I do not own Total Drama. I shouldn't have given a preview since I hate using them since the story writes itself. Sorry for taking a while for this story to be updated. I had a lot of things to take care of, and I am still not completely done with everything now. I'm going to college really soon, and I need to prepare for it. I hope you guys enjoy the chapter.
The five stare at Lindsay who was filing her nails while sitting down on the couch. She hummed a song she remembered listening to unaware of what the others were thinking. Heather looked at the others and asked, "Ok, is it just me, or is Lindsay unaware of what is going on right now?" The others look up at her with raised eyebrows. Heather breathed in a bit and sighed, "I forgot who I was talking about for a second there. It's been a while since we even heard about her 'death.'"
Sierra looked at Lindsay then back at Heather. "You can't blame her since she is mentally stupid." She pointed out which made everyone except Lindsay look at her with confused looks. "Most people believe it has to do with her hair color. Don't get me wrong, but some people have mental conditions that are not easily noticeable. Lindsay is the perfect example since her condition is actually dealing with her brain which is hardly used at all."
"Well, that makes more sense then people believing all blonds are stupid to almost everything going on around them. There are very few blonds who can disprove that, but it doesn't help the cause." DJ pointed out to everyone.
Heather rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Whatever, I'm glad you guys are here to pick me up and get me into hiding. By the way, what's up with the medical equipment DJ?" She asked pointing at the bag in his hand.
DJ looked down at the bag then at Heather. "Oh, Noah wanted me to check on you to see if any of the darkness is still inside your system. Hopefully it doesn't take long."
Heather rolled her eyes and sighed, "I should have guessed that you guys would take precautions." She nodded and sat down on the couch. "Lets get this over with. I do not want this to be long especially since Lindsay is here now, and I do not want something bad to happen while I'm here."
"I hope she meant here and not with us if she comes back with us." Sierra muttered crossing her arms.
Katie watched DJ walk up to Heather and start the tests. She turned her attention to Lindsay and asked, "Lindsay, how did you survive your murder? Everyone thought you died when Heather sent her men to kill you before the war started."
Lindsay stopped what she was doing and looked up at Katie with a frown. "It's the one memory that I have that can't leave my brain even if I try. I admit that I forget everyone from time to time, but my life flashed before my eyes when I saw my stunt double die by some man. Unfortunately I forgot what the guy looked like."
"I can understand that." Cody whispered to Sierra who giggled.
Lindsay sighed, "I just wonder sometimes what could have happened if that would have been me except I can't remember how many times I tried to remember." She scratched her head then looked around. "Is Beth around anywhere? I want to tell her everything that had happened the past few years."
"What do you remember the past three years, Lindsay?" Heather asked trying not to wince at the needle going in her arm. "You make it sound like a life time experience of life and death, but I'm wondering what you remember besides shopping."
Lindsay continued scratching her head and said, "Well, I actually never remember going shopping at all the past few years after the whole life flash before my eyes. I mainly got lost and met some old guy who took care of me." She started filing her nails again and nodded, "Yeah, I remember meeting an old man, but I can't remember how, when, or where. I just remember his long grey hair that I touched up to my liking."
"He kicked her out." Cody muttered. He crossed his arms and sighed, "I really see no surprise there one bit."
Lindsay stopped filing her nails and exclaimed, "Oh man, I just remembered that there's another world war going on and that Heather started the war! We need to get to some place safe immediately!" She turned to Heather and waved. "Hey Heather, how has your time been while we were separated?" Everyone groaned at Lindsay's question.
"Some things will never change." Katie muttered crossing her arms
Sierra pulled out her communicator and looked at Katie and Cody. "I'll contact Bridgette and tell her that we arrived and found someone that we thought was dead." She looked at Lindsay then at DJ. "DJ, when you're done with Heather you might want to check Lindsay after."
DJ looked at Sierra and nodded, "Ok, I'll do it."
Noah sighed as he lied down on the floor. "I hope this doesn't make us really frustrated." He looked over at Izzy hanging off the bar with her feet. "Izzy, you need to find something else to do."
Izzy looked down at Noah and smiled, "I can't find anything to do in here besides this. Plus, we don't have a motorcycle to drive around outside."
