Hey guys. I'm pretty much going to introduce the entire 'team' here in the first and second chapter, but if your hero isn't in here, it probably will be a some point as kind of a 'guest star.' I might bring some of them in like how Roy and Zatanna were there sometimes, and other times not. So don't quit just yet.

Also, I know this is weird; it starts as an uneven number with more girls than boys (weird in consideration of normal superhero teams) but go with it.


Failed again. Again and again he failed to save Eden. Drystan wasn't even sure why he kept trying.

"Lies! I keep trying because I can do it. I can save Eden." He thought to himself. He kept telling himself this lie over and over again, even though he had already tried one hundred and thirty-two different ways. Each ended the same. Eden was destroyed. It was all on him, all his fault. He couldn't bring them back.

He sat down on the small piece of land that still remained of his shattered planet. He recognized it from all the other times. It was the piece he teleported too every time his plans failed. He held his head in his hands as he cried at yet another failed attempt.

They had taken his home, his family, and his childhood. They had taken his everything. The Kroloteans had destroyed his home planet of Eden, leaving only him and seven other of the greatest spell casters alive.

The Kroloteans felt no guilt. They didn't care what they did and they guaranteed to do it to even more planets. Drystan didn't care about those planets, he didn't bother to save them from the tragedy that had happened to his own, even though he was quite capable to have saved some of the planets, he didn't care. All he wanted was his beautiful Eden, his best friend Knox, his amazing parents Jez and Mira, and his irreplaceable girlfriend Liv back.

He needed a new direction, a new idea. He pondered for two days, which was no more than a mere two seconds to Drystan. Suddenly, it struck him. The best magicians that lived on Eden always used a sacrifice in their spells. So what about a sacrifice this time? As he thought about it, he knew instantly where to find one. With its superstitious inhabitants they'd be easy to sacrifice. Earth, the best place to find sacrifices.


"There's only one way you're ever going to make your way to heaven," His voice repeated in her head. "You must be true, moral, and fair. Never giving into hate, greed, or discrimination: the path of the devil. Inspire hope to people that have none. Prove to me that you are good enough to join your brethren in heaven and you shall receive what you have always wanted." Kiara sighed. She knew she was an angel—half angel—but that didn't mean that this was going to easy. She was only thirteen after all. "What did you expect? For it to be easy?" Kiara scolded herself.

The young half-angel pushed herself off the curb of the dirty alleyway and relaxed her body. She cleared her mind, allowing her celestial wings to unfold themselves. She shot up into the sky, feeling free, at peace. She never felt so alive. Things were never quite perfect unless she was up in the air flying or using any of her gifts.

She flew for a half an hour, free to be who she really was. She rose above the cloud layer and pasted a clean white plane in the sky. Most of the passengers were asleep, probably an overnight flight, but there was one boy, no more than six, still awake and staring out the plane window. Kiara quietly tapped on the window, making the young boy look up at her. He gasped in awe as she backed up and showed him her blindingly white colored wings. In a flash, she sent him a smile and proceeded to go higher, making it look like she might be going to heaven. But as she left she saw the little boy tug on his mother's shirt, pointing out the window. Inspire hope.

As the plane disappeared into the dark night Kiara descended and landed on the rooftop of Happy Harbor Middle School, a place she desperately longed to go. After her mother found out she was a half-angel she left Kiara to rot in the streets, not something you usually do when you meet a real live half-angel. After hearing the wretched stories, Kiara had avoided social security and foster care homes for two years, which meant she couldn't go to school and risk getting caught and put with some random, cruel family who took the paychecks foster care sent.

After spending a few minutes pondering how she might be able to enroll in Happy Harbor Middle School well she passes time trying to get into heaven she relaxed, outstretched her wings, and patrolled the night skies for any robbers, crooks, or people in need of her help.

Suddenly she saw bright lights illuminate the normally dark night sky. On instinct she started flying over to the hubbub, determined to do good, just as He had told her to do.

**LILA-JEAN/"L.J" **

"Hullo," said L.J in a stunned voice. She stared at one hundred thirty to pounds of sexy. (Description of Roni) L.J observed his rippling pecs, his sweet, shy smile, and his obvious awkwardness of being there. She suspected he was a size ten shoe and size zero in ego. His ruffled black-blue hair shadowed his eyes, leaving him more mysterious and even more attractive.

"Hey," he said with a cool kind of debonair.

"Blu J," she said, offering her hand out. "Your—" hot is what she wanted to say, but with Batman staring down at them and all decided to just say "Inflect."

