Hey guys! LONG TIME NO SEE! My fault of course, lol. Anywayyyy... Hope you enjoy this chapter! It's pretty... Bittersweet(;

Chapter 19: The Letter

Gale's POV

Kissing Delly here in the arena feels so right yet so very wrong. Do I really like her? Or will this whole romance thing be gone when the games end? I don't know. I did kiss her before the games started, but like Haymitch said "Just practice, right?" Right. It was just practice. I'll go with that. This truly is a great strategy, but it's really messing with my head. I love Katniss. I always have, and I always will. Anything else in unthinkable. When I get home, this whole Delly thing will be out of my head and Katniss and I will be happy in the woods forever just like we always were. That's how I wanted to spend my life, and that's how we both expected our lives to go. Simply living off the woods and living together. But what about that other guy? Peter. Peeta. Whatever his name is. When they hugged each other was that something? No. It couldn't be. They're just going through the same thing. Their best friends got reaped. I'm sure when I said at the interviews that Katniss was "the special lady in my life", she felt the same way. That when I got home things would be different. That we'd go out. Date. I look over to Delly who's taking small sips of water and organizing our stuff. I wonder if she's thinking the same thing as me. Did she and Peeta have something? Does Peeta think of her as a best friend or something more? I don't really know or care. When I get home, one thing is for sure. Katniss will be mine.

Delly's POV

I look over to Gale who looks deep in thought about something. We're not doing too badly. Neither of us are injured, we have a lot of stuff, and the Capitol is probably buying this whole romance thing. It's weird kissing someone who isn't really someone you love. He did kiss me before the games, but Haymitch said it was "just practice." Gale makes me feel very confused. I do like kissing him, I kind of lose myself in it. But what does Peeta make of this? My lifelong best friend? If I come home, would he be my boyfriend? No. There's no way. I don't think of him like that, and he doesn't think of me like that. We've even talked about it before. We're just best friends. Plus, I guess he has something started with Katniss. They were hugging at the reaping. He's liked her for as long as I can remember. He would ramble on about her beautiful voice and pretty brown hair. I'm glad they have each other. But what about Gale? I guess he did like Katniss? I feel really bad for him.

Peetas' POV

Today is a very big day. Not only did Delly start The Hunger Games and she's doing well, I kind of just confessed my love for Katniss. Did she understand what I meant? Or did she think it was some joke? I really hope not. She didn't really say anything afterwards. We just kissed… And then she fell asleep. And now here she is laying on my lap sleeping in the early afternoon sun. It's like a dream come true. But what happens if Gale does come back? Was he serious about what he said in the interviews? That he used to like her until I came along? This whole thing just confuses me. Katniss said they probably don't like each other and it's all an act. This could be very likely. So that probably means Gale does love Katniss still. And if he does come home, will he and Katniss be together? The only reason Katniss and I really are this way is because we have one connection. Our best friends are in The Hunger Games. I guess the bread was something, but that was such a long time ago. I feel like we've grown closer, but are the games the only thing holding us together? I really hope not. I just want her to feel the same way about me the way I do about her. Every waking moment I think about how much I need her, and how life would be terrible without her. When she wakes up, I'll ask her. I'll more clearly confess my feelings for her, and then see what she has to say. I can only hope that she feels the same. Seeing her here, peacefully sleeping on my lap, it just sends shivers down my spine and reminds me how lucky I am these games happened. These games are horrible and wonderful. Bittersweet. The sun moves slowly to the west across the sky. It must've been an hour by now. I stop stroking her hair and gently shake her awake.

Katniss' POV

I wake up in the woods from Peeta shaking me awake. He has a sort of confused, disturbed look on his face.

"Is something wrong?" I ask.

I expect him to say something like there's some "dangerous" animal nearby, or he woke up later than he should've, or even the fence has electricity in it now. Usually things with Peeta aren't too serious. I really hope something too bad isn't wrong though.

"Yeah Katniss. There is something wrong." He says. "It's just… It's just…"

He sounds even a little mad. At me? For what?

"You and Gale. I'm just curious. Will you guys you know… Ever be a thing?" He asks seriously.

The question is so preposterous I almost burst out laughing. Why does he want to know? Then I remember. Before I went to sleep he said that whole "Who says we have to pretend?" thing. And then we kissed and I fell asleep. Oh. So maybe he does like me? I give him the most honest answer I can.