Duncan looked at Izzy with a raised eyebrow and said, "I'm starting to wonder if Owen has ever had a girlfriend before you. If he didn't then I have only one thing to say." Everyone looked at Duncan waiting for his words. Duncan smirked, "He is going to have one really insane life."
"Is it going to be more insane than this war going on right now? If it is, I would like to have some embarrassing moments on tape for us to watch." Noah said pointing at Izzy with a smile. Izzy growled at Noah which made him put his hands up. "Ok, you don't have to tape it." Izzy smiled and looked away. "We'll make sure Owen does it instead." Noah muttered which made Duncan chuckle.
"This Sierra calling Bridgette. Are you guys there?" Sierra asked through the normal com link.
Bridgette turned on the microphone. "Hey Sierra, glad to hear that you're not unconscious anymore. Why are you calling anyway?" She asked raising an eyebrow. "We just talked to Cody not too long ago."
Sierra sighed and leaned against the house. "We found something interesting you guys." Duncan and Noah get out of their seats and walk near Bridgette. "It seems that there might have been a slight miscommunication when we heard about a friend's death."
Izzy leaned back in her seat and frowned, "How can someone have a miscommunication with a death of one of our friends? I don't get it."
Sierra smiled softly and said, "It might seem Lindsay survived her so called 'death.' Right now DJ is checking Heather and Lindsay out to see if everything is ok, but I really hope that this girl is not Lindsay."
The group frowned in response. Noah cleared his throat. "Sierra, why do you want her to not be Lindsay? It would..." Noah stopped himself and thought of everything that Lindsay could do. "Actually, I'm starting to see your point now, but Tyler would be happier if she was alive."
"Yeah, but he would also be distracted in both good and bad ways, and it is mostly leaning on the bad side." Duncan pointed out remembering some past things that happened. He rubbed the back of his neck and raised an eyebrow, "I don't exactly remember much, but I do remember his reaction if she ever got hurt."
Noah raised an eyebrow and turned only his eyes at Duncan. "I thought you were asleep during the first two matches of the game?"
"I was talking about something that happened in private." Duncan put his hand up before anyone could ask about it. "You guys do not want to know what he did. She got mad at him since she forgot who he was at the time when it happened." Noah rolled his eyes and looked away shaking his head. Duncan sighed, "Ok, I watched the episode when I got bored two years ago. It probably was the only time where everything was quiet during the war."
Bridgette rolled her eyes and said, "Anyway, Sierra, keep us posted about this situation with Lindsay and find out what happened at what was suppose to be her murder."
Sierra smiled and got off the wall of the house. "I will. I better get back inside and see how Cody is doing. Talk to you guys later." Bridgette nodded and cut the communication with Sierra. Sierra looked around and narrowed her eyebrows. "Something is not right."
Ezekiel stopped in front of a cave and asked, "Ok, what is inside this cave, eh?"
The snake poked his head out of Zeke's shirt and grinned a bit while the eagle landed on Zeke's head. "There is only one animal that should be in there, but it isn't exactly an animal." The eagle told him. "You might shudder a bit when you find out."
"It's a bug isn't it?" Zeke asked while staring at the cave with a bored expression.
"Actually it's a spider." The snake told him. "He'll be one of the helpful arachnids that you'll be needing."
Ezekiel chuckled nervously and started to sweat a bit. 'I am going to hurt myself doing this.'
"No you won't." The eagle assured him. "No animal will hurt you while you are inside your mind."
"I wasn't thinking about the spider hurting me. I was thinking along the lines of getting hurt while going through the cave." He told the eagle with a nervous look in his eyes. "I have never gone in a cave in my entire life, and I lived out on the prairie."
"This is going to take some time." The snake said with disappointment.
Heather looked at DJ and gulped as DJ finished checking her bloodstream. DJ looked at the blood under the microscope and sighed, "Ok, the only dark spots I see is the blood drying up." He looked up and smiled, "You're clean Heather."
Heather sighed in relief and looked at Lindsay who was walking into the kitchen with a smile on her face. "Ok, I can understand you guys not trusting me because of everything that's happened, and I am willing to accept that." Heather said before looking at Cody. "I just have one question. Who is the leader of the Total Drama cast? I never was able to find out while under that loser's control."
