I own nothing but the idea.

Bart was quiet as they scurried along to where ever Kid Flash had deemed "safe", so quiet that it made Wally's skin crawl. He'd gotten so used to Bart's constant chatter and sunny disposition and now that the kid was being quiet and serious, like he'd wanted, it felt unnatural. If the younger boy noticed Wally's frequent, uncomfortable glances in his direction, he didn't show it, instead he followed the red haired girl without question at a normal, human pace so the non speedster could keep up.

As for where they were going, Wally couldn't say, it was terribly hard for him to get his barring when all the known landmarks were piles of rubble and ash. The whole Harbour looked like a war zone, littered with barbed wire and broken glass. He half considered asking Bart or their red haired guide, but both bore such frighteningly serious looks that he quickly changed his mind.

"Here," Kid Flash finally broke the silence, leading them down an alley way between two broken down buildings with the windows boarded up. Unlike the building next to it, the back door was intact, made of some sort of solid metal that echoed quite loudly when the girl knocked.

The creaking noise the door made was deafening in the quiet alley way and a small, mocha skinned girl of about fourteen poked her head out and smiled when she saw Bart was a part of their group. She opened the door wider to let them in, watching the past heroes curiously, her eyes darting to Kid Flash's face, "Did you find more refugees?"

"Not exactly," The red head shook her head, pulling her mask off. It was easier to size her up without the mask and, though she seemed to be in charge, she couldn't have been more then seventeen years old. She took the smaller girl under her arm, patting her curly hair with one hand, "Everyone, this is Nell. Nell, this is Barry, Dick, Wally, Barry, Artemis and Roy. Of course, you know Bart."

Nell stared at the heroes and especially Barry for a long moment, "Where'd you find an adult these days? Other then the police, they're practically extinct in these parts."

"Just stumbled across them," Kid Flash shrugged, "They're friends of Bart's. Why don't you run along and tell the others that I'm back…" She paused, "Bart, you join her, everyone's going to want to see you."

"Yes Mam," He nodded, sending Nell a small smile before heading off down the hall with her, leaving Wally and the others alone with the strange red haired girl.

"The rest of you, come with me." She ordered, leading them down a second hallway to a series of rooms, most of which were full of dust, bits of wall that had crumbled away and little else. One of the rooms had a small table, a few chairs and several maps with writing and markings on them. She took one of the chairs in the room, planting her feet on the seat and balancing on the back, "So your being here is a bit of a problem."

"Heh, just a bit," Barry agreed, "Bart got back to our time in some sort of pod. You wouldn't happen to have any more of those, would you…? Er, sorry, I never caught your name."

"Iris," She replied shortly, shaking her head, "Bart built that from spare parts, it was one of a kind. Never thought it would actually work or that he'd actually use it…"

"We should have assumed he would," The new voice came from a young man of about eighteen with dark hair, tanned skin and piercing blue eyes. He stood in the doorway for a second, regarding the past heroes coldly, before going to stand next to Iris' chair. He draped one of his thin, muscle arms around her narrow shoulders as if subtly asserting some sort of claim on her. "He is called 'Impulse' after all."

"Damian, you know he hasn't been like that for a long time now," She shook her head, frowning at no one in particular, "No, he was planning this for months."

There was a long pause where it became apparent that this "Damian" wasn't going to be introduced to the rest of the group. Dick took it upon himself to fix this oversight, offering the young man a handshake, "Hi, I'm Dick-"

"I know who you are, Grayson." Damian snapped, though his gaze was slightly less cold as he stared down the older man, "Everyone knows who you are… all of you."

"Question is," Iris frowned deeply, "What do we do with you?"

Yay Dami! I can never resist putting him and Iris in the same room together, I just love them so much! Please review!