"Yeah," he said in a casual form of formal. She had no idea how he did it, but she was hooked on him instantly.

"Now that the introductions are over," cut in Batman, "we should get down to business." He eyed the two; quite positive his new protégé had a 'thing' for the new guy. She'd have to get over that. Work should never coincide with fun, especially in their line of work.

"Where are we prowling tonight?" Asked L.J.

"You two are going to 'prowl' the west side of Gotham," said the Batman darkly, making sure to put extra disdain on the word prowl.

"And you?" She questioned.

"East side." From the look on Roni's face it was obvious that he had assumed he would be working with the bat, not his apprentice.

**Fourty-Minutes Later**

"So…" said L.J, trying to ease the tension. They had been sitting on a roof, staking out Gotham, and had not spoken to each other in the last ten minutes. She'd ask where he was from, but on Batman's orders, she already knew.

"Are you like the younger version of Batgirl?" He asked abruptly.

L.J felt instantly offended. "I like to think I'm more than somebody's clone," she said hot-headedly.

"Sorry," said Roni sympathetically. "I didn't mean it like that." L.J felt her heart soften as he apologized. There was just…something about him.

L.J watched him, his intense focus on the west side of Gotham, his aloof vibe pulling her in like a magnet, his amazing muscles. Suddenly there was a zap of blinding lightning, like a bazillion strobe lights going off at once, Roni's hair turned blue in the beautifully destructive lights. "Let's go," he said instantly. Almost as fast as the Batman he disappeared towards the lights.

L.J and Roni arrived on the scene of a large nuclear factory exploding. They immediately got to work. L.J broke through the door and instantly saw two engineers, passed out and suffering from too much smoke filling their lungs. She took two by the waist and jumped out the window, grappled to the side of the building, and slowly placed them on the ground to safety.

"They have third-degree burns," said L.J.

"I've got them," said Roni. L.J stuck around just long enough to see him put his hand to their head. But disappeared soon after to rescue more people, but she could still hear Roni's pained screams as she left.

L.J kicked broke through a high-up window this time, and started searching for people, calling out to them. Eventually she found another person, a middle-aged man in a business suits, suffering from no burns. She had just reached the window to get the man out of the burning building but then heard another voice, "Help me! Please! Please!" L.J, trapped between the two people had no idea what to do.

"I've got it," she heard a voice say. She stared up at a beautiful girl with silver hair in curly ringlets. She wore black combat boots, a tank top the color of blood, skinny jeans that matched the night, and a mask made of black and red Rose petals. She had the most gorgeous white wings; she flew in the air so gracefully, she reminded Blu J of Hawk Girl, but only because of the wings.

"Who are you?" Asked Blu J in awe.

"Call me Shadow," she replied, taking the middle-aged man out of L.J's hands and flying him to safety.

"Thank you," called out L.J before running back inside. The fire was treacherous, wood fell randomly and her combat boots had almost been set ablaze when she tried to stomp out a fire.

"Help! Please! I have a baby with me!" She heard the voice again. Blu J followed the voice and stumbled into a room, almost completely floorless. An Indian woman wearing a orange and blue Sari, reminding Blu J of her own vibrant costume. She held a bundle of what L.J assumed to be a baby in her arms.

"I'm here to help," said L.J.

"Please! My baby!" With only one-fourth of the room still having a floor, and more deteriorating by the second L.J struggled to figure out what to do. The roof was also ablaze so there was no way L.J could grapple across the room. L.J stepped back as far as she could, and almost gone through the floor with her carelessness, and took a running start to leap across the floor. She made it over to the other end of the room where there was probably one-eighth of the original floor left. "Please help us!"

"Hold onto your baby, ma'am," said L.J to the woman. She saw the woman get an extra firm grip on her child as Blu J took the Indian lady by the waist. "Get ready, this could get ugly," she warned. Without any further warning Blu J kicked down whatever was left of he barely standing walls and jumped out. The rush was exhilarating but scary as L.J's hands fumbled into her tool belt as she reached for her quick soft landing spray. Instantly a cushy cloud of goop formed below them and as they landed on the ground the bounced on it as easily as a young toddler bounced in a bounce house.

"Thank you so much," said the lady. "You have saved me and my child!" Blu J, trying to remain somewhat discreet nodded and headed over to where Roni and Shadow were. From the looks of things Roni was still healing people and Shadow had rescued two more citizens inside.

"Thank you, Shadow," said Blu J, shaking the newcomer's hand. Shadow's grip was firm. Shadow said nothing but simply nodded her head as she flew away into the night sky.

