I'm a demi-god. Half god, and half mortal. You're probably going OMG OMG OMG YOUR HALF GOD YOUR SO AMAZING, etc. Well, you're wrong. Demigods can have amazing lives, or, they can be terrible. My name used to be Perseus Jackson, but I went by Percy. I'm now known as Arcas, and this is my story.

Summer had just started, and already it was on a bad start for me. No one remembered that it was me, Percy Jackson, who saved Olympus. No one except for Clarisse, Nico, Thalia, Grover, and of course Annabeth paid me any attention. Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against that, but how would you feel if you were the hero of Olympus and the gods forgot about you after saving their lives? Even your own father?

It all got worse from there. It was 7 in the morning when the conch horn sounded, and no it wasn't for breakfast. There was an attack. Usually I'm never up so early, but of course my loyalty had to get in my way. I rushed to half-blood hill, pulling out my lethal ball point pen while I was at it. What I saw would have scared the shit out of me when I was twelve (and trust me, it did). It was my old friend, the Minotaur.


"RAAAAAAAAAAAAARW" was its amazing reply.

For old time's sake, I cut off its other horn with a slash from Riptide. Then with a jab into the leg, the monster dissolved into golden dust. Even today, it reminds me of fairy dust.

"THAT'S RIGHT, DON'T MESS WITH CYNTHIA WATERS UNLESS YOU WANNA PIECE OF THIS!" I never even noticed who the Minotaur was attacking; it was a girl with jet black hair, and aqua blue eyes. She had a tan and a few freckles on her nose. She looked like a surfer girl.

"Hi, I'm Percy Jackson. This may shock you, but that…thing was just the Minotaur. A monster from Greek mythology. And seeing as how you were screaming the entire time, I guess you saw that. You must be a half blood."

"Of course I am, and I know who my father is. Its Poseidon. He visited me every month for the past two years. But of course your probably some stupid son of Hermes. Weak, pathetic, and a loser." Cynthia (who I now know is my sister) replied.

"Actually, we're siblings. My father is Poseidon, and let me get this straight. Dad visited you EACH month, not missing any?" It now makes sense why he had been distancing himself from me. He found a new child, and a daughter at the least. Talk about daddy's little girl.


I turned around slowly, knowing whose voice that screamed was, but it was not the way I usually hear it. The voice was usually laid back and full of laughter, but today it was dripping with anger, for that voice belonged to my father.

"What are you talking about? I KILLED THE MINOTAUR!" I shouted at my dad.

"What are you talking about now? I killed the Minotaur ALL by myself. I even broke a nail to prove it!"Great, I got a liar, and an ego filled sister. Could my day get any worse?

"Percy, I can't believe you would leave a helpless demigod. We are through." I turned around slowly, not believing my ears, for the person who spoke was Annabeth, my wise girl.

"You don't believe me? My connections here are done. But trust me, one day you'll all be praying that I was back. Even you Poseidon." And with those final words I turned around and left camp vowing that I would never go back.