Sierra walked in when she heard Heather's question and said, "No one actually leads us. Cody, Duncan, and Geoff were the three that took charge of the three groups before Geoff was killed."
Katie nodded, "Yes, those guys were leaders of their teams that they had. Geoff got the people who didn't have much skills in a fight. Cody had the people who were skilled in different ways. Duncan had Courtney and Ezekiel. Courtney is a great warrior, and Ezekiel had gotten better at his aim to make himself the sniper and sneaky type person. Bridgette joined them after Geoff's death."
Heather blinked a couple times then sighed, "Well I already know about the incidents since the machine allowed me to see and hear everything going on, but..." She stopped talking when Lindsay came walking into the living room with a sharp knife in her hand. "Ok, may someone please get that knife out of her hand before she does something stupid?" She asked while pointing at the knife.
Lindsay looked around and asked, "Does anyone know where the bathroom is? I need to fix my hair."
Sierra breathes in and out deeply then said, "This is going to take a while."
Cody looked at DJ then at Katie who was walking over to Lindsay. "I'll be able to show you Lindsay, but DJ needs to do something first before you'll be able to do that." Katie told her. "DJ just needs to do something real quick; then you can fix your hair."
Lindsay smiled, "Ok, what does DJ need to do?"
Gwen watched the containment unit as it was finishing putting the dark cells together. 'Why is this taking so long?' She thought while gritting her teeth. 'Heather should have known her place when master had controlled her body.' She thought bitterly. She looked down and saw it 85% complete. 'Might as well get something to eat. I might have to wait another hour.' Gwen got up from her seat and walked out of the lab with a scowl on her face. 'I still have to wait for her to wake up once master is fully reborn. Life is not on our side.' She looked at a monitor that was on the wall in the hallway and widened her eyes when she saw Heather, Cody, and Sierra walk out of Cody's house. Gwen growled in anger. "My minions, I need you guys to attack the house and kill whoever is there, and I do not like failure." She clenched her hands tightly and whispered, "I'll show you who is weak Cody Anderson. I promise you that."
Cody walked up to the sidewalk with Sierra and Heather following him. "Ok," Cody began while looking around, "Gwen will probably be sending some of her army, and we need to be on guard just in case something happens." The two women nod their heads and tense when they heard moaning coming from the trees. "Ok, she sent her army to do her dirty work." Cody muttered when he saw a dead person coming out of the forest.
Sierra looked at the dead man in surprise. "Wait a minute. You mean that we're fighting an army of zombies instead of real people?" She asked while pointing at the dead man. Cody and Heather nodded at her question which made her squeak in fear. She put her hands at her sides and breathed in and out slowly. "Ok, I can do this." She pulled out two swords out of the sheaths that were on her back and gripped them tightly. "This is going to be fun!" She yelled happily.
"They're controlled by Gwen, Sierra. This isn't going to be completely fun." Heather said angrily before making fire cover her hands. "I hate that Drune made me freeze Gwen's body after I killed her." Her anger rose inside her while the fire around her hands became blue. "Drune Dine will pay for what he has done to me!" She shot a fireball at the dead person walking out of the forest and watched as the body disintegrated into ash. She saw two more come out of the forest and growled in anger. "Sierra, Cody, I'll handle these guys for now. You guys make sure that Lindsay is who she says she is; then I'll need you guys to get us out of here."
"Works for me." Sierra said putting her swords back in their sheaths on her back before running into the house.
Cody stared at the forest and narrowed his eyebrows. "I don't think the dead army is coming from just the forest." He turned his head away from the forest and growled, "I was right."
Heather turned her head and saw an army of dead people walking down the street towards them. "This is not going to be as easy as I hoped it would have been." She muttered angrily. She tossed a fireball at the two dead people in the forest behind her and didn't watch them turn into ash along with one of the trees.
Cody did see that happen from the corner of his right eye and gulped mentally. 'She doesn't know that her power is overheating everything it touches.' He thought worriedly. He grabbed Windstar off his back and narrowed his eyebrows at the army coming towards them.
"We have a problem." Sierra told the three inside the house.
"You're telling me this now!" DJ exclaimed while he closed his bag up. He grabbed the handle and asked, "What's the problem this time? I just finished checking Lindsay."