"Good thing she was around," commented Roni. "I'm only good with aftershocks."

"Yeah," muttered an intrigued Blu J


The young girl closed her eyes and relaxed, un-tensing her shoulders. She could do this. It was only one night. She hadn't had a good night sleep since she was six. She was now fourteen. Tonight she was determined to sleep peacefully, to not wake up sweating, remembering her terrible memories of being capture by The League of Shadows or from the terrible things she saw on the news. Tonight was different. Tonight she'd do it. She'd finally stop having nightmares. She had just taken three sleeping pills, some herbal tea, had her dog Drit lying on the edge of her bed, and had the soothing sounds of the ocean playing in the background. It would work this time.

She rested her head on her soft, goose-feather pillow and felt safe and at home. With Drit's constant breathing and warm heat at her feet she felt protected. No bad dreams would plague her tonight.

"Please! Please! Stop! Let me go! I want my mommy!" I screamed. I clutched my worn-out teddy bear in my hands, Geoff. He was all I had left. They had taken me away from my mommy, my daddy, even my poor puppy Drit. They had put me through rigorous tests; they experimented on me like I was a lab animal.

"Shut the fuck up!" I turned to the cell across from me, the teenaged girl with the mea attitude and weird words. She'd been here even longer than me. She wasn't very nice.

"I'm hungry! I want my mommy! I want my puppy!"

"I want, I want, I want," said the teenager. She had green eyes and brown hair with pink highlights. She told me her name was Tara one day. "You know what I want? I wanna get out of this goddamn hellhole but it's not gonna happen so just be quiet!"

"Don't say hell. Mommy says it's a bad word," I say innocently.

"A word of advice, Becky," I frowned as she called me Becky. I don't like the name Becky. I only like Becca. But this was the first time she had said anything without some sort of bad word in it so I decided to stay quiet. "Throw 'mommy's' advice out the window!"

I felt the cold tears fall on my face. I had been here for two weeks. I was barely fed anything, they hit me, and everybody around here swore. Why can't we all just get along? Why is everybody so mean?
I heard some keys jangling off in the distance. I grasped my grubby hands on the rusted bars, hoping she might let me out and take me to mommy. The bodyguard was nice. She had said her name was Artemis. She had pretty blonde hair and piercing grey eyes that were unforgettable. She was nice to me. She slipped me extra bread and gave me an extra blanket every now and then. She promised she'd help me get out of here.

"Artemis! Artemis!" I called in hope.

"Not Artemis, kid." I recognized the voice all too well. I backed away from the bars, groping my teddy bear, hoping somehow Geoff would save me or that Artemis would come swooping in and saved me like she'd promised.

Her face was terrible. It had the most hideous scar over the whole right side of her face, her eye was swollen shut forever and she never smiled. She was the one that experimented on me. She was the one who slapped me whenever I did something wrong. "No! No! Get away! Stay back! Mommy! Artemis! Tara!"

Her one eye was demented and she stared at me like I was prey, a small gazelle in comparison to her: the powerful hungry lion. "No one can save you now." Her voice was low and broken. She grabbed me and I screamed.

Becca woke up from the terrible nightmare and found herself sweating just like she did every night. Drit was alert as he stared at her. He knew the drill but was still a bit startled at her abrupt movement.

"Oh Drit," she said, leaning forward to scratch him behind the ears. His leg started vibrating as soon as she started petting him, his sign to tell her he enjoyed it. As she pet him in the dark she could still hear her menacing voice in her head, the first time assassin introduced herself. "Iyyz Roaand." Becca shivered as she heard it echo around her.

She got out of bed and slipped on some navy blue jeans and a black hoodie. She put on her beat-up old Nike's and quietly made her way out the front door, Drit following close behind her. She started running around her neighborhood in the middle of the night. It was the only way that ever helped her clear her head. With the comforting sounds of Drit trotting right behind her, she closed her eyes (since she knew the landscape so well she could do this) and jogged until she ran into something, something that shouldn't have been there.

As she opened her eyes she saw a boy with messy brown hair wearing a black cloak, shirt, and jeans. He matched the night sky perfectly. "Sorry," said Becca, trying to move to the side. The boy stepped in her way. "Um…do you mind?" Asked Becca, motioning past the boy. Usually she'd stop to talk to him or at least be a little bit more pissed that he'd blocked her way again, but she really just wanted to clear her head after another terrible nightmare. The boy said nothing but refused to move. As she tried to move around him again, he put his hand on her wrist and teleported both her and him into a time-traveling void, leaving only Drit as witness.