Samerella and embraced her, being so happy to see her again. "I'm so glad to see you.

"I'm so glad to see you too." Samerella replied, slowly returning the embrace.

Aww this is really sweet :')

"Shall we walk around?" Ike asked, offering out his hand towards her.

"Well, I'm not sure if we can walk around with all these people…" Samerella said shyly, letting Ike make a smile appear again.

"That's all right; we could go out in the court yard. How does that sound?"

"Sounds nice… very nice." Ike took her hand and began to walk together while the other guests watched the young couple stroll out the ballroom. They awed at the sight that seemed so romantic. Well, all except Samerella's family who had jealousy written all over their faces. How much they wanted to kill her yet they didn't know it wasn't Samerella herself.

"Whoever that girl is, she's messing with my prince!" Zelderisa gritted her teeth together filled with anger.

"Your prince? He's my prince!" Peazella yelled back at her sister and gave her a shove after that. As they both started bickering, Midna sighed with complete irritation. Ike and Samerella strolled in the courtyard, where there were lots of beautiful flowers and small ponds along with small river streams flowing by. Their conversation went on non-stop, enjoying every single detail they shared with one another.

"Wow, I never knew a girl like you would take karate." Ike said.

"Yeah, it's fun actually. My father told me that women can fight too, if they want to that is." Samerella told him.

"Your father taught you well on how to defend yourself."

"Yeah… taught me so much before he died." A tear ran down her face.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't know, really."

"I-it's alright, it's not your fault. I just miss him, that's all."

"Samerella, are you happy how the way your life is right now?" Samerella wanted to tell Ike a lie since her situation had nothing to do with him. But the look in his eyes, it actually seemed like he cared about her.


"To be honest… no. Ever since my father passed on, my life changed. Nothing has and never will be the same." She answered. Ike rubbed the back of his head. And for some reason, a smile appeared on his face.

"Samerella, would you care to join me in a dance?" He asked by offering her hand out to her.

"Oh I-I don't dance." Samerella said shyly. "I've never danced, and I probably will suck at it." She turned away from the prince and looked down from him. 'How embarrassing…' She thought. The young prince didn't hesitate to take Samerella's hand gently pulled her close to him.

"Don't worry, I'll show you." He said, by taking her other arm and placing it onto his shoulder. Then he draped his own arm around her waist and gently gripped her hand he took. "Now follow my lead…" Ike began with his right foot and leaded the way. Samerella followed every step he took and was getting used to it a little. At first she made a few errors on her movement and accidentally stomped on Ike's feet due her being nervous. But as they kept taking each step, and taking it slowly, Samerella was getting the hang of it. She looked up at Ike and smiled, making the slightest blush and the young prince found it so adorable about her. They danced through the night, gazing into each other's eyes.

Aww, so beautiful! I ship it!

"Wow Samerella, you're so sweet and innocent but can be tough and defending at the same time." Ike said and made her blush.

"Oh, thank you." She giggled. While inside the ballroom, Ike's father, King Greil, was discussing with Titania about Ike being betrothed to the one Ike chose tonight.

"That girl who came earlier caught my son's attention. He must find her interesting." The King said.

"Yes, he seems more comfortable to have her company him." Titania said gladly.

"Then it's settled. Titania, bring them to me as I get everyone's attention." He ordered.

"Yes, your majesty." She bowed and began to search for Ike and Samerella.

This whole summer I was supposed to do something but I wasted it by sleeping in and staying on the laptop! God, I need help. But I did get to hang with a couple of friends and went to an anime/video game convention and cosplayed again. It was so much fun and it felt like yesterday. But I'm so sorry for putting this up so late… I'm a senior now and I've been looking for colleges and applying for jobs. Plus I really have to stay focus on that than the stuff I really love. So I don't know when I'll be able to update again. Maybe by the end of this year probably… and as for Little Ikus, I'm still working out the details myself so you may have to wait for that to come.

Chibi Vanitas: By the way, I hope you all spotted me and Terra in the scene!

Don't worry, I know they did.

Chibi Vanitas: They better, or I'll make'em!

Settle down little abomination. Well I hope you all enjoyed this late chapter and I hope to see you all soon. Until then, laterz smasherz!