Sierra nodded, "Good to know, but Gwen has sent her army after us to kill us."
DJ gulped and asked, "What do we do?"
Katie looked at DJ and said, "We do what we do best. DJ, you and Lindsay will head to the transport tube while the rest of us will guard you guys."
DJ's eyes widen at what she just said. "Are you nuts? What will happen to you guys if Gwen gets here?" He asked worrying about her.
"She'll be fine." Sierra said waving her hand which didn't ease DJ one bit.
Katie put hers hands on DJ's shoulders and pulled him into a quick kiss. "You listen to me DJ. You will get Lindsay to the tubes and get her out of here while we take care of her dead army." She told him before removing her hands from his shoulders. She had spiked vines circle around her arms and walked out the front door after glancing back at DJ with a small smile.
DJ sighed and took a breath. He looked at Sierra before grabbing his medical bag. He turned his head to Lindsay and said, "Lets go."
Lindsay looked at DJ curiously and asked, "Where are we going?"
"I'll tell you when we get there." Lindsay nodded in agreement and followed DJ out the back door while Sierra cracked her knuckles.
"This is going to be interesting." Katie said when she saw the dead army coming towards the house. 'If these things are really zombies then my spiked vines will have nearly no effect on them, but I do have other things to use.' She smirked at the new idea that popped into her head. She made the spike vines disappear into her body and made her hands glow green. She raised her hands up and fired sharp leafs from them. The leafs flew at the dead army and sliced four dead people apart. 'I might enjoy attacks like that.'
Cody raised his keyblade into the air then swung it three times and watched as three wind strikes struck the front line of dead people in front of the house. He twirls the air around in his right hand and looks directly at the closest dead person near him. He tosses the keyblade into the air and puts both hands around the balled up air. "Let's have some fun." He makes the ball bigger before throwing it with his right hand at the dead person. He grabbed Windstar with his left hand and watched the ball of air hit the dead person square in the face. 'Ok, that's kinda funny seeing in person.' He thought before charging straight towards the army while switching hands with the keyblade.
Sierra ran out of the house and stopped next to Katie. She looked at the dead army and saw her husband charging at the army. "What's the plan?" She asked before getting her feet into position to run at the army that is coming towards them in all directions.
Katie fired sharp razor leaves at the army and said, "We'll just need to take these guys down before heading to the transport tubes." The two watch the leaves rip apart seven of the dead people. "Do you think that you can handle that Sierra? You did just wake up a few hours ago from being poisoned."
Sierra giggled, "Don't worry Katie. I'll be fine. If anything does happen to me Cody will be there instantly to get me out of there." She took off leaving Katie behind with a smile on her face.
"At least you get to be with your man right now." Heather muttered in disappointment. 'I killed the man I fell in love with.' She thought bitterly before burning six more dead people coming out of the forest. 'I wonder where Drune is hiding now. I really want to burn him down for doing this to everyone.' She looks down at her hands and raises her left eyebrow in surprise when she saw her hands were covered in blue flames. 'Well, this is new.' She looked at the four dead people coming out of the forest and smiled, "I wonder if my fire can come out of my mouth." She sucked in some air and breathed out a flamethrower from her mouth all over the four dead people. Heather stopped her attack and chuckled at the misfortune she gave them. "It's time for me to heat things up."
DJ ran into the forest and looked around the area quietly. He got up and waved his hand for Lindsay to follow him when he heard a beeping. "Oh, the blood test is done." DJ whispered before pulling out the device from his pocket. Lindsay backed up a couple steps then growled in anger. DJ looked over the results and gasped in surprise. He ducked immediately and heard a noise coming from a sword. He looked behind himself and stepped away from Lindsay who is holding two swords with an angry look on her face. "This is not good."
Lindsay growled in frustration and asked, "How did your blood..." She paused at her question then waved her hand in dismissal. "How did you device find out I was a clone created by Drune Dine to replace the real Lindsay so I can figur out where your main base is for us to destroy?" She asked pointing the sword in her left hand at him.
DJ blinked a couple times then said, "Actually, I accidentally mixed your blood with Heather's blood."