"Peeta, obviously you don't know as much about me as I thought you did. Me and Gale will never be a thing. Okay? He's my best friend. My hunting partner. Not my boyfriend. Even if he did think of me… like that we still wouldn't go out." I say with a short laugh.

"But he does like you like that. Can't you tell? He and Delly are all an act. He mentioned at the interviews that he likes you. But then he said 'until Peter came along.' Like we were dating or something." Peeta says.

"That still doesn't change my answer. Even if he does come home I still wouldn't." I say.

But I want to talk more about this with Peeta. I want a clear straight answer from him. A yes or a no. I just haven't found a way to put it. Maybe Peeta doesn't like me, and he just uses me as comfort from Delly being gone. Or maybe it is something else. I just want to know. I want to know right now, right at this very moment. I just blurt it out in the simplest form I can.

"Do you like me?" I ask.

"Well of course I…" He starts.

"No." I interrupt him. "You know what I mean."

His face turns beet red.

"Katniss I…" He says.

"I just want a straight out answer. Yes or no. Tell me." I say almost harshly.

I squeeze my eyes shut and just hope for the best. But what is the best? I don't know.

"Katniss…" He continues trying to get words out of his mouth.

I open my eyes.

"Just tell me." I say pleadingly, in a softer, gentler voice.

"Katniss, the thing is, I was just about to ask you that question." He says.

Ugh. Why did he have to do that? I guess he sort of was leading up to it. With the whole Gale thing and all.

"On the count of three then we'll say our answers at the same time?" I suggest.

"On the count of three." He agrees.

"One… two…" I count.

What do I say? What do I say? I barely know the answer myself.

"Three." He says.

Here I go. No turning back now…

"Yes." We both say simultaneously.

A flood of emotions comes over me. He said yes. I said yes. I'm speechless. I just sit there staring at the ground with my jaw dropped. I can't believe what he said. I can barely believe what I said. I look up into his blue eyes and a winning smile appears on his face. When I look into his eyes and see him smiling right in front of me, only one thought pops into my head. It's just now dawning on me. And I've just now confirmed it with him. Most of all, confirmed it with myself. I love Peeta Mellark. The thought throws me back and I fall over into a pile of leaves. I can't believe it. I like him. He likes me back. Suddenly I'm just laying here looking up at the sky smiling. Then he comes in to view, hovering over me and kneeling next to me.

"Are you okay?" He says with a laugh.

"Yes just…" I begin. "It's you! You're here! And… and…"

I have no more words to say. I throw my arms and legs around him and kiss him for as long as I can. This is the first kiss where I not only lose myself in it, but I feel something different. I feel the butterflies in my stomach and overwhelming excitement. Peeta puts me down and laughs again.

"So… now what do we do?" I ask.

"I don't know, guess we go home." Peeta says.

Peeta picks up our picnic stuff and we begin the short walk back to my house. I take his hand and kiss him while we're walking. Just looking at him makes me happy. Him liking me really explains everything. The bread. The hug. The cake. Him watching me walk home. How didn't I realize it before?

"Is it going to be the same?" Peeta asks.

"What?" I say.

"You know. Me and you. We've had this fun, playful relationship the past week or so. I just don't want that to change." He says.

"You really know nothing about me." I say with a laugh. "You could find plants more romantic than I am. Don't worry, nothing will change."

When we get back to my house, my mother and Prim still aren't back from the square. I flick the TV on for a few minutes and find Gale and Delly still in the same spot, sitting doing nothing. I leave the TV on just in case something happens. I pick up the clean white letter Cray gave me earlier. There's no return address on it, but it smells like fresh roses. I tear open the envelope, and unfold the piece of paper inside.

Dear Ms. Everdeen,

I suppose you're wondering why you've received a letter from the Capitol. You're friend Gale has been saying some dreadful things about the Capitol lately. This letter was sent to you as a warning that if your friend does not follow the rule again, you will be sent directly here for negotiations. That rule is of course the one that states no rebellious things may be said during The Hunger Games. He's already slipped up twice. If he says something rebellious one more time, I guess I'll see you here.

Then my heart drops. Signed in neat, black, cursive letters at the bottom. President Snow. I swallow hard and hand the letter over to Peeta.

"Read it. The whole thing." I say softly.

Peeta's eyes widen as he reads it. He knows what this means. One more thing that Gale says… and I leave. Maybe never to come back. I feel anger burn up inside me and find myself going to the TV.

