The Planets

VII. Neptune, the Mystic

"Samus, Ganondorf," Lucario said quietly as he walked over to them. Having just finished his performance- a grand showcase of his aura talent- the Pokemon was caught up in the glow of happiness. "Pit has told me about your… problem…"

Ganondorf, today swathed in a gorgeous flowing gown of sea blue nodded. "Indeed, Lucario. We are told that your abilities on this day alone can assist us."

Lucario nodded, amber eyes flashing. "Yes. With both of your consent, I can transfer your auras into your correct bodies."

"Please do so, Lucario," Samus said. She allowed a small smile to cross her features. "I miss my old body."

The Aura Pokemon nodded. "Very well. Just close your eyes…"

Samus obeyed, allowing the warm feeling of the Aura Pokemon's great power to wash over her. She felt her spirit lifting, as if her very soul was somehow locked in a small ball. A rainbow of color swirled around her as this ball of her soul slowly floated up and out of the strange prison it had landed itself in. More colors came to gently embrace her as the ball slowly made its way to familiar surroundings. A door before her opened up and she gladly entered, happy to be home at last.

For the first time in days, Samus Aran opened her own eyes.

"It is done," Lucario said simply, amber eyes twinkling as he spoke. "I have the festivities to attend to now. If you two will excuse me…"

"Thank you, Lucario," the voice she had grown used to speaking in rumbled.

The Aura Pokemon was gone in seconds. Samus and Ganondorf stood there rather awkwardly, unsure of what to say. In the week that had gone by, they had learned so much about each other it was almost frightening. They were both proud souls who had experienced great loss in their lives, amplified by further losses as time moved on.

She was a lonely soul whose cold personality and great pride alienated her from her fellow Smashers. He was a proud man whose Triforce of Power separated him among his peers and his people, yet who was so misunderstood that he had been warped into the picture of a monster beyond reason. They were both Smashers, yes, but they were forever unique among their peers.

Ganondorf was the first to speak. "Miss Aran… I believe that I owe you an apology. Never before have I had the pleasure of seeing you fight. I have learned much from you these past few days and I must say, I am quite impressed at what I see. Your resolve as a fighter, your ability to adapt to any situation, your tactical wisdom… I see that I have been very, very wrong about you." he turned to her. "When you transformed into the boar… that was when I knew. You, Samus Aran, are more than a match for me. Though you are a woman, you are in no way inferior to us men. Therefore, I would like to apologize profusely for the wrong I have committed against you."

Samus smiled. "Apology accepted, Ganondorf. I… I owe you one as well. I thought you were a heartless monster. I thought that you deserved no better than rotting in Hell. I guess you can say that… that I've learned a lot from you too. You aren't such a bad guy after all…"

Ganondorf cleared his throat. "I know that we have just finished living through this strange ordeal, yet… I would be honored if you would pleasure me with a dance."

She looked at him. In the dim light of the blue torches, he looked rather handsome in his sea blue doublet and matching cape. She couldn't help but smile to herself as she realized that it was because of her that he was wearing these clothes today. Samus mentally pat herself on the back for picking non-clashing colors for once as she took his hand.

"Let's go."

Final Story Word Count: 10,000 words

A/N: Alright everyone, I finished this story before the word count was extended, so... well, there's your old word count met exactly. The reason why Earth and Pluto are not in this is because Holst's symphony did not include either of those two. I would really, really appreciate any sort of constructive criticism or thoughts you might have about this. See you next time!