Author's Note: I am so sorry such a long time pasted before this update. What with everything going on I couldn't get the time to work on it. Using an existing episode proved to be more challenging them I thought. But I hope you like how it is going. Again if there are any spelling mistakes please be patient with me I will fix them as soon as I can.
Disclaimer: I do not own supernataural or this plot line in the next couple of chapters.
Two days later Dean, Sam and Angel stopped thier car across the street and got out. They wore uniforms of the alarm system company. Dean and Angel got out as Sam looked over the paper. Dean opened the trunk and got a toolbox as Angel grabbed a forensic kit.
"Alright guys this is the place." Dean shut the trunk and they walked to Sam.
"You know, I've gotta say Dad and me did just fine without these stupid costumes. I feel like a high school drama dork." Angel and Sam smiled. "What was that play that you did? What was it-our town. Yeah, you were good, it was cute." Angel hid her laugh.
"Look Dean, you wanna pull this off or not?"
Dean lifted his arms a little." I'm just sayin' these outfits cost har-earned money, okay?"
Angel arched a brow. "Whose?"
Dean glared at her. "Ours. You think credit card fraud is easy." Sam and Angel rolled thier eyes an proceded inside.
Inside they followed the landlady inside. Sam looked around
"Thanks for lettin' us look around."
"Well, the police said they were done with the place, so..." She and Angel moved further into the room when Dean shut the door, he noticed the chain on the door was broken, As he followed them in, Sam looked around taking in the spots of blood that cover the carpet. The landlady and Angel walked into the livingroom.
"You guys said you were with the alarm compant?"
Dean looked around. "That's right."
The landlady looked at Dean. "Well no offense, but your alarms about as useful as boons on a man." Dean and Sam exchanged a look, Sam trying not o laugh. ANgel houwever couldn't help but laugh.
But she sobered as she said. "Well that's why we're here . To see what went wrong an to stop it from happening again."
Sam looked over. "Now. ma'am, you found the body?"
His brow raised. "Right after it happened?"
She shoke her head. "No a few days later. Meredith's work called, she hadn't shown up. I knocked on the door. That is when I noticed the smell.." SHe wrinkled her nose at the memory.
Dean looked around. "Any windows open? Any sign of break in?"
"No, windows were locked, front door was bolted. Chain was on the door, we had to cut it just to get in."
Sam looked uo. "And the alarm was still on?"
"Like I said, bang up job your company's doin'."
Angel looked around off in thought. "Mmhmm. You see any overturned furniture, broken glass, signs of struggle?"
The landlady shook her head. "Everythiong was in perfect condition- except Meredith."
Sam looked at the blood. "An what condition was Meredith in?"
"Meredith was all over. In pieces. The guy who killed her must have been some kind of wack I tell you, if I didn't know any better, I'd said a wild animal did it.." Dean, Sam and Anger looked at each other.
Sam cleared his throat."Ma'am, do you mind if we take some time? Give this place a once-over?"
She shrugged her shoulders. "Oh, well, go ahead. Knock yourself out." She tunred and left.
Dean turned back opening his tookbox removing the EMF meter. Angel pulled out her forensics kit. Dean walked around seeing if he got a hit.
"So, a killer walks in and out of the apartment no weapons, no prints, nothin."
Sam looked around. 'I'm tellin' you, the minute I found this articale, I knew this was out kind of gig."
The EMF is Dean's hand beeped frantically. "I think I agree with you."
Angel looked up from taking a blood sample." So, you talked to the cops?" She slipped the sample into the bag.
Dean smirked.' Uh, Yeah. I spole yo Amy, a ,uh, charming, perky officer of the law."
Sam smirked at Angel. "Yeah? What'd you find out?"
Dean looked off into space dreamily. "Well, she's a sagittarius. She loves tequila. I mean-wow. Oh, and she's got this little tattoo-."
Angel and Sam looked up. "DEAN!"
Dean jolted. "What? Yeah. Uh, nothin' we don't already know. Except for one thing they're keepin' from the papers/"
"Meredith's hear was missing."
Sam looked stunned. "Her heart?"
"Yeah her heart."
"So what do you think did it to her?"
Angel tilted her head." Well, the landlady said it looked like an animal attack. Maybe it was a werewolf.?"
Sam looked up. "No, no werewolf, the lunar cycles not right. Plus if it was a crerature, it woulfn't have left some kind of trace. It's probably a spirit."
Dean looked at the blood on the floor."See if you can find any masking tape." Angel handed it to him. He began to tape the dots together till they saw the finisded unusual symbol.
Sam drew the symbol on a notepad. "Ever see that symbol before?" He looked at Angel.
"Never, Not even heard of it. You?"
"Me neither." They exchanged looked.
Dean sighed. "U beed a beer let's get out of here!" With that they packed up thier tools and left.
Author's Notes: Hope you enjoyed the chapter.