"Why Gale? Why? Why did you have to mention me at the Interviews? Say one more thing! One more thing and I leave! To be what? Killed? Turned into an Avox?" I scream.

I pound on the glass of the TV yelling at him, but he can't hear me. Tears well up in my eyes. I'm screaming at him and crying at the same time, but he'll never know what I'm saying.

"Why did you have to mention me? Now they know I'm close to you! Now I'll be the one to go! Why?" I yell more.

Peeta grabs me from behind and pushes me on the couch.

"Katniss! Katniss stop!" Peeta yells. "This is nonsense! Listen to yourself! You'll be sent to the Capitol if he says one more thing. He hasn't. Okay?"

I nod. Peeta words calm me down somehow. He kisses me and then starts stroking my face and wiping my tears away.

"Shh, shh. You're okay. It's not going to come to that." He says quietly.

Delly's POV

Gale and I are doing so awesome. We have basically done nothing. We've been sitting against this tree, sipping water and eating small bits of food. We haven't really said much to each other, but what is there to say now? Suddenly out of nowhere, we hear some birds gently chirping songs. Those light chirps turn into louder ones, and louder ones. After about 10 minutes of this, there's screeches. Not bird ones though. Not bird ones at all. Human screeches. Human screams. I cover my ears trying to block it out, but the birds seem to get louder and louder. The screams turn into words, and that's what sets us both off. Words that scream our names for help.

"Delly! Delly! Help!" Peeta screams.

"Where are you? Peeta!" I scream back.

Peeta's voice overwhelms my head, and I scream back his name.

"Peeta! Peeta!" I cry out tears now in my eyes.

I see Gale running by me, and then I hear the other voice too.

"Gale! Help me! Please Gale…" Katniss screams.

"I'm coming Katniss!" Gale screams back.

Gale picks up the bow and starts shooting the birds. Many collapse to the ground and stop screaming.

"They're just Jabberjays!" He yells to me.

"Jabberjays…" I yell back with hesitation. "But don't they copy sounds?"

Gale shoots all the birds to the ground, and everything is over. I collapse to the ground and think of the Capitol torturing Peeta in some way to get those sounds. How could they? I break down and sob on the ground as Gale collects the arrows. Then he starts yelling at the sky basically.

"How dare you! How dare you get those sounds from Katniss! What did she do wrong? Nothing! How dare you torture Delly and I in this way! Do you Capitol people enjoy watching us suffer like this? Screaming to reach our friends but we can't? Do you like this Snow?" He cries and screams. His voice changes to a very serious one. "I will personally… Kill the person who did this to us! So watch out Snow."

He walks back to me and tries to comfort me with his arms. But I can't get off my mind the horrible things they've done to Peeta.

Katniss' POV

"Delly! Delly! I'm okay! I'm fine!" Peeta screams at the TV.

"Gale… I'm fine…" I cry.

We say all these things but there's no way they can hear us. How did they get voices to sounds exactly like ours? Gale gets out his bow and shoots all the awful creatures to the ground. Delly collapses and starts crying. Then the unthinkable happens. This is strike 3.

"How dare you! How dare you get those sounds from Katniss! What did she do wrong? Nothing! How dare you torture Delly and I in this way! Do you Capitol people enjoy watching us suffer like this? Screaming to reach our friends but we can't? Do you like this Snow?" Gale cries and screams. His voice changes to a very serious one. "I will personally… Kill the person who did this to us! So watch out Snow."

This tells me one thing. Tomorrow morning, I'm going to the Capitol.

SUSPENSE! Hope you enjoyed! 5 reviews for the next chapter! On a different note, I also want to start a new Hunger Games story! So here's some options, review which one you want to see the most!

Option 1: Katniss and Peeta don't get reaped, and neither does anyone they know. How does their relationship start?

Option 2: Peeta was gotten out of the arena, but Katniss wasn't. How does she survive in the Capitol, and how does Katniss and Peeta's relationship go when she gets back to 13?

Option 3: Both Katniss and Peeta were gotten out of the arena, so how does their relationship go in District 13?

Option 4: Peeta was never hijacked, so when he gets back to Katniss, they reunite! After that, how does the war and their relationship go with both of them sane?

LET ME KNOW WHICH ONE! Also also, I'm writing a book called Tetra Island! Review or PM me if you want a preview of it, I really want some feedback!