Lindsay blinked in surprise then smiled sheepishly. "Uh, you wouldn't mind ignoring everything I just said earlier right?"
DJ narrowed his eyebrows and pressed the button on his communicator. "I would have ignored everything you would have said earlier if your question didn't reveal your plans with Drune Dine." He said before pulling out a dagger.
Lindsay looked at the dagger in his hand and chuckled, "You actually think that a dagger would hurt me. I'm touched DJ. Of everyone on the show you were the weakest guy to be around when it came to big situations. Of course you do have strength when it come to heavy lifting, but it doesn't matter. You won't be able to live through this battle anyway."
"Why don't you tell me what Drune is really up to if you know that I will die here?" DJ asked kindly while his dagger start glowing purple.
Lindsay smirked and lowered her sword a bit. "Alright, Drune created clones of everyone of us that had died during the war and gave us the serum not too later after Noah was captured. He kept us hidden in a secret area for us to train for events like this. I was given the ability to become a genius. Geoff has super hearing and super sight. Sadie was gifted by absorbing the memories and abilities that a person has for a short amount of time." DJ heard Katie growl on the communicator when Lindsay finished that. "Beth is able to transform items into something she wants. Alejandro is able to shape and do things with shadows during the day and night. Gwen is the only clone who came alive working for Dark Heather."
"This is bad." Duncan said through the communication DJ opened.
"No kidding." Leshawna replied while looking at the screen in anger. She balled her fists up and narrowed her eyebrows. "This is one thing that makes us know that Heather wasn't lying to Noah about his situation."
Noah blinked in surprise when he heard Leshawna and sighed, "I found it hard to believe myself, and I'm the genius for crying out loud."
"Did anyone record what was sent through this communication?" Bridgette asked curiously.
"I took care of it." Chef told them. "Working for Chris has finally paid off after all these years."
"Good to know." Cody said before slicing two more dead people apart. "Katie, you and Heather head over to the forest where Lindsay and DJ are at. I don't care what you do to her. We just need to make sure that clone is destroyed."
Katie smirked, "Oh, I'm actually going to enjoy this." She ran towards Heather and told her about Lindsay being a clone and what they were going to do.
"He hates you guys so much." Lindsay said slicing apart another tree where DJ was standing nearby. "He hates the fact that selfish people like you guys get away with on it. He hates people who go onto game shows like Total Drama." She runs at DJ and slices another tree apart with both swords where DJ was standing a few seconds ago. "He wanted to show the world one thing, and you guys were on the top of his list of proving it when you joined the cast."
"What is there to prove?" DJ asked while jumping back to avoid getting cut apart by the swords. "I don't understand how someone wants to prove that we are selfish. Some of us decided to join to get some experience. Ezekiel has the biggest proof on that."
Lindsay sighed, "Ok, you might be right about that, but each of you still joined the show that Drune has a major hate for!"
DJ stared at her with a raised eyebrow and asked, "May you repeat that?"
Lindsay groaned then growled in frustration. "That might have been a little too much DJ." Leshawna told him.
"Good to know." DJ told Leshawna before jumping back to avoid the swords that hit the ground.
"You will stand still and let me kill you!" Lindsay yelled before pulling her swords out of the ground with anger covering her face.
"I think that my plan is better, yo." Ezekiel said appearing out of nowhere with his foot hitting Lindsay in the jaw. Lindsay flew back and crashed into the tree while Ezekiel landed on the ground steadily. He looked at DJ and smirked, "I heard you can use a hand, eh."
DJ smirked back at Zeke and asked, "Katie, how much longer until you and Heather get here?"
"We should be there soon if you stopped moving around." Katie said with a hint of anger in her tone which made Zeke wince. "I just hope you know what you are doing Zeke. If you don't I am seriously going to hurt you after this battle is over."
Zeke frowned and shook his head. "I'll worry about that later. Right now I have an evil Lindsay clone that I need to take down." Zeke turned off his com link and cracked his knuckles while Lindsay got back up with both swords in her hands. "You should learn not to mess with Total Drama. In the end we will win."
Lindsay chuckled before spitting out some dirt that got in her mouth. "You got lucky Ezekiel, but Drune will prove to you guys that he will be victorious. I should know since I am way better than my original self in the first place."
