Chapter 13

Pretty much yeah last chapter

Who is ready for a lot of one-shots?


Anyway enjoy and I really truly hope you like this story

Looking around the bedding area or in this the case the grand bedroom he saw the painting of the Queen. Finn turned to the door seeing it was forcefully open. 'Hm... why didn't she just kick the door down like usual?' He ran out the door and down the opposite hall trying to see if he can either catch up to her or cut her short.

The Queen calmed her breathing once more hiding in a craves of the wall. 'Thank god for my thin size.' She then gasped and held her breath as she heard Ash's light foot steps and whistling. 'Damn him and his persistent attitude.' Being still for what felt like hours to her, she finally let out a relief of air seeing he passed on thinking that she most likely kept running. Shuffling out she sighed, "Human... still can't fucking believe it." Looking both ways she ran down the opposite path then making a sharp turn to the left.

Everything was a blur to her as she ran down the hall with creepy like statues. Shaking out of her thoughts she slid under a vent like hole in the wall. Hissing she saw she got a gash on her hand. "Damn it." Looking at the darkening hole she crawled her way through it. Marceline truly wished she killed Ash or even find a nice dungeon and locked him away for life. 'No no, I just can't go on a fucking vacation with a friend and just have fun and relax... NO! I have to have the psycho ex-boyfriend who just let me go and find a broad or two to make him happy! NO! Of course I forgot all my things are gone and Finn is most likely dead in a canyon! NO! I have to have the fucking life with bullshit happening twenty four seven!' Seeing light at the end of the tunnel she almost grinned happily. Poking her head out Marcy stood up stretching. "Now, to get out of this hell-hole."

Ash frowned seeing he reach a dead end. "Where could she have-" He gasped when hearing her name being called through the walls of the castle. 'What he is still alive?' He turned back on the path to see if she made a turn around while he was in 'la la la' land.

Finn panted leaning against the wall seeing he ended up near a second storage closet. Opening it he saw ropes and fine wire. 'Hm... maybe I can use some of this.' Taking the wires and rope he head back down the path he came in on. In the echos of the castle he heard water falling and rubble being thrown around. Heading towards the sound of rubble he wanted really stir clear of Ash himself for the reason he didn't really want to fight him. "MARCY!" He shouted as his legs were now starting to burn and his chest was hurting. "Just gotta keep going to find her."

Marceline huffed as she removed the rubble that was in her way only to flinch when she heard Finn's voice calling her. 'Get your mind out of the gutter and get hell out of here.' Climbing a bit out the rubble she walked down the hall once again. She stopped and looked back only to see that if anyone was coming after her. Sighing in relief she causally made her way to what was a training hall.

Looking at the hall she saw dried up blood everywhere she grinned, "At least a good thing is that I am going literally bat-shit crazy over the smell." Hopping on a stone she scope out her surroundings a bit until she saw a blonde haired man running passed a different door leading into here. "FINNY!" Though to her she thought she was also losing her mind in this quiet solitude place.

Stopping and looking back he saw a woman who looked vaguely familiar to Marceline running up to the woman he looked at her teal eyes, "Um... have you seen a vampire woman, grey skin, pretty... wait why are you here Miss?"

Marceline eye twitched for the moment before growling angrily, "Finn... if I was some woman you didn't know do you think I would call you by your name?!" She saw him flinch with a nervous smile as she got yelling at him. "Finny your such a silly Kitty."

Blushing rather darkly the hero knew it was really her but just a human woman though her bite marks were still there visibly. "Uh... what happen to you?" Moving aside as she hopped off Marce looked at him.

Sighing she combed through her hair, "Ash used a potion on me and turned me human!"

Laughing he looked at her wiping a tear that had form from his fit of laughing. "How long does it last to say the least?"

Chuckling herself at the situation at hand and her little problem Marcy smiled at him, "Fuck how should I know?"

Their little get together though was stopped by Ash clapping and chuckling, "I know how long, but why would tell you two that." He walked up to the duo and smirked. "Why be hanging out with a chump like him Marcy? He is just a bug that really need to be crush permanently." Finn stepped back only to see a rope leading up somewhere.

"Uh... yeah I see by me and Marcy got fly." He took her by the waist.

Puzzled she saw him smiling happily, "What do you..." In a flash she was twenty feet off the ground as the rope was taking them up to the highest point of the castle. Landing on the ground she looked down seeing Ash looking up angrily. Laughing she looked at Finn who was looking out the window. "How did you know the rope was going to take us up here hero boy?"

Laughing happily Finn smirked, "I didn't took one hell of a wild guess." He socked in the arm playfully by Marcy. "Ow... yeah we have a ride." Taking out the whistle he was about to blow on it only to have blasted out of his hands. "NO!" Trying to reach for it he noticed Marceline on Ash's back while making him run around blindly. He ran back just hoping the whistle was still there. Sliding under his legs Finn pulled off his foot. Marceline hopped off just in time though. "Marcy get the whistle!"

