Thanks again for Bruised Reed, my excellent beta!

Epilogue: Five Years later

"Whose stupid idea was it to let each twin have their own party with their whole class at the same time?" Jack asks.

"Yours, and you are going to pay for it," Sam says, "Now someone promised Ethan a juggler."

"Taken care of," Jack says.

"You're right here," she points out.

"I'm not the juggler," he says.

"You promised your son a juggler," she says.

"We have two jugglers out there," he says.

Sam leans out the window, "I think I'm more amazed about the jugging Jaffa than the dog."

"Meteor has finally stopped impressing you?" he asks.

"You were the one impressing me with your dog training skills," she says.

"Mommy! Ethan's friends are on my side of the yard again," Anna protests.

"And they decapitated your poor dolls! So much for English tea party," Sam says.

"No…actually we did that," Anna says.

Jack starts laughing.

"Because?" Sam says.

"Checking for aliens?" Anna replied running out of the house.

"Classified!" Sam explains chasing her daughter down.

Jack laughs.

"Proud of yourself, Jack?" Daniel says taking Sam's spot on food preparation.

"I am. Why you are asking?" he says.

"Your daughter just beat up a bunch of dolls. Her friends are shocked. However, her brother's friends are cheering them on," Daniel says.

"Yeah, that could be a problem," Jack says, "When she gets older I'm going to have Nate watch her very carefully. She's got her mother's looks and warrior skills. That is a dangerous combination."

Jack looks out the window in shock. "There are three people having tea right now. Well, one person-Ethan, one Jaffa, and one dog."

Daniel laughs, "What about his friends?"

"Mostly gawking at my daughter. The good news is the swords we got for Ethan's party are getting use."

"Anna?" Daniel asks.

"Yeah, Nate is helping her too, I think there slaying vampires," he says.

"Long as they aren't zombies reanimated by the telchek device," Daniel mutters.

"Yeah, remind me to thank Cam for that particular bedtime story. The nightmares were delightful," Jack mutters. "No worries, I'm going to save this party."

"How exactly?" Daniel asks skeptically.

"Cake," Jack says with a wide grin.

"How is cake going to help?" Daniel asks.

"Cake fixes everything."

-Ok, I stopped making the miracle dog realistic. Now he's just awesome. But we know Teal'c can juggle.