"Says the girl who thinks she is super smart." Bridgette muttered sarcastically. Duncan and Noah snorted in agreement and crossed their arms.
Zeke raised an eyebrow and let a small laugh out which made Lindsay growl at him. She charged at him and swung both of her swords and missed him when he transformed into a fly. The fly became a tiger immediately, and the tiger smirked at Lindsay. Lindsay's eyes widen in surprise, and she took a couple steps back in fear. 'Ok, I forgot Ezekiel was given shape shifting, but it won't matter when I kill him in a little bit.' She regained her confidence and swung her swords repeatedly at the tiger who was dodging every swing that came at him. Zeke jumped back to avoid getting hit by the swords again and shifted into an elephant. Lindsay dropped her swords in shock when she saw the elephant.
Zeke turned into a snake and wrapped his tail around both swords. He tossed the swords away and turned back to his human form with a smile on his face. "Now we can play fair." Zeke said getting in his battle position.
"I rather not." She pulled out two pistols and smiled evilly at him. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way Zeke. I would prefer the hard way."
Zeke chuckled and asked, "Do you think that I would be scared to two common pistols you have pointed at me? I faced off things worse than that." He grabbed his bow and jumped into the tree when Lindsay fired the pistols. Zeke grabbed one of his arrows and quickly fired at her before jumping into another tree quietly.
Lindsay shot the arrow which made the arrow explode and made her fly back into a tree a few feet behind her. Lindsay looked up in time to dodge an arrow that came for her head but ended up flying across the forest when it exploded on impact with the tree. Lindsay flipped around twice before getting her feet on the ground skidding to a stop. She looked up and jumped when three arrows landed on the ground below her. She looked at Ezekiel in the eyes and pointed her pistols at him when the arrows blew up again. Lindsay went flying into the air with her back to the ground and didn't see the four arrows coming towards her. She turned around and felt the four arrows go through her body. Two arrows went through her stomach, and the other two went through her heart. Lindsay fell to the ground with a thud before exploding apart by the arrows in her body. Zeke watched as the body became nothing then sighed in relief. "Ok, that was a little too easy." He turned his com link back on and said, "Clone Lindsay has been defeated."
"I'm not surprised." Cody said after slicing the last dead person apart with his wind.
"Why are you not surprised?" Leshawna asked a little shocked.
"They're clones. Each clone is an exact copy of the original, but copies lack one thing the originals have." Cody told them. "They lack common sense."
Bridgette put her elbow up on the panel and asked, "How do they lack common sense?"
Cody chuckled, "Every one of us believe that we are made the way we are and will not change what we become. Clones on the other hand are the complete opposite unless it lacked a normal mind or had a couple things that makes it different."
Noah rubbed his chin and sighed, "I can't argue with that logic, but no one has ever created a clone in real life so we're stuck on knowledge from science fiction. There is one thing that I need to add to it. Clones are created into believing what the creator wants them to believe. Some clones might be able to know the truth over some time, but clones are created for one purpose."
"To make us weak and vulnerable during the fights." Ezekiel stated angrily. "That thought gets me angry, yo. I wouldn't know what to think if it happened to any of us that are still alive."
"Lets just hope that doesn't happen." Duncan said calmly.
Bridgette, Izzy, and Noah stare at Duncan with their eyebrows narrowed which made him raise an eyebrow at them. "Agreed." Katie said right when she found DJ looking around for Ezekiel. "Ezekiel, how did you get here in the first place?"
Ezekiel chuckled nervously, "I woke up from my coma and overheard Leshawna and Chef that you guys were at Cody's old house. I decided to go out and stretch my legs a bit when I heard DJ turn on the command com link for all of us. When I started hearing about what was going on I knew that I didn't have time to waste. I transformed into a cheetah when I got outside and ran."
Noah smirked, "Smart move there home-school, and we should know that Cody's house is only a few miles below a hundred from our base."
Bridgette groaned, "Lets just end this conversation now and talk about it when we get back to base." She put her finger on the button and said, "Bridgette out."
"Cody out."
"Noah out."
"Izzy is leaving the floor."
"We're not even in a room. Duncan out."
"Leshawna will see you guys when you get here."
