Author's note: this has taken place after the wizard competition. Alex won and Max got the substation. However, do you remember Alex still has those powers from when they went on their family trip? I know she lost them when she exposed wizardry and I'm just going to pretend that never happened. Justin is now a professor and is now trying to recover his relationship with Juliet still.


||Alex's POV||: As we return, there is nothing else but butterflies that are filling my stomach. I can't believe I won the wizard family competition! I feel so new and refreshed and... Mature? Nuh-uh. Not me. I look to my right and see Max come out of the freezer with a down face. I kinda do feel bad for him, with the fact that he is not wizard and me and Justin are! Justin didn't even win the competition!

I walk toward Max and ask, "Are you okay?" He shrugs and just looks down. "I guess," He answers, "But I can't believe Justin got to keep his powers and I didn't!" I put my hand over his shoulder and gave him a friendly pat. All of a sudden, a lightbulb shines in my head.

"Face me." I say. Max adjusts his eyebrow, giving me a confused look. "Why?" He asks.

I sigh and say, "Just do it!" I lay out my palms up and so does he. I place my hands on top of his hands and decided to transfer half of my powers, since I remembered, I have half as much as I have been given!

"I declare you, Max Russo, the– " Max then lets his hands go and widens his eyes. "What are you doing," He asks, "Are you out of your mind?" I shake my head. I then make him recall, "Do you remember when we went on our family trip and I won a wizard competition, winning full powers?"

He nods his head. I then add, "Then don't you realize I won the wizard competition twice already?"

Max opens his mouth in awe and remembers. He then places his hands under mine and says, "Thanks, Alex. You're a good sister!" I shoot him a look and say, "Me? Good? Nuh-uh." Max nods his head and says, "There's my Alex!"

I close my eyes and focus. "I declare you, Max Russo, the family wizard!" Then, a struck of light gleams upon him from head to toe for a few seconds, then vanishes.

Author's note: I know she was supposed to use a wand but I've decided to use it this way because I wanted to make it unique and not completely from what the series has shown because you know, Alex isn't a professor!

Chapter 1:

||Max's POV||: I stand behind with Mom, Dad, Alex, Harper and Zeke on the side, since all the chairs were occupied by the other crowd of people. We watch Justin smile at the camera as he shakes Mr. Crumbs' hand. I still can't believe that he is our professor now!

We all clap hands and give Justin standing ovation as he walks off the stage, walking toward us. "Congratulations, Professor Justin!" Mom says. "Thanks you guys!" Justin exclaims. He gives us each a hug.

I hug Justin and then look out into the crowd, feeling bored. I then catch my eye on this girl, looking at me. She gives me a smile and turns her head away. He brown waves sway, turning away her hazel eyes. Her tan skin glows like mine in the spotlight, like mine.

I can't help but keep staring at her walk away. "Max," Alex said, "Let's go home now!" I put my hand in front of my self, signaling her to stop. "Wait, there's a banquet table full of food over there! This event is for Justin! We should eat first."

The whole family glances at each other and Dad says, "Well, there's nothing more than free food! Let's go." We then walk to the long table, staring at all the delicacies sitting there, warm and steaming. My mouth begins to drool as I grab a plate and utensils.

I keep staring as I put one by one portions of food onto my plate. I keep walking until I bump into someone. "Oh sorry!" I look and see it's the girl who was staring at me just a few minutes ago.

She smiles and says, "It's okay!" She then again looks down, scooping a portion of food onto her plate.

||Melissa's POV||: Say something, Melissa, I think to myself. I keep scooping food onto my plate and scoot to my left. That boy over there right next to me actually had contact with me! I don't even know why I was looking at him in the first place!

Well, he is cute and has the most amazing chocolate brown eyes. His hair was so curly and cute and he's just my height. I look down in embarrassment for some apparent reason.

"I'm Max," The anonymous boy says, "Max Russo." I look up and see his eyes locked on mine. I put one strand of hair behind my ear and say, "Well my name's Melissa– Melissa Rose."

He gives me a cocked grin and chuckles. "That's a pretty name!" He says. Max, I think in my mind, I'm sure to remember that! I giggle and respond, "Thanks! I like your name too!" My cheeks then flush pink.

I then go to some set up tables outside. I see Max as he follows me but then we part away from each other. He goes to a small crowd of what seems to be his family.

I sigh and walk to the table where my best friend, Holly, my older sister, Alexandria, sit. Holly's eyes turn from red to brown from the sight of seeing me. She asks, "Who's that boy you were talking to?" Alexandria plays around with her food. She's 18, not 8!

"Oh just a new friend I made!" I then stab a sushi roll and place it in my mouth. Holly says, "Hey, what did I tell you? You're a mortal, not a magical being! Don't make friends with anyone unless they are mortals!"

"That's going to be hard since the fact that no one will reveal who they really are!" Alexandria says. Her black pixie blows in the wind, making her seem as if she was some vampire. Her skin is very pale compared to mine!

My smile turned into a straight zip line, feeling so blank. But Max seems so special! There is something about him that just catches my eyes! I keep eating.

Once I finished, I get up and went to throw my plate away.

||Max's POV||: I throw my plate in along with Melissa. I give her a nice smile and say, "So Melissa, you probably wanna hang out sometime?" She looks up and her face begins to flush down. What did I do?

She sighs and says, "I'm sorry, Max, but I can't! I have plans." She then walks away. I catch her hand and stop her asking, "Can I at least text you or something?" She looks at me and thinks for awhile. She then looks across to two girls and sighs at me. "I'm sorry!" She holds my hand with both of hers and then leaves, closing my hand.

I open it to find a small crumpled piece of paper. I open it and find a full set of digits fit for a phone number. I silently fist pump in the air and go back to Alex and Justin.

"What's wrong?" Alex asks me. I shake my head and mumble, "Nothing." I can barely talk, full of excitement.

"Oh puh-lease," Alex says, "When you're happy, something's gone wrong!" I smile and say, "Nothing!" We then leave and go through the portal, heading to the lair, back home.