She kick Ash upside the head buying Finn enough time to come up with something while at the most of it Ash was delirious. Tight roping in a sense she saw the dragon shape whistle. "Okay... Okay. Panting she reached down for the whistle only hear a blast coming at her but nearly missing her by a hair and a battle cry from Finn. 'You can't fly and you can obviously die if you fall.' Breathing roughly she grabbed the whistle only to feel a gust of wind that almost made her fall. "SHIT!" Trying to climb back inside another gust of wind hit making her crouch trying to add weight to herself so the wind won't knock her off.

The blonde looked at the window while dodging Ash's kicks and punches. Kicking him in the stomach he ran to the window. Looking at the woman who was fighting against the wind. he walked out to her. Growling Marcy clutched onto him, "I am going to kick your ass for sending me out here." Shoving the whistle in his pocket she looked to see Ash running to him. "JUMP!"

"WHA-!?" She pulled him off just as the wind blew so hard it actually pushed them back to another window. Grabbing the window the two crawled in laughing, "Damn... warn me next your going to do something crazy."

Looking at the door with a metal padlock she just nodded shoving her spear into the lock breaking. "Hmph, I gotten pretty use to this human body." Smiling she looked at her, "No promise on me doing something crazy and not telling you." Cackling she ran out the room with Finn close behind. "So what was our ride?" She asked as they turned a corner only to stop at a long hall then hearing Ash's panting.

"Ooh... pretty boy caught up Marce." Finn joked.

Growling menacingly Ash spoke glaring at the hero. "A fucking lizard-dragon! YOU NOR HIM WON'T MAKE IT BACK ALIVE TO OOO!" He shot a fireball at the two only to have them leaped out it fire range. "DIE!" Marceline and Finn got up quickly only to step on a switch only to fall down a shaft. Going after them he slid the shaft.

Marceline looked back as she sliding down on her butt in the shaft. "Finn do have blanket!?"

Struggling to get a blanket out he gave to her only yelp at the fact Ash was sliding down after them like a surfer. 'Persistent bastard!' Looking at her he spoke, "What are you planning to do!?"

Getting the blanket under them they went faster only to see two paths. Making him lean right they went down the path that was steeper than one they went down. Ash forcefully made his body go right only to bruise his shoulder.

Once sliding down to the end and running out the door Finn jammed it with a metal rod. "Come on that won't hold him off." Grabbing her hand they ran for the exit. He took out the whistle and called the same lizard. Busting through the outside world they panted smiled seeing the lizard already there only to hear Ash coming out with hatred burning holes into their bodies. He growled but before he cloud say a spell he was knocked out by the same old man Finn met in the canyon.

"Damn that was convenient yet again..." They both said at the same time. Finn smiled at the old geezer who grinned happily then tossing them the two potions he had and well a a thumbs up.

"You better get to the wedding young man." He laughed happily seeing Marcy face in a twitching type form.

Stopping her from asking Finn sighed, "Long story..."

"Okay what ever." She smacked the dragon making it blow fire type lava and it flew straight towards the Land of Ooo and the Candy Kingdom.

On the way back they saw the sun start to set and Finn decided to get ready to literally fly into the wedding. He saw Marceline just looking out at the ocean. Going up to her he smiled softly, "Hey you wanna be my guest to the wedding?" Finn handed her boot cut boots with light blue designs on accented the black. He tied her hair up for her, "One heck of a Adventure wasn't it?"

Blushing Marcy just nodded, "Finn..."

"Uh... yeah."

"I AM SO GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS YOU LITTLE PREV!" She growled playfully for the fact she was still baffled why he didn't tell her he saw her naked. "The reason I don't kick now because he you look smashing in that tux of yours." She laughed once seeing his darkening face.

At the Candy Kingdom...

Simon was looking at himself in the mirror as by the fact he was younger like in his late twenties to early thirties and he was more handsome despite his blue skin. Smiling at his wife the Ice King - Simon - held her. "Oh I have finally got you."

Giggling blushing PB smiled pecking his lips. "I guess you do Simon." She then looked around for Finn, frowning not seeing one of her closest friends here to celebrate with her and a big day. Sighing she walked up to Jake. "Where is Finn?"

Jake frowned, "I don't he promise he would be back in time for this day. I'm sorry princess." He looked outside only to hear every shrieking in fear by a huge shadow eclipsing the party. Stretching up he saw a familiar blonde man hopping of the lizard-dragon. Going through the sky light he saw then saw a woman with tan skin, "Finn... uh... who's your friend and your late." He glared but he just smiled when Finn hugged him.

"Sorry man we ran into some trouble on the way back." Smiling at Marcy he grabbed her by a waist, "Her name is Marce Jake she use to be the Vampire Queen now is the adventure Queen." He laughed he saw her blush form and a sock in the arm.

Looking closer he saw it was Marceline, "I don't wanna know what happen. Now it is party time!" The three went down with stuff in hand and the Lizard Dragon asleep on the tallest tower.

Anyway the end X3

I hope you like it

Finn and Marceline forever in my book also for those of you wondering the

potion last only about two years if you forgot how long it last

R&R please

Opinions. Was the ending crap. In my case it was. Now the request.

Ciao! =D