"I'll see everyone else back at the transport tube with my Cody-kins." Sierra said before turning off her communication. She turned to Cody and smiled, "Lets get going." Cody smiles nervously as she grabbed his hand with hers. She took off quickly holding onto Cody tightly who was trying not to barf while flying around in the air with hardly any control.
Chef walked out of the communication room with Leshawna following him with her arms crossed over her chest. "This is ridiculous. I find out that Ezekiel wakes up during a crisis that was happening recently and was not able to go and see if my powers were working fine." Leshawna said a little offended. She looked up at Chef and asked, "Do you want to fight an try out your powers sometime? I know that I need to."
Chef chuckled, "Do I want to fight using my new powers? Oh yeah, I would love to." He made small spike cover his knuckles and grinned. "Having these abilities really make me glad that I got to work with most of you."
"Chris isn't one of those guys, is he?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.
Chef snorted, "Yeah right, the nerds created that serum for us to have enhanced bodies." He stopped in the center of the living room while Leshawna stopped a few feet away from him and fired a spike which hit Duncan's picture on the wall. "I love this new ability that serum gave me." Chef grinned again and walked towards the kitchen while Leshawna stayed behind in the living room. "If there is one thing Chris did that I enjoy, it would be that I met you guys."
Leshawna smiled, "Good to know." She walked in the opposite direction and said, "I need to check up on DJ's patients. I'll be there a little later for lunch."
"I'll see you then." Chef waved goodbye without looking back and kept on walking towards the kitchen.
DJ closed the door to the transport tube and said, "We're good to go." He sat down next to Katie while Cody finished typing in the coordinates.
Heather looked around the transport nervously and asked, "Is this thing really safe?"
Ezekiel glanced at Heather and sighed, "It's safe for us, yo. I should know since I've ridden in almost everyone of these transports." Heather turned her head to Ezekiel who was lying back with his arms behind his head. "There is only one thing you need to worry about, and that is getting too comfortable with these things." He closed his eyes and smiled, "After all you could fall asleep without knowing it."
DJ and Katie look at each other then at Ezekiel. "I never fell asleep on these things before."
"You mainly stayed in one area for nearly a full year." Sierra reminded her. She kicked Ezekiel in the shin which made him wince in pain and chuckled, "After all I know that I'm full of too much energy to fall asleep in these transports anyway."
Ezekiel rubbed his shin in discomfort and sighed, "Courtney falls asleep too much, but Duncan does give her a message so we could have a peaceful time traveling." He let go of his shin and winced when he put it on the floor gently. "Everyone falls asleep at sometime even during the night."
Katie rubbed her back and sighed, "He's right." She leaned back and closed her eyes. "I hated it when Ezekiel started to become smarter than us."
"I'm not that smart, yo." Ezekiel muttered in annoyance. 'I hate it when people start thinking that I'm smarter than them.' He sighed then looked at Katie. "Please don't mention anything about me being smart again Katie." He told her.
Katie, DJ, Heather, and Sierra looked at him with shock on their faces when Cody finished the coordinates. Cody turned his attention to the others and said, "Some people are appreciative that they get complimented for being smart, but Ezekiel was told that one time from Courtney as a really bad sarcastic joke. Duncan didn't even like the joke."
"That would make sense." Heather muttered. She looked out the window of the door and asked, "Are you going to start this tranport up or not?"
"It's already moving." DJ told her before walking to the window removing the fake cover over the window.
Heather blinked in surprise. "Ok, I have a lot to learn."
Noah closed his eyes and thought, 'I need a plan to stop Drune from winning this war. I need a really good...' His eyes open and widen in realization. "I got it!" Noah exclaimed which got the other three to stare at him in surprise. "I figured out on how to defeat Drune Dine once and for all!"
Yeah, I'm still apologizing about taking so long to update this chapter. I've started to get distracted with real things going on around me. I also found a fan made sonic show called sonic gx, and I actually enjoy watching that show a lot. Anyway, I know that isn't an excuse for me not to write this story. I did get writers block when the situation with Lindsay came up as well, but the clone thing came up out of nowhere which helped me out. The next update is an idk right now since college is coming up, and I have no idea how to start the next chapter, but I do plan on having at least five or six more chapters then this story is done...I hope.